Chapter 4

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Steven is stressed out that he doesn't even know what to do. The way he furrowed his brows and expression shows tht he's stressed. The girls continue to grieve for their lost sister, their little sister is with them.

You stood up quickly and clenched your fist. You cannot stand this mystery anymore. Steven, Morty and the girls stared blankly at you.

"We can't just sit here and mourn anymore!" You started. "We are going to solve this ASAP!"

Morty made a gesture and asked.

"Ara, do you have any idea where the grunts would go?"

"Well..." you trailed off as you think deeply about something.

As you think deeper, you suddenly remember in your game that the hide-out of the grunts would be in Mahogany town.

"I'd suggest Mahogany town," You replied.

"How are you sure about that?" Steven asked in a serious tone.

"Well, lucky guess I think." You laughed nervously.

Morty went closer to you and replied.

"We're not sure if they're there. We can't just check in a-" Morty stated.

"I'll go on her idea." Steven interrupted. "I think she has an idea on her sleeves so I'll go for it."

You weren't really sure if they are there, but you hoped that they're really there.

"Ara, come with me." Steven turned his gaze on you. "I might need a little assistance for investigation."

"You and me!?" You giggled loudly that the whole people in the theater are staring at you in an awkward expression.

"I mean sure! I'm willing to help!" You said and laughed nervously.

Steven patted you on the shoulder and said.

"Great! Just stay by my side and don't go far from me. Clear?"

"Crystal." You replied.

The two of you headed to the car and went inside.

"Buckle up!" Steven said as he buckles up with his seat belt.

You buckled up and relaxed on the cozy seat.

Steven is driving faster than last time as he rushes through time.

You relaxed on your seat as you watch the view from outside.

After that travel, the both of you finally reached to Mahogany town.

Mahogany town is a very peaceful town you'd say. The structures, and the trees felt different for you. You felt like you are in an adventure of a lifetime. You felt like you're in a dream that became reality.

"I'm hungry though, wanna have some lunch in the Pokemon Center with me?" Steven asked.

"Sure! I'm quite hungry as well." You replied with a smile.

Steven smiled back as the two of you head inside the Pokemon Center.

The both of you had a delicious meal together.

You were full after that scrumptious meal, you let out a small burp and Steven noticed.

Steven chuckled and you blushed a little.

"Satisfying isn't it?" Steven asked.

"Very." You said as you rested your head on the table.

"Let's check it out right after I get my pokemons," Steven said as he stood up to go to nurse Joy.

The two of you searched for the hide and try to talk to some other people about the Team Rocket hide out in Mahogany town. But, all of them don't even know, especially inside homes and buildings. There are a few more places left to go, but no hope.

Steven and you grew exhausted from all that walk, the both of you rested on the ground for awhile, trying to charge some energy.

"Are you really sure that they're really here?" Steven asked while panting.

"Well..." you trailed off. "On my other world, ummm...nevermind."

"Well, what's on your world?" Steven asked, his gaze is on you.

"There's...." you were too shy to say it because Steven and you are from different worlds so it's not very simple for you to say what you want to say. "I can't."

"Ara, you can tell me. No matter how complicated it is, you can tell me. I understand that you're from a different world, but I know you know something about this situation," Steven said in a soft voice.

"It'll just sound stupid. No one understands me. I'm just....odd and complicated." you frowned.

Steven looked at you with concern eyes and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, you're not odd or complicated. If they think of you like that, then they're not for you. A true friend will always understand you and will help you in anything." Steven smiled and held your two hands.

"I think you're an amazing person as you are, despite your looks and your status. I can see that Ara, you're more than you. That's why I'm glad I met you as a very dear friend of mine." Steven said as he placed your two hands on your lap.

You smiled and embraced him eagerly.

"Thank you," You whispered to his ears.

Steven hugged you back and after a few moments, the two of you pulled out of the hug.

"Now tell me." Steven began. "Where do you think we should go?" Steven asked.

You took a deep breath and replied.

"I know that this place is the Home of the Ninja's thingy. We'll have to talk to Pryce about this, he might know where they are because this place is the perfect place to hide." You said in a serious tone.

"Come on now, we can't waste more time," Steven stated as the two of you quickly stood up and headed to the gym.

The gym is as cold as always, but today, it's way chillier. Pryce battled a trainer with his Pillowswine that you can't help but feel amazed.

