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Hi there, lovely reader 💞


"I could not let her do that to you or your son. You are such a lovely woman." I bent down to her and she caressed my cheeks in a very lovely manner. Her daughter, Chloe, was the mastermind of the kidnapping to get revenge on Landon for leaving her and her daughter which she tricked him was his but actually wasn't. Soap opera and I have an idea who's responsible for this sound mode and the pervious.

"Please don't tell her I told you all this and keep my granddaughter out of all this." She pleaded.

"Yeah, sure."

"And one more thing, I know it's hard but bare with Mark a little longer. As a mother, you need lots of patience for your kid." Am guessing she's referring to my son in this sound mode but why is she saying that, is he acting up with me?

"But what if your dad dies and it's all your fault because you did not listen and the cause of all of it is your mother's boyfriend that refuses to marry her for years now and she still hooks up with him and now you feel all guilty because you did nothing to stop what happened and that's something because I caused it and now nobody must know so I have to pretend but it gets too much especially with my mother because she acts like she understands but actually she doesn't because how would she when she threw him out of her life for some stupid ass and she tries to get me to stop mourning but I can't because I have to cover up and pay for what I did and it eats my inside everything especially in the night as I have nightmares all the time and there's no one to help me." I said all at once.

She just stared at me widely without blinking because of my outburst which am now confused as to why I said all those things but it has been in my heart for a long time now and it wants to explode if I don't get it out which I can't, so when the opportunity came, it came out on its own when she raised a similar topic.

So my question is, who's right with their behavior? It's me because mom has no right to tell me those things because she has know idea about what am going through and she won't be able to understand.

I felt Landon's hand on my shoulder and my body felt lighter. I've finally let it out. Well, kind of and halfly.

"Well.... No matter what, it doesn't justify any acting up and sooner or later, you will realize that. A mother always feels her children's pains and cares for them even though she's with a douchebag. She loves you and you know that, right?" She asked and I turned mute. Why do I understand? I totally get it but I refuse to accept.

"Your son is angry at you and thinks you don't get him, but he doesn't get you too because he has no idea what's really happening and you must want him to understand you too. I think the both of you should sit and talk." She advised.

I guess I understand, I mean, it hurts when Mateo was angry with me and did not believe me and worst, hated me.

I mean, I don't have a kid in real life but I dreamt it and I felt it so I think I understand.

"I'll probably try your advice when I wake... When I get to see her." I've said too much for this old lady to handle. Am weird in a way, aren't I?

I smiled to myself.

"Okay, are you both done?" Landon cleared his throat.

"Yeah, yes. We're all done." I stood up to my full height. "So you have been cheating on me." I whispered to him and had the satisfaction of seeing him blush.

He cleared his throat again, "Um..., Ma'am, do you know where she's hiding our son?"

"No, I don't." She stook her head, "but I know someone who might."



Since it's dark already, we were sure Sean might be available so we went to the station for him hoping he was still there and he was so he tagged along.

Am sure he won't rat us out because he's an officer.

We went to the address Mrs. Joanne we finally got her name, gave us.

It is definitely not a place to raise your kid.

Along the way was scary was filled with creeps and smokers and drug dealers and rapists!

"Landon, I want to go back." I announced and turned back. I cannot be raped again. No I will not be able to live through it. Even though it's just my dream I can't and won't take it.

I ran away from them. Everywhere was dark and cold, I couldn't see much so I slowed my steps and walked carefully but then I heard noises, someone was whispering.

"Who's there?" But no one answered.

I continued walking slowly but observant before someone blurryly appeared from the dark. Did I say someone? Well that someone multiplied from one to two and then three.

Seeing it, I took to my heels but stopped abruptly when others appeared in front of me.

I was surrounded.

My right was a dead end while my left, three other morons were coming towards me.

"Don't worry sunshine, we don't want to hurt you. All we want is just a little fun, that's all." I heard one of them say at my left but am not sure which one.

"Leave me alone." I ordered but they all laughed.

"Sunshine, are you scared?" Someone from my back said. They were walking closer to me.

"Stay away from me!" I demanded again. "Leave me alone." Tears began to gather in my eyes. I ran away so I'll escape this but instead I ran right into it. Landon, Sean, help me.

"Come on sunshine, you are the only thing bright around here in this dark Lonely place."

"Please leave me alone." I said, my voice cracking at the end as a tear drop.

"But sunshine..." One of them got closer to me in the front and raised my chin but his words were cut off short.

"Get your hands off her. Now!" I heard Landon demand behind me. I turned and saw two figures like them but not clearly.

"Landon?" I whispered.

"Hey, didn't you hear him? Get your paws off her face you asshole." Sean added.

"What if I don't want to?" He removed his hand from my chin and turned my back to him and draw me closer so I'll be touching his body. He secured me with his grip on my arms. It was very tight that I might get a bruise in real life. Nope, just my head thinking it.

Then he pecked my cheek. Disgusting.

"Help me, Landon." I cried out and he heard. They both came closer but were blocked by the rest of the goons. They brought out their knives and pointed it at them but I believe they can beat them without any sweat.

I smiled to myself.

They surrounded them, swinging their weapons for them to see.

"You guys can turn back now. That's if you value your life." One of them said, it was dark but I know he must be smirking.

"Or maybe, you all should run now before you're all turned to my ass." Landon retorted and am sure he crossed his arms. "I'll take you all at once in the dark." He boasted.

