Chapter 5

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"Arbok return!" Before the battle started, the other grunt with his Arbok switched pokemons.

"Muk, let's get 'em!" Muk came out of it's pokeball with its battle cry.

"Marshtomp, I choose you!" May called as she tosses her pokeball high in the air.

Marshtomp let out it's battle cry and pumps itself with energy. Aron rested peacefully in your arms as you tightly held the pokemon in your very eyes.

"Raticate, use hyper fang on Feraligatr!" The grunt with his Raticate commanded.

Raticate swiftly uses hyper fang on Feraligatr, Feraligatr recoiled on that damage as keeps itself on guard.

"Muk, use gunk shot!" The grunt with his Muk commanded.

Muk lets out a big gunk shot and catapults it high in the air towards you unexpectedly.

You were about to get hit by gunk shot when Metagross steps to deal with the attack. Of course, Metagross is a steel and psychic type so poison type moves have no effect on steel type pokemons.

"Thank you Metagross," You said in a soft voice. Metagross bowed a bit as it focus on the battle.

The battle was intense between three people on opposing sides. May, Steven and Silver on the left side of the battle while three grunts are on the other side.

What you didn't expect to happen is that Muk used sludge bomb. It was about to hit Feraligatr when Feraligatr dodged the attack, unexpectedly, it was about to hit you. Steven pushed you away and he's the one who got hit. Because of the wide spacing in the battle and unexpected attacks, this happens.

Steven got poisoned by the attack as he laid unconscious on the ground. You were terrified so you ran towards him.

"Steven!" You screamed as you held on Steven tightly with his Aron. You felt the tears on your eyes as you held close to him. His charming face somehow turned into a dreadful one as choke some blood from him.

You never knew that pokemon characters can die easily like normal humans do in the normal world. You thought that cartoon characters don't die, but the more you thought about it, the more your terrified. You sobbed so hard, you felt so useless and the cause of Steven's attack. You felt like a big burden to him that you can't even forgive yourself.

"Ara, run now! Take Steven to Pryce, he knows what to do with the poison," May instructed.

You nodded and carried Steven with his Aron in your arms as you head off safely from the fight. Steven's Metagross followed you as you hurry to get away.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A month later, Silver and May finally stopped Team Rocket as they got the Rainbow feather from Giovanni and safely returned Zuki back to Ecruteak city. The police officers arrested Team Rocket and the boss for their wrong doing and the cause of Steven's condition. The man in the souvenir shop is still the same, Silver promised himself that he'll get a lot stronger.

After one month, you got skinnier. You couldn't even eat much because you can't forgive yourself from that attack. Steven sacrificed himself just for you, he did everything just to keep you safe. You wanted to know if he's alright with Pryce, and the thought of it kept eating you alive.

As you gaze outside the window, someone knocled on your door.

"Ara, may I come in?" Asa asked in a polite and worried tone.

"Go on." You replied.

Asa came inside and saw your face with concern.

"Ara, you don't need to do this." Asa began.

"Do what!" You shouted as your voice cracked from the tears bursting from your eyes.

"Ara, Steven will be alright. It's just poison and I'm sure Steven will be healed. You know that Pryce can heal people." Asa explained.

That fact about Pryce is interesting. From all of the facts about Pryce in the Internet, or the pokemon show somehow surprises you. But still, you missed Steven badly. The last thing you saw about Steven is his dreadful face on the ground.

"Ara, why don't you visit Steven in Pryce's place? He might be fully healed by the time you see him again." Asa suggested.

You looked up at her and nodded. Madame Blaze entered your room with a concern face.

"Are you alright Ara? You haven't been talking to me for a month after Steven's attack," Madame Blaze asked in a low tone.

"I'm sorry," You replied in a soft voice. "I'm just worried about him lately. Maybe a visit with Steven won't be so bad."

"Also," Madame Blaze continued. "Try to eat at least, you're way skinnier than last time. Don't worry too much about him alright?" Madame Blaze closed the door behind her and left.

"Ara, you should take a bath. I'll take care of the clothes and everything, go on," Asa stated as she goes to your closet to pick your outfit.

You went inside the bathroom and closed the door behind you. You removed your clothes and went to the shower area. You turned on the shower as you relax yourself in the warm water.

While you were relaxing yourself in the shower, you were thinking about Steven and everything that happened to you for the past month. Before, you adored Steven, because of his looks and his personality. The way he sounds and all, you adored him.

But, when you met him in your very eyes, you thought you were gonna suffer in this Pokemon world. That one night, Steven stood up for you and he's willing to help you with your problem. The more you thought about him, the more you miss him dearly. You suddenly had this feeling inside you that you can't explain. You tried shaking your head to get your mind off everything in the past month, you sighed and turned off the shower.

You grabbed a bathrobe and went out of the bathroom.

After dressing up, you looked into the mirror in awe. You were wearing a yellow dress with no sleeves, it was designed in green floral matter. Yellow high scandals that suits your outfit, your hair's a bit curled in a clean manner.

You added a little powder on your face with nude lipstick as a finishing touch. You wore a pair of gold earings that suits everything you wear. You ate some breakfast quickly and headed off outside.

A driver was waiting for you outside the mansion, you stepped inside the car and the driver shut the door and went to his seat in the car.

After an hour, you finally arrived Mahogany town. You went to Pryce's place and knocked on his door. Pryce opened the door with a delighted smile on his face.

"Good morning Ara, are you here to Steven?" Pryce asked.

"Is he awake?" You asked in concern.

"I'm afraid not, would you like to see him?" Pryce asked.

"Yes please." You simply replied as you went inside.

You went to the room where Steven is resting. You saw Steven recovering, he looks dreadful than ever. He looked way skinnier than last time. Aron and Metagross are beside him, watching him over.

Steven was laying on a soft mat with a blanket until his hips, and a pillow to support his head. He wasn't wearing any clothes that you can see the big bruise on his bare chest from the attack. He's covered with medicine, he also had a wet cloth on his forehead. His body is not toned though, but he's slender.

You sat down beside him and held his hand. His cold hand that somehow felt something that you've never felt before. It's a feeling that's very complicated to explain and at the same time, it's a very hard feeling to embrace.

You felt tears stinging your eyes as you placed his hand on your forehead.

"I hope you get better Steven," you whispered.

Later night came, you decided not to go home tonight because you wanted to stay for Steven. You looked at Steven's resting face then you lay down beside him. You closed your eyes as you fell asleep on the floor. The wooden floor is cold, but you don't even mind at all.

After a few moments, Steven opened his eyes and observed his surroundings. He saw his pokemons and smiled at them. Then his gaze turned on to the young woman who's sleeping peacefully beside him. He placed the cloth aside from his forehead.

He turned his position on you and smiled at you. He stared at you as you sleep peacefully. Without any words he puts his hand onto your soft face as he falls asleep with a smile on his face.

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