You've never seen a battle in your own two eyes because you only watch or battle in gadgets like Nintendo DS, Phone, Laptop, etc.

"This is so amazing! I've never seen a pokemon battle in my very eyes!" You said.

"Does this look familiar to your world or something?" Steven asked.

"Well, kinda. But I've nevet seen a pokemon battle in my own two eyes before until now." You replied sheepishly.

Steven nodded and watched the battle as well.

The battle ended and the trainer won the battle with her Sceptile.

Her pokemons are native to Hoenn and that impressed Steven. You frowned because you want to have your own pokemon as well. The girl with her Sceptile is familiar to you that you can't remember the name.

"Congratulations! You've earned the Glaciar badge!" Pryce claimed as he gave the badge to her.

This girl wears a red bandana with long honey blonde hair on the the front. Light blue eyes and fair colored skin. She wears a red tank top with a black shirt under it, white shorts with black legging shorts under. On her feet, she wears yellow sneakers with black socks and on her waist, she has a yellow bag.

"Thank you very much sir," The girl replied politely.

Pryce turned his gaze to Steven as Steven passes by.

"Steven Stone! What brings you here in Johto with a very pretty lady?" Pryce began.

Steven shrugged and replied.

"I'm just taking a break for now as champion." Steven turned his gaze on the girl.

"May! It's been so long time now. How are you?" Steven asked.

"I'm very fine thank you. I'm working very hard to become the best pokemon trainer as I can. The day when I lost to you, somehow gave me the courage to try harder," May replied with a smile.

May went to you and gave you a hand.

"Hello, you must be new. I'm May and you are?"

"Ummm..." you were too shy because the feeling inside you is so overwhelming. Everyone you know in pokemon has finally became reality to you.

"Her name is Ara. Apologies if she's shy, she's just new in traveling new places and meeting new people," Steven said as he introduces May to you.

"Oh is that so? Then welcome to Mahogany town!" May said cheerfully.

"Thanks," You replied sheepishly.

"So Steven, what brings you here in Mahogany town?" Pryce asked.

"I won't answer that," Steven stated. "Ara is the one who wanted to talk to you."

Pryce turned to you and cleared his throat.

"What brings you here young lady?" Pryce asked.

"I wanted to-" you took a deep breath and continued. "Ask you something if Team Rocket have a hide-out somewhere here."

Pryce gestured and replied.

"I'm afraid I haven't."

"Not even the slightest clue like they have a secret hide-out somewhere?" You added.

"Nope." Pryce said with an apologetic look. "Why are you looking for the place?"

"Because Team Rocket kidnapped a kimono girl, based on our investigation. Of we don't save her then they might get their hands on the Rainbow feather," Steven stated.

Pryce hesitated, he was shocked.

May joined and said.

"I do know something strange here."

"What?" Steven asked curiously.

"Do you know the souvenir shop around here?" May asked you.

"Oh yeah! I know that there is a guy selling some stuff instead of a Pokemart here." You said. "Gosh! I barely play pokemon these days."

May perked a brow and asked.

"Play what now?" May asked curiously.

"Umm.." you were embarassed then Steven stepped in and said, "She said she hasn't been playing with her pokemons these days because she's always busy doing important things with her mother."

You nodded nervously and May narrowed her eyes.

"Oh! Quite a shame if you don't get to spend time with your pokemon. I'm sure that there will be some days when you can spend some quality time with your pokmon," May replied with a wide grin.

"May, can you lead us there?" Steven asked.

"Sure! Right after I go to the Pokemon center," May replied cheerfully.

"Take care all of you! Best wishes!" Pryce said as the three left.

The three of you headed to the souvenir shop.

The store inside is simple. Just some basic stuff with a big yellow object on the corner. You are very sure that the yellow object blocks the passage way of the hide-out, based on your gameplay on HeartGold.

"Greetings people, welcone to my shop! The guy in the counter started. "Here we have-"

"Do you know anything about Team Rocket?" Steven asked in a serious tone.

"Team Rocket?!" The guy shrieked. "No I never heard of them."

Steven and May glared at the man and sighed.

"Thanks for your time," May replied.

The two of them are about to leave, but you huffed and lounge at the man unexpectedly.

Steven and May widened their eyes as you gripped the man's collar and strangled him.

