Chapter 6

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The next day, you slowly opened your eyes as you wake up. The first thing you see is Steven's face close to yours by an inch. Steven's hand is on your face as you felt his rings. The rings aren't even cool in touch, the rings on his pointer and index finger are somehow warm.

After a moment of being close to Steven, Steven slowly open his eyes as he stares at you the first thing in the morning. The two of you frozed in that kind of position.

That moment felt so new. From your miserable life, you've never felt this way. That breathless moment felt like forever. His icy blue eyes against your sapphire eyes, his face closer to yours, his gaze and smile somehow makes you happy. It felt like four seasons in one moment together, it felt like the stars aligning in one direction. It felt like the world stopped turning and time somehow freezed.

You couldn't help but blush. Steven noticed your blush and laid flat on the mat. He puts his two hands on his stomach and turned to your direction. He cleared his throat and began.

"Good morning."

You sat up and stretched your arms.

"Good morning, how are you?" You asked.

"I'm fine I guess," he shrugged. "Though the medicine is super effective that I felt a lot better." He sat up and stared at you.

"I'm glad you're okay," You said in a small smile.

"How come you're here?" Steven asked. You shrugged and replied.

"Well, I wanted to look after you because I'm very worried about you."

Steven gave you a small smile and said.

"Don't be."

"How can't I? You've been immensely ill because of me." You raised your voice a bit.

Until now, Steven looks pale. His lips are white and his skin tone is pale. Steven placed his hand onto yours with an assuring smile.

"The most important thing for me is to protect my friends and the people I dearly care."

You sighed and smiled. Pryce came in to the room with some food on the tray. He was surprised that Steven's awake from his slumber so ge let out a smile.

"You're finally awake, how are you feeling now?" Pryce asked.

"I'm feeling a lot better, though I hardly can walk on my own. I still feel stiff on the inside." Steven replied sheepishly.

"Why don't I help you around?" You suggested as you stood up.

"That would be nice, thank you Ara." Steven replied as he looked up at you.

You smiled and went out of the room.

* * * * * * * *

The two of you walked around Mahogany town. Steven is only wearing a white shirt with pants, you helped him walk around carefully. After some few minutes of walking, the two of you sat down on the bench and rested under the tree.

"Ara?" Steven spoke in a whisper, you hummed in reply.

"I was planning to go back in Hoenn in two days," Steven said as he looks at your sapphire eyes.

You widened your eyes and replied.

"Guess we'll have to part ways." You sighed as you frowned. You wanted to spend some more time with Steven and it's like it's time to say goodbye.

"Actually..." Steven cleared his throat as he turns to you. "You're coming with me, and you can't say no to my offer." he smirked.

You giggled as you felt your heart pounding hard. You felt happiness and excitement at the same time, you and Steven are going to Hoenn together.

"Why would I say no? I'd love to travel, sign me up!" You chimed. Steven chuckled at your cheery smile and expression.

"Great! I'll see you at six a.m. in the airport. The flight is at seven, and I want you to be fully prepared. Sounds cool?" Steven said in a grin.

"Awesome!" You said as you grin.


Two days later, you got out of the shower at 5: 45. You were late, you promised Steven that you'd meet him at six. You woke up at five am and you weren't done packing. At five thirty, you finished packing with Asa and headed to the bathroom right away.

"Oh my gosh! What am I suppose to wear? Should I wear something sime or something majestic?!" You were panicking and you don't know what to wear.

"Ara, I think you're overreacting here. I know just how to answer your question, follow me." Asa instructed.

You nodded and followed Asa as she picks her outfit. She found an outfit for you to wear and placed it in your bed. You were surprised at your outfit as you look at it with some accessories.

"Let's get dressing!" Asa claimed.

~One hour later~

It was six fifty and Steven was standing in the waiting area, he was tapping his right foot impatiently. He was wearing his usual suit in a pleasant matter. He crossed his arms as he holds his black luggage. He checked the time on his phone, he became way more impatient and worried as he waits.

"Where is she?" Steven thought. After a few moments of waiting, someone called his name in a familiar voice.

"Well Ara, I've been-" he hesitated as he looks at your outfit and looks.

You're wearing a black strapless crop top that hangs perfectly onto your breasts, it only covers until the upper abdomen and you wear a jean jacket for addition on top. On the bottom, you're wearing denim shorts that hungs onto the middle abdomen and it only reaches the upper thighs. On the feet, you wear black boots below the knees, the heels are low in a way.

Your long dark blue hair is wavy, you also wore big golden ring earings. For the finishing touch on your looks, you had a bit of lipstick with a bit of blush on your cheeks.

The looks and everything are so perfect that Steven couldn't get his eyes off you. You nervously smiled as you came to him. In your perfect looks, you were too shy to walk forward and Steven just chuckled at your shy demeanor.

"Is it too much?" You asked nervously as you look away.

Steven just smiled at you and came closer.

"I actually don't really know what I'm doing in this kind of outfit. I've never-" you paused as he went closer and adjusted your jean jacket in the proper way.

He stepped back and looked at you with a smile.

"It looks amazing on you Ara," Steven simply replied that made you blush and shrug.

"Steven I'm sorry if I'm-" Steven hesitated you with his hand and said.

"It's fine Ara, at least you're on time before departure."

You sighed in relief and smiled.

Then the clock turned to seven, it was finally time to go on board, the two of you headed towards outside, heading straight to the airplane.

