Their Reaction To Your Boyf Picking You Up For Homecoming

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He's nice, but keeps trying to make sure Ernest doesn't touch you.


He was a little nervous that you even had a boyfriend, but your brother made sure to go too to keep an eye on you guys.


At first he says that you can do so much better, but he let the two of you go anyway.... He's going to be there to chaperone anyway...


"Now Y/n don't forget to take your bat just incase he tries something."

"Yes dad."



"Now Y/n call me or text me every ten minutes, don't let Chris make you do something you don't want to do, and Chris her midnight curfew is at midnight! Not 12:01am!" Your dad stated as he cleaned his shotgun that he JUST bought for this moment.

"Yes sir." You and Chris mutter.

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