You Sneak Into An Abandoned Building

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A/n: Got this idea after watching Sam and Colby videos.


Your dad didn't you were sneaking out with your brother to go ghost hunting. You wear on your way to one of the most haunted places in Maple Bay when your brother stopped walking. "Chris?"

"Shh." He shushed you. "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?" You asked.

"It feels like someone is watching us." He shivered. "It's creepy."

"Ya sure whatever." You rolled your eyes as you stuck into the old asylum. "Careful Chris you have to climb through the window. Don't drop the video camera."

"Alright." You tried helping your brother through the broken window.  You guys were only able to get in through the second floor.

You looked at the camera. "So guys as you can see we actually were able to get into the old Maple Bay Insane Asylum. It was shut down after countless deaths in the 1930's, and-"

You were cut off by a crash downstairs. "Y/n what was that?" Your brother whispered. You looked at him your face turning pale.

"It was probably an animal or something." You stated, and looked back at the camera. "Um so since then it is known to be haunted, and a sight for a number of cult and KKK gatherings."

Another crash could be heard. It was followed by the sound of foot steps. Your brother looked at you with all the color in his face draining. "Y/n... What is that?"

You looked at the door to the room you were in. You shrug not knowing what to expect. The door slowly opens. On the other side was Jace Monroe. "Sup?"

"Shit dude you scared us." You hissed.

"Want an apology or something?" He crosses his arms. You rolled your once more, and looked at the camera.

"Hey guys turns out it was just this guy I go to school with." You crossed your own arms.

"Wassup internet!" Jace said to the camera while kissing your cheek for a flare of drama. It resulted with a punch to his stomach. "Ow." He whined.

"Don't do that ever again." You warn him. Another thud could be heard downstairs. "Jace... Did anyone come with you?"

"N-no." Jace hid behind Chris who looked disgusted. The thumping came closer and closer. No one dared to move. As soon as the door opened a girlish scream filled the room.

"Jeez Jace shut up." You ordered.

"Sorry..." Jace whispered as your dad walked into the room.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" You asked him.

"Uuuh... Looking for you?" He questioned.


You and your brother looked around the place. "So the old dance hall used to be right here." Lucien stated.

"Actually it's down that way." You pointed down the path. "It was torn down back in 1922. The owner was murdered, but the area is supposed to be haunted." You explained to the camera.

"Oh spooky." Lucien joked. "Spooky scary skeletons."

"Sends shivers down your spine." You finished. "Oh and also a few yards down from the spot is an old pet graveyard."

"And goodbye." Lucien spun around, and headed back the way you came from.

"Lucien come on. It isn't that bad." You chuckled.

"Isn't that bad?" Your brother hissed. "A pet cemetery Y/n!"

"Jeez stop being such a scaredy cat." You started walking to the dance wall with your brother behind you.

"I'm not a scaredy cat." Your brother stated. "I am just not ready to die."

"You're not going to die." You rolled your eyes.

"Ya gonna die!" Someone jumped out of a bush, and your quickly punched them in the nose. "Shit Y/n!"

You saw that it was Connor. "Oh sorry." You apologized to him.

"Nah it's okay." Connor held his nose. "You heading to the old dance hall?"

You and your twin nodded. "Yeah why?" Lucien asked him.

"A cult gathering is going on." He stated.

"A'lets go!" Your brother turned to head back.

"Let's go check out the cult!" You grinned.

"You're one strange girl." Connor chuckled.


"Explain to me again why we are exploring an abandoned high school." Ernest ordered you.

"Because I want to see how messed up it is." You replied. You looked at your camera. "So it was closed down in 1976 because there was a couple of students who made a murder pact. They left everything how it was that day they closed it.

"A murder pact?" Your brother questioned. "How many people did they kill?"

"A seven teachers, two students, and the principal." You stated. Your brother stopped walking. "What?"

"You sure about this?" Your brother asked, and you nodded. "What is even the name of this school?"

"Maple Bay Private Academy." You replied as your snuck into the building. The class you snuck into had desks in random areas, and hopefully red paint splattered on the wall.

"Is that... Blood?" Your brother asked.

"I-I'm not sure..." You replied.

"It's paint." A voice stated. You shined your late over to a desk to see Alex. Next to his was a paintbrush, and pain bucket.

"You did that?" Ernest asked, and Alex nodded. "Why?"

"Why do you think I did?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Um not sure..." You replied.

"One of my relatives was one of the students that died here." He stated. "They washed off the blood when they got rid of the bodies, and I come here ever since I found out on their death day. To you know keep the memory alive I guess." He shrugged.

That's the day when you realized there was more to Alex than meets the eye.


"An abandoned hospital...." Calum and Cody whispered. You nodded. "Why?"

"This place is really awesome guys." You shrugged as you walked past boxes of blood samples.

"Yeah sure..." Calum whispered. Cody, his twin, shivered from how cold it was.

"Y/n are you sure this is a good idea?" You nodded as you looked at the camera.

"Let's head to the morgue!" You whispered shouted, an Cody stared at you like you were crazy. "What it's not like we are going to find a dead body or anything." You chuckled.

Boy were you wrong. You made sure you didn't get it on camera. "Cody... Calum..."

"Yeah Y/n?" They asked as you looked at the dead body.

"Call my dad..." You handed your phone to them.

Let's just say you spent the rest of the night at the police station telling them about the freshly murdered body.


"So why did you ask me to come here with you?" Shane Ericsson asked you as you spray painted an anarchy sign on the wall of an old abandoned salt water taffy factory.

"I didn't." You states. "You just followed me."

"Who's there?!" A security guard yelled.

"Run!" You quickly ran away from the area. Later you and your dad ha to bail Shane out of jail for something he didn't do. There goes his clean perfect record.

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