The two of you went to your seats on the plane. The two of you are on the left side of the plane and you're seat is beside the window.

You looked at the view outside the airport as you relax yourself in your seat. This was your most favorite seat when you were back in the modern world. Whenever there's a family vacation, this has always been your seat. You'd love to watch the view outside and watch t.v. in the airplane. When you're not watching anything on the airport, you'd read pokemon fanfictions on Wattpad, fanfiction stories on the internet, or on books.

Steven on the other hand just relaxed himself on his seat. You turned around to him and gave him a curious look.

"What do you usually do when you're in an airplane?' You asked.

"Sleep." Steven replied as he closes his eyes. You pouted at him and he just chuckled.

"I don't know actually," Steven continued as he chuckles. "Never been the type of person who stays in one place."

You crossed your arms and smirked at him.

"Of course, you're a rock maniac."

Steven gave you a puzzled look.

"Rock what now?" Steven asked curiously.

"Rock maniac." You stated. "On my world, based on pokemon, you love collecting rare rocks."

Steven narrowed his eyes on you and smirked.

"Oh really? Am I somehow famous in the modern world you're saying?" Steven asked with interest.

"Yeah! You're a really strong trainer with a good heart. Also..." you laughed and that made Steven curious.


You smiled and said.

"Many girls are a huge fan of you, but...." you sighed and continued. "Many other fandoms are way popular than pokemon in my world."

Steven gestured and replied.

"That's very interesting. I'd love to hear more of that kind of certain topic."

"There are four kinds of things you can do in pokemon: Anime, Games, Manga and Fanfictions. There are so many things about you: you're a champion in Hoenn, a rock maniac, a mega evolution seeker or whatsoever and like the hottest guy in pokemon." You adjusted yourself so you can find more comfort on your seat. Steven nodded as he listens. "What about here then? What is your life in the pokemon world?"

Steven chuckled and replied.

"In Hoenn, I'm still a rock maniac though. I'm a champion of Hoenn, I use mega evolution with my Metagross, and many girls in other regions adores me. I love pokemon and the people around me."

You nodded as you listen.

"Interesting, the most thing I want in my life is my family, traveling, and you." You whispered at the last part.

"Wait what did you say at the last part?" Steven asked curiously.

You blushed and said.

"Nothing! Let's just talk some more so we can get to know each other."

Suddenly, light blush appeared on Steven's cheeks. You noticed his slight blush, Steven cleared his throat and said.

"Sure, why not?" He grinned.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Two hours later, the plane is close to it's destination. You and Steven kept talking to each other, especially while eating in the plane.

The two of you talked a lot. Steven talked about his life in the pokemon world while you talked about your life in the modern world. You even told him about your real name and last name, the two of you shared a lot of interests in certain things.

"Y/N L/N seems to be a nice name." Steven said as he finishes his sandwich.

"'re fun. We talked for like the whole plane ride, don't you think?"

"I kinda enjoyed myself." Steven said as he stretched his arms. "From now on, I'll call you y/n."

"Hey! Not on public." You added. "I want to keep my real name a secret."

"Fine, your secret's safe in a bottle." Steven winked as he pats his chest.

"Unless you break the bottle, the secret is out." You added you swinged your arms like you're using a bat playfully.

The two of you laughed so hard, then the plane landed. You glanced at the window as you see the view outside. Hoenn us such a beautiful place and region. It's nature, the sea, you can see it from here.

"I never know that Hoenn is way better than what I've seen." You said.

"Maybe we could check some places here in Hoenn. What do you say?" Steven said, his tone sounded like he's flirting.

"Wait, when does he flirt?" You wondered as you face to Steven. You shook your head to get that mind off. "Probably my own imagination."

The two of you went down and headed inside to get your luggage. After getting your luggage, the two of you are traveling to Mossdeep city.

The view outside Hoenn is amazing. You can see a lot of pokemon out here, especially the trees and the morning sky.

"It's so beautiful." You blurted.

"We're close to Mossdeep city, you're going to stay in my place while you're here." Steven stated.

"Where am I going to sleep?" You asked curiously. Surely, it would be too weird if you sleep beside him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that." Steven just grinned at you charmingly. You blushed a little and looked at the view outside.

At last, the two of you are in Mossdeep city. The two of you headed to Steven's house, his house looks way cozier and nice than from what you've seen.

The two of went inside, his place was well-organized with his rock collections around. You can see a tidy warm living room with a kitchen on the other side. Steven's house is small, but, it's very clean.

Steven toured you around his house. The bathroom is just near in the kitchen area, his bedroom is just close to the living room. After the tour around, you sat down on the couch, stretching your arms and legs.

"Should I sleep in the couch?" You asked.

"Let me show you something; please stand up first." Steven instructed.

You stood up and went to the side as Steven placed the coffee table be the corner of the living room. He adjusted the couch and you were surprised that it's a sofa bed. Steven went to his room to get some things, he came back and placed two pillows on the sofa bed and a blanket.

"There, in case for some guess in my house, I have a sofa bed just in case." Steven said as he looks at you.

"Thanks Steven. I could've just fix the bed myself, I'm used to-"

"It's not right for a man to just stand there and do nothing for a lady," Steven interrupted, you slightly blushed and shook your head.

"Thanks for everything," You said gratefully.

"No problem, y/n. Let me give you something as a bonus since you accepted my offer to go to Hoenn," Steven said as he gets something in his room.

"What is it?" You asked curiously.

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