You Get A New Boyf/Girlf

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" You stared at the guy in front of you. He had red hair, freckles, and green eyes. His hair was in the way of his left eye, and he was dressed in a biker jacket, baggy jeans, fingerless gloves, and combat boots. His name?

Nick Sanders and he was your new found crush.

"Yes!" You exclaim as you hug him. To bad for Ernest that day because he wanted to get back together with you.

A/n: Nick is made by LonelyWolflife

"Bro bro." You poked your brother's cheek. "Guess what."

"What?" You asked a little annoyed from your poking

"Chicken butt." You smiled. "Oh and this is my girlfriend." You pointed at the girl next to you. She had curly brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a gray t-shirt, a red leather jacket, and skin tight jeans.

"Marina?" Lucian questioned Marina was one of his best friends. How come he didn't know anything sooner. "The fuck?"

A/n: Marina is made by KadenKitts

"So... You wanna go out sometime? You know be my girlfriend or something?" The teal haired guy in front of you asked. He had tan skin, dark grey eyes, and was kinda tall.

You looked behind you to see if he was talking to someone else. You looked back at him after seeing no one, and nodded your head with a small smile. "Sure Charlie."

A/n: Charlie is made by KHRtuna27

You were talking to Cody and Calum when Patrick from your gym class walked up to you guys. "Hey Y/n."

"Oh uh hey, Patrick..." You haven't really talked to Patrick since the gym incident. "What's up?"

"I've heard you like bad boys." He crossed his arms, and you raised an eyebrow kinda confused. "Well I'm bad. No really I'm like bad at everything."

Calum and Cody started walking away slowly, and you actually started laughing at Patricks bad joke. "That actually was kinda funny."

"Wanna go out sometime?" He asked blushing a little, and you nodded still laughing.


"Chris... Don't get mad." You told him as he sat down confused. "You know Shane Ericsson right?"

"Yeah why?" He asked still confused.

"He asked me out. Don't worry I told him no, and I was dating you." You explained, and he nodded. He didn't seem mad.


Chris walked up to his dad hold a dagger. "Can you sacrifice someone for me?"

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