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We walked together to a place we believe one of us lives. We don't know where we're going but our legs does.

"By the way, Landon, do you know why we're living in separate houses when we're married?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Did you not hear the explanation of officer Hudson?" He asked.

"Not really, I zoomed out for no reason. Just tell me."

"Actually, since you did not hear, I did not either. Whatever happens to you happens to us. You don't hear a thing, we don't. You don't think about us, we don't exist. You die, we die unless we get out of your head before then."

"Okay." I was wrong about him. He's not caring at all. He's back to not knowing how to speak with a woman. I feel so angry with him and myself so even thinking he was better than Sean.

He's not handsome a bit. Anyone that resembles dad is gorgeous and he's no where near the looks and personality of him.

To think I was in a way harbouring feelings for him.

Anyways, what's the point in this my childish love pursuit. Non of them will be mine for obvious reasons.

We reached a beautiful huge mansion with two floors. At the gate, there was a  door bell which I rang and the CCTV camera by side moved towards us then a voice came.

"Who's there?" What do we say? Is it mine or his house?

"It's Mrs Karen and Landon, your bosses so open the gate." Landon answered. He seems arrogant all of a sudden.

There was a groaned before someone muttered, 'yes sir.'

The camera shifted back and seconds later, a little entrance in the gate opened and we entered.

My mouth gasped opened when I saw the inside of the mansion. Am I really dreaming this? In a way, this is really nice. It's nice compared to the nightly different versions of the same scene that day.

We entered but the house was still far away. We were standing in a cemented walk way, everywhere around was covered with green grass and beautiful flowers which reminds me, weren't we in the jungle?

"Landon! What are we doing here? It's like I woke up from almost dying twice. Weren't we in the jungle?" I asked shocked.

He looked at me with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?"

"The jungle, we were at the jungle. You both found me and then we tired to find what movie my mom was watching so we'll know how to end the sound mode quicker." I explained as realisation dawned on me.

"If that's the case then the logical explanation is that your mother changed the channel." He winked and crossed his arms. His mood has changed again. Is he having mood swings? Oh I did not even realized that I missed his winking at me.

"Maybe if I racked my brain then I'll cure my amnesia and remember what happened." I winked back. He flinched a bit and shook his head three times like waking himself before waving off my remark.

"Let's just go in."

I could no longer admire the beauty of the place as my mind was fixed on Landon. Why is he behaving that way all of a sudden? Is it because of the sound mode because I noticed that Sean acted weirdly like putting his hand on his waist but then again I don't know him that well to know what he does or doesn't. Actually, I know Landon more and he's definitely acting unusual.

A golf cart like cart came and pick us up from where we were standing. The man driving the cart greeted us but we did not answer.

Landon's mind seems to be far from where mine is.

We arrived in the mansion and it was totally breathtaking.

I can't compare this place to that of Santiago's because both are incomparable.

The living room is ten times bigger than my entire house in real life. The dinning room can house our entire family.

The whole place is royalty themed.

There's even a spot for the piano.

"Do you play?" I asked Landon to see if I'll get any positive response from him.

"I think so." He said and walked there.

He sat down, then his hands took control in a surprisingly manner. He played it like he's being playing since he was in diapers.

When he was done, I applauded him, "Wow, you have mad skills. I didn't know you can play." I walked over to him and stood beside him but not that close.

"Actually, I don't know how to play it." He answered.

"If this is your first time then I advise you to quit the agency." I joked but he kept a plain face. Thinking about that, I don't know what exactly they are.

"Um.., Landon?" I began.

"What?" His voice was chilly. I just don't know why am so scared of him all of the sudden.

"Forget it." What if he doesn't like the question and took it offensively and gets mad and decide to leave me to get out of my head all alone.

"Karen." I sighed.


"I think I finally get it." He began.

"Get what?"

"Ever since we began this sound mode, haven't they way you felt change? Haven't it happen to you?"

Actually, my feelings changed when I was journeying to the agency but I won't deny that other things has changed as well.
"Yeah, but elaborate more."

"When we were in Paris, my feelings for you changed suddenly, as well as now." He took my hand and caressed it softly. Butterflies flew about in my stomach in his touch.

My heart beat raised, is he going to confess his love? What will he do?
I haven't felt like this since kindergarten. No boy has confessed his love for me since and I can't help but get scared.

I don't know if it's me but suddenly, there was light shining from him and he glowed.