"You big fat liar! I am so freakin' tired about this stupid childish mystery!" You kept cursing at the man, the man is frightened by your act.

"I know there's a hide-out here! It's so obvious from the way you widened your eyes, shrieking and the way you replied to them."

"Oh my arceus! I swear there's no such hide-out here!" The man retorted.

"Ara! This is too much!" Steven shouted.

"Ara, you can stop! We-" May was interrupted by you.

"I'll show all of you that there is a hide-out here, starting with that big yellow thingy there!" You pointed as you go for it and push it aside.

No matter how many times you try to push it, it's no use.

The man breathe rapidly and screamed.
Steven gave the man a death glare.

"Are you sure you're really telling the-""

"Okay okay! I admit! There is a hide-out here. Since you really got me, I'll open the hide-out for you guys," The man said as he secretly pressed a button to open the hide-out entrance.

You breathe heavily after all that exerting force on that yellow object.

"What a crazy woman!" The man said, shaking in fear as you glared at him.

"You-" Steven placed his hand on your shoulder and said.

"I think you've done enough Ara, thank you very much." Steven smiled and you gave him a weary smile and fell on his arm.

"Woah! That was so crazy!" May said as she supports your posture on standing.

Steven turned his direction to the frightened man, standing there shaking.

"Thank you very much for your service," Steven said as he joined the girls inside the hide-out.

The man watched him and closed the door of the hide-out.

"Giovanni's gonna kill me!" The man muttered to himself.

Inside the hide-out, is just a straight hallway with no other doors. It surprises you that the hide-out is very different from the game you played. The hide-out is dark and silent that the foosteps are the only sound you can hear.

As the three of you go farther, a strict looking grunt was at sight.

"I knew something fishy is going on!" The grunt began. "We won't let you get away from this!"

You backed away and hid behind Steven's back. Come to think of it, you blushed a lot when you smelled his scent. Steven just stared at you, then he turned his gaze on the the grunt.

"Ara and I will get to Zuki while you on the other hand will go for the grunt. Clear?" Steven whispered.

May nodded firmly while you're nervous. This battle is no ordinary battle from the games, from now on, this is reality you're facing.

"One..." Steven whispered. "Two......Three!" Steven ran off as he grabbed your wrist. He avoided the grunt as he runs passed by him.

"Hey! Come back you coward!" The grunt growled.

"You'll have to face me if you wanna get 'em!" May said as she prepares a pokeball on hand.

"Okay little weakling, I'll show you the wrath of the adults! Go Arbok!" The grunt shouted.

"Combusken, I choose you!" May shouted as she tosses her pokeball high in the air.

Magnificently, Combusken went out of the pokeball in a fighting pose.

"Okay! Arbok use poison sludge bomb!" The grunt commanded.

"Combusken! Dodge it and use quick attack!" May commanded with confidence.

Combusken swiftly dodged sludge bomb with it's quick feet and used quick attack on Arbok. Arbok backed away a bit as it receives damage.

On the other hand, Steven and you are running very fast. You try to keep up with him as you grew tired. Steven hesitated when he saw two directions on the way.

"Where should we go?" You asked.

"I don't know, I've never been here before. Do you know anything here?" Steven asked as he fix his coat.

You sighed as you observe your surroundings. The hide-out is very different from what you've seen in the game. You looked at Steven with an apologetic look on your face.

"I'm afraid not." You replied in a low tone.

Steven just looked at you and said.

"Don't be, I'll call out my two pokmons."

Steven grabbed two pokeballs and tossed it in the air. The two pokemons came out as they strech themselves.

"Aron and Aggron, I need your help. Help us find a woman captured by Team Rocket in two different directions. Got that?" Steven said.

His two pokemons make their sound and separate themselves. Aggron went to the left way while Aron went to the right way.

After ten minutes, Aggron came back, but Aron hasn't.

"No Team Rocket?" Steven asked in a serious tone.

Aggron shaked it's head in a frown.

"Thank you Aggron, return." Steven said as he returns Aggron back to it's pokeball.

"But where's Aron?" You asked in a worried.

"I don't know. Maybe Aron is still...wait what?" Steven started to get a bit worried about the situation.

"Maybe Team Rocket had Aron! We gotta-"

Steven grabbed your wrist hard and ran to the right way.

As the two of you run, you try to keep up with Steven, but you kept stumbling while catching up his footsteps.

