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Hi, another update.

Love you ❤️


"She's opening her eyes." I heard Landon exclaimed with excited. "I knew my head  was touched."

There were noise of cars driving back and forth with speed and car horns. I heard the barking of dogs and the meowing of cats. I heard some people cursing, and police sirens.

No matter how loud the noise of the city was, I still heard the chirping of birds, flying high up in the air.

I heard the cries of a child for his mother but was hushed by some men and was carried away.

My eyes spranged opened.

"Wow, Karen. Look at what you've done." Sean and Landon gestured to everywhere, "you've created a city."

I looked around and saw what they were talking about but was I really the one who made all this?

"Did I really made all this?" I asked.

"Yes, you listened and then your head created, it's almost better than what the agency does." Sean answered.

But then I remembered what happened, how I was all alone, how I was bitten and then almost died in my head. How I almost watched the actual version of that day.

"What happened guys? I was all alone."

"I don't know, dear." Landon gave me a hand and pulled me up. I looked at Sean and saw he dropped down his own hand which I believe was to help me up. Oh, am sorry, I did not see it.

"Probably, the sound mode was only a person there so you were alone." Sean added.

"But where were you guys?" I still asked.

"Nowhere. Actually we have no memory of you being alone without us." Landon answered.

"What do you mean?" His answers always leave me more confused than answered.

"What he meant was that, everywhere started spinning, right?" Sean took over instead.

"Right. And then turned green." I answered and added.

"Yes, but after that, we found you laying down with a bite on your arm and everywhere was blur. We where nowhere in your head and everything was starting to fade away until you came back." He explained.

"So, I was dying?"

"Yes, Karen." Landon checked his watch. He was dressed like a business man, while Sean was dressed like a police officer. "You may have escaped it now but it's inevitable. We are running out of time. But that's not the bad thing."

"What is?"

"Sean, told me that the time in this sound mode aren't accurate so we can't know the amount of time lost." He grumbled. "I knew you were stubborn but yet, I still did it. Now we are in another mess because of me. Payton trusted me."  He kept on ranting but I did not understand a thing but I felt guilty. Am I really stressing people out like this? First, dad, then mom and now Rylee and Landon. Am I cursed to be a burden?

My knees felt like noodles to my head, it was getting tried of raising my body and it was sad.

I fell down and for the first time, I felt bitter again. I wasn't feeling light the way I was when I journeyed to dream agency but something tells me it's not just because of what Landon said but still for another purpose.

"Karen, am sorry." Landon apologized, "I should not blame you for anything. I too saw the way you were in school, you don't deserve this." He bent down to me and wept the tears that had fallen from my eyes. Landon has been the one caring for me since we got here, but Sean was the one who helped me in school. I thought he's the caring one but it's actually my nightmare taking care of me.

"Thank you Landon." He helped me up again then placed his hand on my shoulder, "I've watched you since you were a kid, you are a girl with mixed actions and attitudes. Nosy but responsible but you weren't her for some time now and I should have known she would be back when things take another turn. You had a terrible experience but please help us." He said. I have no clue what he means so don't ask me.

"Okay? But tell me what you mean by all of that, I did not understand a thing." I asked but he only smiled.

"Good girl." He said then turned to Sean, "now back to the important thing, this must be a sound mode, right?" He asked and Sean nodded.

"Yes, it is."

"Please tell us how to end it."

"Dreamees have no power over it, especially now that we have been cut off from dream agency." Sean explained.

"Then what do we do?" I asked.

"We have only two things to do, either we sit and wait for the sound mode to end which could take an hour, or we finish it ourselves." He continued.

"How do we finish it?" Landon asked.

"We have to know our roles in the mode. Just how Karen was, well, Karen Hicks and you," he pointed Landon, "Monsieur Landon in the first time, we have to know who we are and what are our roles then finish it." He concluded.

"So how do we do that?"

His phone buzzed inside his pocket, he brought it out and he slid it to the left then clicked something before we heard a man's voice from the other end.

"Sean, what are you standing there for? Bring them over!" He yelled, our head turned to the left and found a fat man in a police uniform signaling us.

"Well, we're about to find out." Sean said, answering Landon's unanswered question from seconds ago.

We walked over there and greeted the man but he was not interested.

"Mrs. Payton, we have knew information about your missing son. Please follow me. This way." He said then turned to leave. Okay, I think I understand the set up now, Sean's an officer while I have reported my son missing but what I don't understand is why do I have to be a mother again? Will I have unwanted pregnancy in real life? Or marry at a young age?

