You Wake Up As A Guy

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"Princess you alright?" Your dad pops his head into your room after he heard you scream. "Oh dear."

"Dad I have a dick!?" You hug your knees, and rock back and forth. "Like how?"

"Not sure..." He shrugged.

"Voodoo?" Chris asked as he popped up next to your dad. "Most logical answer."

"Logic equals meh." You stated and stood awkwardly. "Now I don't have anything to wear.... Hey Chris-"

"No you can't use mine." He stated, and left your room.

"You can use some of mine from high school." Your dad stated, and you nodded.

At school

"So I have no idea how it happened." You told Ernest. "What?"

"Who knew your dad was a fan of Marilyn Manson?" He questioned your shirt.


"How did this freaking happen!?" You were shocked about what had happened. You were now a male.

"I always wanted a brother." Your twin chuckled.

"Well now I can beat ya ass even more now." You smirked.


"So you want to go out sometime?" Another random girl asked you. You sighed. "Is that a yes?"

"My bro isn't interested." Your brother told her.


"So now I'm a guy." Hugo and Ernest nodded when they saw you. They were both confused at first. "Cool now I don't have to worry about periods."


Your dad freaked out at first. He didn't know how to take care of a son. "Yo dad I got a girl pregnant." You stated.


"Kidding now you won't be as mad when I tell you I failed my history test." You smirked.

"I'll talk to Mr. Kim about it." He replied.

"Suuure you will." You wiggled your eyebrows.


"Yo! Chris!" You called him.

"Y/n? You okay? You sound strange." He stated.

"Yeah... Well uh... If I was a guy would you break up with me? Would you be gay for me?" You questioned him.

"Yeah... Why?" He asked.

"No reason! Talk to you later! Love you Chris!" You hung up.

Chris' POV

"One; the heck? Two; awe she said she loves me." I whispered as I put the phone down.

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