They Misunderstand Something: Part One

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"Chris we have to move the body before dad gets home." You whisper shouted to your brother. Your brother seemed to talk more to you than the other family members.

"Don't you think I know that?" Chris whispered back.

Joseph was walking past your room when he heard that. "What should we do with it?" You ask your brother.

"I don't know... Throw it out the window?" Chris suggested.

"No if we do that we dad will be mad." You replied. "Plus we don't want to mess up the body do we?"

"True." Chris replied.

'Do they have a dead body in there' Joseph thought to himself. He cracked the door open a little to peek inside.

He saw you and Chris both painting a modal navy boat. "Dad will love his birthday present." You stated.


"Shit." You hissed. You just cut your finger a little when you were cutting some veggies. You weren't able to get a band aid yet so you decided to suck on the cut to try and stop the bleeding.

It finally stopped, and you walked into the living room. You past your dad, and he noticed that you had blood dripping from the side of you lip.

'Vampire?' Your dad thought.

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