Chapter Twenty-four

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Asibikaashi was not happy. She stared at her reflection as she brushed the long blonde locks of hair that framed her delicate face. Ozar had killed another human. He was gaining strength with each life he took and it would only be a matter of time before the other phantoms decided to rebel against her. She looked up at the varying dream catchers that decorated her abode. She was the goddess of dreams. Her life depended on the humanity that was expelled from the fear of humans. If Ozar was going to undermine her, she would have to put a stop to him at any cost.

"It's time to clean house," Asibikaashi whispered.

Cinna, one of her phantoms decided to appear at that moment, "Asibikaashi! Ozar has taken another human's life!"

"Yes, I'm well aware of that."

Cinna's eyes widened, "What will you do?"

Asibikaashi's eyes narrowed. Questioning her is something a phantom would never have done before. She turned to Cinna and smiled, "Shall I show you?"

Cinna nodded and Asibikaashi raised her hand. Cinna writhed in pain before falling to the ground and slowly disappearing into a soft mist.

"Yes," Asibikaashi nodded. It was time to clean up Ozar's mess even if she had to do it herself.


Roberto waited for Jax to answer. When he didn't, he leaned forward on the counter, "Jax? Why aren't you saying anything?"

The room felt as though the air was being sucked out of it. Jax licked his lips before breaking eye-contact with his best friend, "You're talking crazy right now."

"Am I? I talked to Omar. He explained why he was so interested in Dani. He said she's a human dream catcher. At first, I thought he was crazy but it all fits into place."

"Dani is just Dani."

"No, she's not. She can see people's fears. That's not normal."

"This conversation is not normal," Jax muttered. He looked around the diner as his wife sashayed around, a smile on her face. "I don't know what you expect me to say."

"I expect the truth," Roberto hissed. "If something's going on with her that puts her at risk, I should know about it. Especially if you're asking for my help."

"I'm sorry I involved you."

Roberto leaned back and cursed under his breath,"I thought we were friends."

"We are friends."

"Then why won't you just come out and say it? I already know the truth by how you're not denying me."

"Yes, I am denying you," Jax argued.

"So nothing is going on with Dani? That's your story?"


Roberto shook his head, "I thought you trusted me."

"I do."

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not," Jax sighed. "There's nothing going on with Dani that you need to worry about."

"Maybe we shouldn't be partners again," Roberto's voice rose. "If you can't trust me enough-"

"Don't give me that," Jax's voice turned hard. "When you were killing yourself about Gladys, you shut me out. As I recall, you were even rude to Dani. Just because I don't want to tell you every tiny detail about my life doesn't mean we shouldn't be partners!"

He slammed his hand against the table and a few eyes glanced in the direction while some of the guests stopped talking. Dolores placed a hand on her hip and cried out, "You two coppers better not start a brawl in here. The only men I like to see fight are shirtless men so unless you're willing to strip down, let's play nice."

A few of the customers giggled and Dani shot a worried glance at Jax who tilted his head toward the exit. She gave a quick nod and called out to Dolores, "I'm taking an early break."

Dolores waved her off before turning up the jukebox. Jax and Roberto followed Dani outside and to the side of the diner.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" Dani asked, her hands on both of her hips. "Normally, I'm worried you two are too close but today you're yelling at one another and scaring our customers."

"We weren't fighting," Roberto grumbled.

Dani scoffed, "No? Then what do you call what you were just doing? Spitting rainbows?"

"Spitting rainbows?" Jax repeated. "That doesn't even make sense."

"Shut up Jaxass."

Roberto swallowed his laughter and Dani's eyes narrowed on him, "You stop laughing too or I'll put a laxative in your pancakes."

Roberto quickly stopped laughing and Dani crossed her arms, "I want the truth. What's going on?"

Jax shook his head at Roberto but the older detective refused to play along.

"I met with Omar Price today."

Dani couldn't hide her surprise, "The art teacher?" What for?"

"Jax said you felt uncomfortable by him and I met him a while back. I decided to pay him a visit."

"I just asked him to check him out for me," Jax jumped in.

"He said had psychic abilities," Roberto said, ignoring Jax's curses.

"He said what?" Dani had gone still and her face paled.

"That you were psychic or something. That you could see people's fears. He mentioned some woman named Asibikaashi and her dream phantoms. He said he'd studied about the ability of people to become a human dream catcher and that some woman had mentioned you being able to know her dreams. She accused you of being a human-"

"Don't say it," Dani lifted a hand. "D-don't say it."

"Dani?" Jax's voice became strained.

"Do you think Omar was telling the truth?" Dani asked Roberto.

He shrugged, "I'm not sure what to believe."

Dani smiled and held out her hand before touching Roberto's cheek. He jerked back and cursed before wiping at his cheek.

Dani's smile faltered, "I think that answers whether you believe him or not."

"I'm sorry," Roberto whispered. "I just...I mean this is all new to me."

"I don't want you and Jax to fight because of me," she turned to her husband. "You and Roberto have been partners and will be partners again. You two have to watch one another's backs. Tell him the truth."

Jax shook his head again, "Dani-"

"Tell him," Dani urged.

Roberto's eyes flitted from one to the other. Jax gave a long sigh as if he was exhaling something rough and heavy.

"If Dani touches you, she may have a nightmare of your worst fears or your nightmares. She has no control over whose nightmares she sees."

Roberto's mouth fell slightly open, "So...she's going to see my nightmares tonight?"

Jax shrugged, "Possibly."

"I don't need to touch you to know your worst fears," Dani chimed in. "Losing Gladys is your worst fear."

Dani knew that was proof that Roberto was her friend. Jax watched as Roberto gave a slight nod and apologized again to his wife.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted before."

"It's okay."

Roberto licked his lips nervously, "So these we both have to be sleeping at the same time? Or no?"

Dani shook her head, "I'm not sure but I don't think so. Whenever you sleep, your dreams are filtered to me. When I sleep I see them."

Roberto shivered, "It sounds like watching a horror movie each night."

"It's worse," Jax whispered. "Much worse."


Later that evening, after Jax and Roberto had finally made up, Dani had drifted into a fitful night of sleep.

"I don't want you anymore. I've found a new man. A good man. A man that doesn't put me or himself in danger," Gladys said. Behind her was an image of a man that resembled the deceased actor, Rock Hudson.

"I'm your husband," Roberto reminded her.

"I want a divorce," she lifted her hand to reveal a signed divorce agreement. "We're over now. I don't ever want to see you again. I've wasted all these years on you."

"You can't mean that."

"Why wouldn't I? Ask Dani, she knows you're a drunk. She knows you're a scared little boy that drinks when he doesn't know what to do."

Dani appeared beside them and shook her head, "I don't want to get involved."

They both hissed at her and their faces transformed into the heads of snakes with dark oily eyes. Dani screamed, taking a few steps back and stumbling. A pale hand reached forward to help her up. She looked up to see a beautiful blonde woman standing beside her. She looked like a ghost as she was slightly translucent.

"W-who are you?" Dani asked.

The blonde woman smiled, "My name is Asibikaashi ."

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