"Let's see if you'll still be cocky now..." one of them said from behind and and attacked him with his knife but Landon evaded and he missed. Because of the speed and force he used to charge at Landon, he almost fell but he balanced his self but Sean kicked him down and marched his stomach. "Who wants to be this guy, and also end up in jail?" Sean asked and brought out his police badge. "We have back up and if we go missing for long, you'll all not only be beaten up but as well end up in jail."

"Shit, he's a cop." I heard whispers, "let's get out of here." They fled. The one holding me pushed me down before running away.

"Are you okay, Karen?" They rushed to me.

"Yeah, am okay." I smiled then hugged them both. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

I felt a pat on my back before they pulled me back.

"Karen, I know you're scared but you gotta do it for both your son and yourself." Landon encouraged.

My mind went to him. What if he's been taking to a place like this and bad things happens to him. I can't bear if something like that happened to him.

"Okay. Let's go."


We arrived at some old apartment at the heart of the street.

Landon knocked impatiently at the door.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Sean inquired.

"Just eager to get back my son from some jealous crazy woman and also get Karen back to real life safely. Why?" Landon barked impatiently again while I sighed.

"Don't mind him, his feelings and moods changes whenever we enter the sound mode. He said we could be feeling like the characters we're acting as."

"It could be true, I've been feeling off as well. And breaking news, after you guys left, I have no memory of what I've been doing." Sean said. Thinking about it, I don't know Sean that well but he suddenly sounds like gay. Karen, listen to yourself! Gay, working as a police officer?  Which gay you know does that?!

Your right head, he just have a soar throat all of the sudden.

Landon continued with his furious knocking. "What's taking him so long to answer the stupid door?" He growled.

"Who's that motherfucker that wants to knock down my door." Someone yelled from inside.

"Open this door!" Landon yelled.

"Hey, calm down."

The door opened.

"Fuck you." A black man opened the door and cursed. He pointed at me. "Fuck you." He pointed at Sean and then Landon, "And fuck you too." He closed the door back but Sean blocked the door from closing with his hand while Landon pushed the door back forcefully that it almost fell off.

"What the hell!" He started but Landon cut him off.

"Shut up and listen, am Mr Landon Payton." Landon began as we watched his eyes widened with surprise at the mention of his name. He looked so hot and handsome as he kept a straight focused face and all his muscles are all ready to punch him anytime.

"I love him." Sean said but covered his mouth back with his hand when I looked at him. 

Head, are you sure he isn't?

Yeah am sure, Karen.


Okay, maybe he might be one.

"We know all about what you and Chloe did with our son so you better spill the beans or you're done for."

"Never." He spat.

"Sir, you are under arrest for the charges of kidnapping. You know your rights so I don't need to tell. Just shut up and follow us." Sean went over to handcuff him but he resisted which triggered Landon to lose his patience and punched him which knocked him out unconscious.

I knew those muscles weren't joking.


We couldn't really take him to the cops so instead, we went back to Landon's mansion and interrogated him there.

"Where did Chloe keep my son!" Landon yelled and punched him again for the millionth time but he stayed silent.

"This won't work." I sighed and walked closer to him. He was tied to the chair he was sitting and badly bruised by Landon's continuous punches.

"Dude, what's your name?" I asked.

"Johnny." He smiled at me.

"Johnny, do you have kids?" I smiled back.




"Husband or sister, brother, mother or father, or maybe an aunt or uncle or grandmother or father?" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Nope. I got no relative. They all died years back." He was toying with me. I wanted to blackmail him with his family like in the movies but it seems he's hard core.

"Dude, I know you've got a family somewhere and am not going to look for them, no why would I? I was only asking to know if you've got any so you can know what am feeling as a mother but even that won't be enough because the thing between mother and child is stronger."

"So what do you want me to do now you've told me this?" He asked.

"Easy, help me." I chimed.

"Okay m' Lady, I'll give you the address." He said and winked at me. Ewww gross, he shouldn't do that often, he looked so ugly though I smiled any ways.

I walked over to where Sean and Landon had been waiting for me.

Landon was about to say something but I hushed him and gestured for them to follow me to the kitchen where he wouldn't hear us.

At the kitchen, maids were busy cooking but we shooed them all out for the meantime.

"Do you think we have time to waste? He's not going to give you the address just like that!" Landon shouted at me immediately and I flinched.

Sean stood in front of us.

"Landon, what's the matter with you?" Sean glared at him.

"Will you relax, I have a plan." I told him, "Am not stupid. I know all the answers in my aunt's science class."


"Oh come on, trust me."

"Well? What's the plan?"

"So, he's going to think we went to the address he gave us and we also free him and let him go but what he doesn't know is that we would be following him and he must get in contact with Chloe as soon as we free him so when he does, we'll follow Chloe and after her meeting with Johnny, am sure she must be heading straight to our son and boom, we'll rescue him from them and he'll come home to us safely and the mode will end." That's my genius plan. Awesome and smart right?

I saw Sean's mouth open to say something but Landon interrupted him.
"Okay, we'll do as you say." Landon said instead.

I nodded and walked back to Johnny but on my way I heard what Sean and Landon were saying.

"She shouldn't be thinking,"

"I know but we have no other choice right now. I forgot that Karen is a thinker."


Thanks for reading and I hopped you enjoyed this update.

With love 💖

Anita 💞💃

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