His fair skin was glowing white and he was like an angel.

His lips were more kissable now, if that's possible. I felt like kissing them but I have to control myself.

Why didn't I realize it? My feelings for him has changed and I like someone that's not like dad.

I've been so blind trying to get a boy with the same physical appearance with dad, even my first boyfriend had to qualify there, that I didn't realize that I fell for someone who didn't but he had his heart.

"Yes Landon, I felt the change too." I finally answered.

"You did? Then my theory is correct. We feel just the way the person we're acting as in the mode." He announced and bust my heart flying to him.

"Ah? What?" He always gets me confused.

"I mean, I've always considered you as a daughter but ever since we entered this sound mode thing, it changed to something romantic, you know. I was your fiance in Paris and now am your husband." He smiled at me sheepishly.

"Yeah, I understand. The same here. Before I considered you as a jerk where as here, we're getting a divorce." I said coldly. "I think we should leave that and focus on the more important thing. My son."

"Hahaha." He laughed. "Do you still have a connection with him too." He asked.

Actually I do. Ever since I saw his picture in the station.

And there's a huge one of both Landon and me with him in the room.

"Whatever, let's just focus." I waved it away. "So we need to track that number that warned you about the officers. We can't be too sure if he's good or not."

"Any ideas on how to bring out the number?"

"I think so but am not sure."

"Try." He said and brought his phone and gave it to me.

"But why me? Aren't you guys the dream agency agents? You guys have an almost unhackable system."

"Just do it, Karen. Don't make me say something l shouldn't." I felt his patience at a tin thread.

Am both scared and angry. If what Landon say is true about the sound mode then my character must be really scared of Landon while am furious with his behavior.

"Okay." I snatched the phone from him. Maybe there could be an app that unmasks hidden numbers just as there's one who masks them.

I went to Google play store and typed unmasking hidden numbers. And an app that says the same thing and does it appeared. I smiled to myself.

"Check it out." I showed it to Landon excitedly.

"Told you." He said and got the phone from me and downloaded the app.

It took some time, when it was done, we waited no time and found the number.

"So, should we give it to officer Hudson to track it?" I asked not too sure. What if the person was right about the police and they don't help us but put us further behind.

"We give it to the officers that the informer totally tells us not to, and think, Karen, what would we tell him, this number sent us a message saying we shouldn't trust the police. And you were supposed to be the smart one."

"Hey, am trying okay!
What do we do?" I asked. He says am supposed to be the smart one, what if my character isn't.

"I know what you're thinking Karen, the character has a role in this sound mode dream but I believe that it's still you and your head."

I sighed.

I have no idea if there's any app that unmask hidden numbers but I know that whatever I want in my head happens. If Landon told me to do it before then this situation will not be an exception.

I got out my phone and looked for an app that tracks numbers and it appeared. I smiled to myself.

I showed it to Landon.

"Good." He took my phone and typed in the number, the app showed scanning and after some time, the location appeared.

I crossed my hand. Am a genius. And I realized that when I stopped believing in myself I got less smarter. Or thought I wasn't anymore.


When we arrived, I was surprised to find out the address was a mansion like ours. We went to the gate and revealed our identities.

The gate was opened afterwards and we went in.

The mansion wasn't as far from the gate like ours and we got there without a cart.

The house was just as glorious.

An old elder woman came to greet us. She was in a wheelchair while a nurse took her here.

"You can go, they'll take care of me." She said to the nurse. She reminds me of my nurse back in my school.

She turned to us.

Landon and I went forward and greeted her.

"Thank you both for visiting me." She smiled with her wrinkled face. It looked as if her skin was too heavy for her face to carry.

"Glad to see you too." I replied. Not sure of what her name is so I did not use a sentence that will have to include her name.

"We're sorry to bother you but we need something from you. Are you the only one staying here?" Landon said formally.

"No, I stay with my daughter and granddaughter." She smiled. Her grandmother couldn't have sent us that message, it must be her daughter.

"Where is your daughter?" I asked, trying my best not to give away that we don't know there names but it was a bad job because she looked at us strangely.

"Chloe is always out." Her face fell, "Ever since you said you would stop your affair and be faithful to your wife, Landon." She announced. Wow wow wow. Am speechless.

But I have a feeling that she couldn't have been the one who warned us because as sure she must be angry with Landon.

"Ma'am, we need to know something, did you send Landon any message?"

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