We followed him to his desk, but on our way, I found posters of missing kids but one cut my attention, that of a ten year old boy missing.

He had jet black hair, combed back with a charming smile which makes his Jade green eyes glow in a way. It's like my head is telling me that's my son but all the physical characteristics aren't just from me.

"Please, Mrs. Karen, sit. You too sir but please be calmer now because we are at the station." He gestured for both me and Landon and we obeyed calmly while Sean rested his hand on my chair while holding his waist and looking keenly at the man.

Landon kept a straight face, looking at the officer in front, he looked dashing with his jet black hair combed back, misty green eyes were filled with focus but at the same time, worry. His lips made a line and after some time, he adjusted his self and crossed his arms.

"Well? We did not come all the way here for nothing." Landon bursted out which jerked me up a bit. What's his problem?

And why am I worrying?!

"Sir, we traced the call, we found out that the call was coming from your house." He answered, looking at both me and Landon but particularly to Landon.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Landon growled, getting angry. I don't know what moved me to him but I patted his shoulder to calm him and the faced the officer in front.

"Officer, what do you mean?" I asked, calmer. Then my phone buzzed inside my pocket, I found out that I was wearing a woman business suit on a straight shirt like the women staff's in dream agency only that mine was mixed with black.

"What I meant was not implying that your husband was the kidnapper but that the person must be in your house." He explained. But then I stopped him from going further, I wasn't listening anyways.

"Let me take this." I said then brought out my phone, it was then I noticed my marriage ring. I quickly looked over at Sean but he wasn't wearing any, then my eyes thrilled to Landon and found his marriage ring. In the first sound mode, he was my fiance, now he's my husband.

"Hello." I finally said then waited for the caller at the other end to say something. I tried remembering who the caller was but I remember I did not check so I checked instead and found out it was an unknown number.

"Mrs. Karen Payton, stop trying to involve the police, you'll never get your son back that way. They'll won't find me, instead they'll keep going on in circles." The voice came and then she hanged up.

It sounded like a woman's voice. I turned back to them, they saw my confused face.

"Who was that?" Sean asked.

"Some woman, she said not to involve the police that they'll only go round in circles." I replied and they signed. Probably what she said explains why the call was traced to Landon's house but wait, why aren't we staying in the same house?

"Um... Officer... Hudson," his eyes thrilled to his badge, pinned on his left side of his uniform, up his chest. "I heard Mrs. Payton has a little amnesia. Could you please lighten her a little on the situation, please." Sean asked.

"What happened?" He asked, confused and worried.

"She hit her head." Landon replied.

"Did you do it?!" He barked at Landon.

"I did nothing." Landon said coolly.

"Officer Hudson, trust me, I'll never let him hurt me like that so calm down and please focus on the situation." I tried to calm the situation.

They seemed not so friendly with each other and their patience are at the edge of a cliff. Any wrong step and it will fall and they'll lose it.

"Okay, so.." I zoomed out of his explanation even though I wanted to listen, I can't seem to hear him. Instead my eyes wandered around his office.


"I think I'll stay back, you both stay out of trouble. I'll get more information." Sean announced when we were outside the station. 

"What would we do then?" I asked him, "can't you join us?"

"No. I think we've found our places some how for now but of you both need to know what you should do next. And it's definitely not to stay in station unlike me, because am a police." He said, stressing the last words.

"Okay, I understand." Landon replied. He turned to me, "Let's go Karen." He grabbed my hand and walked us further away.

"What was that?" I asked him, "why are you behaving like that?" That's not what I wanted to ask but I still want to know. He seemed distant.

"It's nothing. Um, I got a text." He started, he brought out his phone and showed me the text. "It said not to trust the police. I got it when we arrived at his office."

"Who could have sent you that?" I asked as I tried to check who sent the message but it was from a hidden number."  By the way, how did they send us text messages with no number?

"Landon?" I started but I had to check his mode. I don't know why but am starting to fear him. "How come dream agency sent us messages but had no number?"

"We sent it, Sean and I when we came. There was this app that hides number and we used it." He answered not looking at me.

"Landon, am sorry. I made this mess for you and I'll fit it. Let's just focus on our next move but what will it be?"

He sighed then crossed his arms.

"Tracing who sent me that text."


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