Your Boyf asks you to homecoming dance?!

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You were walking outside of school waiting for your dad to pick you up. You haven't seen Ernest all day.

Is he mad at me?

You kept asking yourself questions. Why would he be mad at you? "Hey Y/n?"

You turn around to see Ernest. "Dude where were you all day? Are you mad at me? Did i do something?!" You kept asking him questions.

"No I'm not mad at you." He chuckled. "I got something to ask you."

"What?" You asked with a small smile.

"First let me sing." He nods over to some guys who was holding a guitar, and a few other things. They start playing. "Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about
The more I want to let you know
That everything you do
Is super fucking cute
And I can't stand it

I've been searching for
A girl that's just like you
Cause I know
That your heart is true..." You quickly cover his mouth.

"Yeah stop singing.... You were a little off key." You giggled. "Now what do you want to tell me?"

"Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?" He asks as your dad pulls up.

"Sure! Pick me up around 7:00, and try not to be late." You get into his car.

Choose your dress

Ernest's tux


You and Marco/Mono were sitting behind your laptop watching Danganronpa. "Hey Y/n?"

"Hmm yeah Mono?" You asked as the characters on Danganronpa find another body.

"Want to go to the homecoming dance with me?" He asked me. "I know we had that big fight, but will you?"

"Hmm is there a My Chemical Romance poster on my brother's bedroom door?" You asked him.

"Yes?" He questions his answer.

"Then there's your answer." You state.

Pick your dress

Mono's Tux


Well lets see. You had to save your boyf from detention. Your dad gave him detention for dating you soooo yeah!

While you were leaving the school you looked at Tamiki. "You're welcome."

"Hey princes?" Tamiki looked really nerves. "Will you go to the homecoming dance with me?"

"Well duh you dummy!" You laughed as you hid behind a bush when your dad walked by.

Your dress

Tamiki's tux


You and Lucian were watching a movie in the living room when your dad walked in. "Sup dad."

"Hey sweetie." He greeted you, and walked upstairs.

"So Lucian? Want to go to the homecoming dance with me?" You asked your boyfriend.

"YOU BETTER SAY YES OR MY SHIP WILL SINK!!!" You heard your dad call from upstairs.

Lucian rolls his eyes. "Yes, but i thought you wouldn't want to go." He smiles, and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

Your dress

Lucian's Tux


"Hey Y/n will you go to the homecoming dance with me before you dad forces me to ask?" Chris asks you one day.

"Shot he threatened you again didn't he?" You asked.

"Yep. So will you? You know we are dating, and everything." He shrugs.

"Duh you idiot."

Which dress?

His tux

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