Your Dad Takes You To A Concert

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"DAD HOW DID YOU GET TICKETS?!" You asked your dad over the loud music. "THE CONCERT WAS SOLD OUT!!!"

"LET"S JUST SAY HE OWES ME A FAVOR!" You dad replied as more people screamed. Who would believe he would take you to see Marilyn Manson.


"Yes!" You and your brother cheered. "Fall Out Boy is amazing!!!!" You and your brother rocked out while your dad stood around awkwardly.


"Dad why did you take me to a 5SOS concert?" You asked.

"It was your brother's idea." He told you.

"I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!!!" Your brother screamed over teenage girls.


You and your dad watched old My Chemical Romance concerts on YouTube. They both cried.


"BTS!! BTS!!! BTS!!! BTS!!!" You and your dad cheered. At first your dad didn't like them, but he soon did. "Dad who's your favorite?"

"ALL OF THEM!" He replied.

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