After some few minutes, the two of you saw a room. The two of you slowly walked towards it and hide somewhere.

The two of you peeked inside the room. Inside the room, there's only the boss and a grunt working with him. Zuki's tied on the chair. She looked like a total mess, she was bruised and hurt. The last thing you to saw is Aron caged in a chamber where they get it's energy source.

You gasped and Steven narrowed his eyes as he clenches his fists.

"Ara, I want you to stay there and don't move," Steven instructed as he looks at you.

"But-" Steven stopped you and you stayed silent.

"I'm going get Aron back and Zuki while I battle the boss." Steven said as he goes off.

"Steven!" You squealed softly.

Steven headed inside the room and stand firmly towards Giovanni.

Giovanni is one serious man you'll ever meet. Wearing a black suit, his short hair is cut in a clean manner. His skin is apricot, his height is just about Steven's height. His age is probably in his forty's.

"Ah! The Hoenn champion, not surprised to see you." Giovanni said mockingly.

Steven glared at him and replied.

"Let go of the girl and Aron!"

Giovanni grew a smirked and said.

"Don't be too hasty young man, you're too late to save her anyways. I finally got my hands on the Rainbow feather so you can't stop me. I'll just need some energy from your prescious Aron, to activate the machine to control Ho-oh," Giovanni explained.

Steven furrowed his brows as he gets a pokeball from his pocket.

"I'll never let you, Metagross, let's go!" Steven called out Metagross as Metagross come out of it's pokeball.

Steven's Metagross is a shiny one, Steven grabbed his Mega Stickpin as he mega evolves Metagross.

"Metagross! Mega evolve!" Dazzling yellow light comes out from Steven's mega stick pin as his Metagross evolves into a different form.

That orange bright light, changing Metagross' form was an amazing sight.

You peeked inside the room and saw Steven's Metagross mega evolve. You were amaze on the way it changes its form and at the same time, it makes you frown. You suddenly felt like a burden for Steven as he did everything he could to save his Aron and Zuki. You promised him that you'll stay put and be safe.

"Go Steven," You whispered.

"This is going to be something, Persian, let's go!" Giovanni called out his cat-like pokemon as it purrs in the battle.

"Alright Metagross, flash cannon!" Steven demanded.

"Counter attack with power gem!" Giovanni commanded.

Two attacks countered as bright forces collide. Flash cannon and power gem are both strong moves that it's too bright, too powerful that it's difficult for Metagross and Persian to keep up. As the two powerful moves countered, eventually, Metagross' flash cannon surpassed power gem in full force.

Once Persian recieves the damage, Persian was bounced back and smashes through the wall. Giovanni widened his eyes, but he was neither surprised nor shocked.

"You got some real taste as a champion, don't you?" Giovanni said as he smirks.

"Just because I'm a champion, doesn't mean that I have some taste of it. Victory seems to be sweet, but for me, it's not always what I seemed to be," Steven replied in a serious tone.

Giovanni just stared at him for a brief moment and said.

"I always knew you were a generous man."

Steven just glared at him. You on the other hand just peeked through the door as you wondered what's going on.

"What's happening? I need to see this." You thought worriedly.

"Now Persian! Use power gem!" Giovanni commanded. Persian jumped high as it uses power gem once more.

"Alright Metagross, meteor mash!" Steven commanded. The sound of his voice made you blush a lot as you secretly watch the battle.

Metagross uses meteor mash and deflected power gem without hesitating. Metagross smashes Persian on the wall in full force that Persian fell on the ground and fainted.

Giovanni was disbelieved, but he has to accept this defeat since Steven is the champion after all. The grunt carried Persian to the corner so it can rest. Then the grunt went towards Steven as he glares.

"You are strong indeed, but I am the strongest grunt here so beat it! Aron is draining energy as you wasted your precious time on battling. You cannot open the cage either because I'm the only one who knows the password of it."

Steven clenched his fists and replied.

"So I'll have to battle you, then you'll let go of my Aron?" Steven asked in a polite tone.

"Yes," Giovanni replied. "Defeat my grunt then we'll let go of them."

"Metagross, can you still battle?" Steven asked his Metagross as Metagross just made it's battle cry. "Good, we're gonna need it."

You secretly watched the battle as you look at Steven. His serious looking face, his voice and his bond between his Metagross somehow makes you giggle.

