You Play Sims 4

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You made a sim world of your friends, and family.... And your friends' family.

"Dad your sim and Robert's sim is at it again!" You call over to your father who is making brownies.

"You mean fighting?" Your dad asks.

"Uh yeah sure." You look back at your laptop to see the two sims kissing.


"Hmm let's see." You looked at your sim family. "Let me change a few things." You made it so your dad's and brother's sims were vampires. Your sim was normal.

Your dad's sim turned Robert's into a vampire. Your brother was just gloomy, but you did make his sim date Ernest's sim.


You just played it normally.


You killed off everyone's sim, except for your own and your boyfriend's.


"Dad can I be on the laptop now?" You asked your dad who was hogging it.

"Yeah sure. I got to go somewhere anyway. Don't throw a party, and don't have Chris over." He ordered you.

"Still don't trust him? Think he'll get me to join a cult?" You joke.

"One don't joke about cults, and two I I'm pretty sure you'll try to get him to commit murder." He explained as he left the house.

You look at the laptop to see he was playing the sims 4 before he left. You saw he had made a sim for everyone he knew. You also saw his sim and Joseph's sim had negative friendship.

Revenge Time!


"Y/n?! Did you make my sim and Joseph's sim date?!" You heard your dad from downstairs.

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