Chapter Twenty-two

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A curly blonde with dark roots was staring in the mirror, her azure eyes tinged with pink from crying. She slammed her manicured hands against her reflection, a yelp of anger escaping her neon pink lips.

"You're ugly! Why are you so ugly?" she cried, her knees buckling beneath her. The white tiled floor was cold against her bare legs. She was all alone. She lifted her left hand and stared at her bare fingers. He had asked for the ring back. She didn't even have the inexpensive ring to remember him by.

"You should have kept the ring," she whispered to herself. She banged her legs against the floor as a growl of frustration erupted from her.

She closed her eyes and the sound of little girls singing together filled her ears.

"You're so ugly. Go away, ugly! You're too ugly!"

Her lips began to tremble as the girls' voices continued to mock her, assaulting her like a machine gun.

"No," she shook her head and slapped her hands against the tiled floor before covering her ears. "No, I can't hear you. I don't want to hear you!"

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the taunting voices. She was s preoccupied with drowning out the children that she didn't notice the gray wolf standing near the shower. His lips curled upward, revealing his fangs. Before she could open her eyes, the wolf sprang forward with a growl.

Dani awoke covered in her own sweat.

"Bad dream?" Calvin asked. He was sitting on the floor, his back against the sofa she was sleeping on, his eyes glued to the television as he watched a documentary on dolphins.

"What time is it?" Dani croaked.

"Almost three in the morning. No, your hubby isn't back yet," Calvin said, popping some Doritos into his mouth.

"Why aren't you asleep?" she asked him as she sat up.

"I couldn't leave you in the living room alone. Jax was pretty adamant about me protecting you."

Dani snorted, "As if you're some superhero."

"Hey, I know a few moves. I may not be built like Vin Diesel but I'm tough enough."

"Sorry, I just had a really weird dream."

"I know. I could hear you talking in your sleep. You must've touched one of your customers again."

"Probably, and she must've been bullied as a child. There was something strange in the dream..."

Calvin chomped another Dorito as he waited for her to continue.

"There was a wolf in the dream."

"A wolf?" the bag of chips crinkled as he set it aside and turned towards Dani. "Has he been in any of your other dreams?"

"It has."

"Are you...are you pregnant?" the question came out like an accusation and Dani felt a twinge of guilt.

"Do you have to ask like that?"

"Sorry, it's know what mom said about you getting pregnant. Don't you care at all that your life may be in danger?"

"You believe what she said?"

"Of course I do. I don't have the ability to pass this curse on. You do. She said he'd come after you if you became pregnant."

"She doesn't even know who he is."

"That's the problem, Dani. He's some phantom that has the power to manipulate your dreams. The only person that can do that is death. That's why I'm freaking out here. He's kind of a big deal whoever he is," Calvin explained. He sat across from her, "Has anything else happened that's been strange?"

"Now you sound like Jax."

"Dani, tell me. Wait, Jax said he wanted me here because one of his cases had a criminal set free recently. That's a lie, isn't it? Did something happen? Tell me."

"You being here is enough. I don't want you involved."

"I'm your brother. Of course, I'm going to be involved. We may not have grown up together, but you're my sister."


"So if I was in danger, you would ignore it?"

"No, of course not—"

"Neither will I," Calvin insisted. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Some guy knew a little bit too much about me. He knew about Oliver and Helen."

"What did he know about mom?"

"That she and I had a strained relationship."

He was staring at her stomach, "You have a baby growing in there."

Dani rolled her eyes, "Can we stay focused here?"

"Sorry, it's just that I'm going to be an uncle. Who was this guy?"

"Some painter that just moved into town. Jax is going to look into him so don't do anything. Just let him handle it."

Calvin's lips puckered as if he were about to start pouting. He exhaled slowly and nodded, "Fine. I'll just keep you company when he's not around...for now. If I don't think my brother-in-law is doing a good job of keeping you safe, I'll have to interfere."

Dani couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"What?" her brother asked irritably.

"Thank you."

Calvin looked away.

Dani persisted, "Growing up, I always wondered how it would feel to have a protective brother. Now I know."

Calvin turned back to her and lifted his chin, "Is that so? does it feel?"

She smiled, "Nice. It feels nice."


It was late in the afternoon when Omar entered the Easy Easel. He was reading an article on his phone when he felt someone grab him by the lapel and push him against the wall. He dropped his phone and choked back a cry of pain. Bottles of paint and a stack of small canvases fell to the ground.

"Hey Omar, long time no see."

Omar felt the knee of Roberto Montoya digging into his crotch.

"Does it hurt?" Roberto asked. The detective had his forearm pressed against Omar's windpipe.

Omar's head bobbed up and down.

Roberto's face was inches from Omar's, "Do you know why I'm here?"

Omar shook his head, gasping for breath. Roberto eased back and Omar coughed.

"W-what the hell are you d-doing here?" Omar asked.

Roberto pushed him to the ground and kicked him over so that Omar was facing him.

"The last time I saw you, I got wasted. I thought it was strange because you were supposed to be some kind of sober sponsor."

"I-I am."

"Sponsor my ass. You're a liar! Now admit the truth, you're up to something."

"What?" Omar scooted back, his eyes on Roberto's dark boots.

"Why did you approach Dani?"

"Y-you know Dani?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Roberto stepped closer to Omar who quickly scooted back. "I know you met her and that you've been going to the diner. I go to that diner all the time and her husband is my partner. So tell me the truth, what are you up to?"

"Are you drunk right now?"

Roberto growled in anger, "I'm as sober as a priest at Sunday mass. Don't screw with me, Price. What's your end game?"

"This is illegal. You can't just assault me."

"It's my word against yours and the officers here will be on my side. So what's going on? Why did you target me and then Dani? What are you after?"

Roberto stepped closer and Omar held up a hand, "Alright! I'll talk."

"Talk faster!"

"I'm not after you or Dani. You two aren't who I'm here for."

"If not us, then who?"

Omar touched his neck gingerly and winced in pain, "Jax. I was sent here because of Jax."

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