"Wait! What am I doing? I have to do something, but Steven said I should stay here." You thought. "Poor Aron, maybe I should sneak in and free Aron if only I know the password."

Then you sensed someone near you that you reacted. A teenage boy covered your mouth as he stares at you.

He has dark red hair in shoulder length with red eyes and in a black long sleeved shirt. Fair skin and he's slender for his height. He's taller than you, you're only until his nose. He looks intimidating, but you really know him in HeartGold.

"What are you doing here?" The boy asked coldly.

"The kimono girl, Steven and Aron." You replied honestly.

"Wait, Steven the champion?" The boy asked as he raised his brows.

You simply nodded as you stare at his red orb eyes.

"Apologies." He said as he backed away a bit. "I'm Silver, I'm also-"

"Giovanni's son, I know," You interrupted that he widened his eyes.

"How do you know me? Nevermind about that, what's your name miss?" Silver asked. He seems way more polite than the game, maybe he changed or something.

"I'm Ara, nice to meet you," You said as you gave a hand to him. He sheepishly accepts your hand as the both of you shake hands.

"What exactly are you doing here?" Silver asked in a polite tone.

You cleared your throat and replied.

"Steven told me to stay put and not do anything. He was battling you father and your father is planning something very bad."

Silver widened his eyes and asked, "How bad is it?"

"He finally got his hands on the Rainbow feather from the kimono girl right there." You pointed to the kimoni girl who's completely bruised.

"This is bad, I'll have to break in first. Once I make a distraction, you sneak in and get Aron only. We'll take care of her later, got that?" Silver instructed.

"Wait," You interrupted. "Why are you against your father?"

Silver went closer to you and said, "Because, I don't want to let Team Rocket succeed this one. We have to stop them."

You took a deep breath and asked.

"Have you seen a girl here who's battling a grunt?"

"Yes I have. The battle is intense so I passed through them to get here. That flamboyant man in the souvenir shop is really annoying that I used force on him, he did mention about a crazy young woman who's strangling him," Silver replied in a serious tone.

You rubbed the back of you neck sheepishly that Silver smirked.

"You were the one weren't you?"

You laughed nervously and nodded.

Silver chuckled and replied.

"Anyways, do as I say. Alright?"

You nodded firmly as you hide behind the door.

Silver bursted through the door as Steven and the grunt were in the middle of the battle.

"Hey father! Stop this right now!" Silver growled.

Giovanni went to his son as Steven and the grunt stopped the battle.

You sneaked in secretly, trying to stay invisible in the eye. You sneakily went to Aron, Aron is draining energy that it couldn't move.

You tried putting slowpoketail as the password, but it doesn't want to open. You tried so many times, but failed. Then your last try is TeamRocketRules then the cage is finally open that you grabbed Aron. Because you take so much time on the password, everyone is staring at you.

"Seize her!" Giovanni commanded.

Two grunts try to get you as you keep the weak Aron in your arms. One grunt apprehended you, but your grip on Aron is as tight as ever. The other grunt tries to get the weak Aron from your arms, but he couldn't get Aron out of your strong grip.

"If you don't give us Aron, then we have to use force on a pretty lady like yourself." The first grunt smirked.

"This is what you get for messing with us," The second grunt said.

"Houndoom! Fire blast!" The first grunt commamded.

"Raticate! Use crunch on the girl!" The second grunt commanded.

Steven and Silver hurried with their pokemon.

"Feraligatr! Use slash on Houndoom!" Silver commanded.

"Metagross use psychic on Raticate and smash it on the ground with full force!" Steven commanded.

Feraligatr swiftly used slash on houndoom as Houndoom recoiled from the attack. Metagross lifted up Raticate and smashes it on the ground with full force.

Raticate was unable to move as it was smacked down on the ground and Houndoom panted.

"Are you alright?" Steven asked as he went towards you.

"Yeah! Should I-"

"Stay behind me now, make sure Aron's okay," Steven instructed.

Another grunt went here with his Arbok, May followed the grunt and went towards Steven and Silver.

"This is a fair match, let's take 'em all down!" May said as she gets another pokeball from her bag.

Silver didn't talk instead, he glared at the grunts and his father.

"We'll have to wipe all of them down." Steven stated as his gaze are locked on the battle.

You just looked at them with concern as you hold onto Aron and whispered.

"Good luck."

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