Author's Note (please read)

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Hi everyone! Thank you for choosing to read "Dream with Birds (ongoing)"! This is my fifth story and third memoir here on Wattpad! So far, I have

1. "My Scoliosis Journey: A Memoir (completed)"

2. "Torn Apart but Put Together (completed)"

3. "Birds Versus Chicks (completed)"

4. "Oh My Bird" (ongoing)"

And now 5. "Dream with Birds (ongoing)"!


This story is the second book in the "Chirping Lives" series; the first one is "Oh My Bird (ongoing)". Therefore, it is obviously best to read that story before this one. However, if one doesn't want to, in this story, read this following paragraph to get started with background knowledge: Bluey is the first bird to come along, Lemon died due to being sick before coming, Pear, his brother, came next, and Pearl was his girlfriend, though she died from a rock getting stuck inside of her. I will also mention certain characters and scenes from that story that one can refer to throughout :)

This will be an ongoing journey with my lovely birds, and in this, although I don't know whether they can understand human language or not, I'll pretend they do. To make it even more intriguing, they'll be able to communicate with each other!

Italics = internal thoughts

Bold = communication through the birds (bird to bird)

Normal = actions and dialogue (yes, my birds can speak human language)

I'm actually living this story right now, so the update schedule will be a little different. To make it up to you guys though, once every month (in the book), I'll put one video from my YouTube channel in that can be seen at the top of the screen. :)

You guys seemed to have loved my previous memoir, so here's another one :) Remember, this is a memoir about myself so it's obviously going to have my thoughts on the situations that occur. Some may agree while others may not. Don't be too harsh in comments towards me or anyone in my memoir because I don't share them here for revenge. It's simply to share my story and experiences I have had with them. You guys can do so on my regular stories (that I made up using my imagination) but not on memoirs.

I hope you all will enjoy this though! I've worked really hard on it.

Despite the unpredictability of each event, I'll try to smooth it out nicely.

Other works:

This book isn't to be used as a care guide, but my website is! It's (if anyone's lazy, tell me to pm it to you). This memoir will focus solely on the next few years of owning birds, and although my website will mention a few things about my experience, I won't go into detail about how each event furthers my life and lessons I learned along the way until this memoir. Leave your comments on it :) I'll be active daily like I am on Wattpad. Updates can range from once a week to twice a month since it's not my main project. The website will be more up to date.

Also, if you guys would like to see my birds' pictures and videos, follow them on Instagram: @dream_with_birds . Yes, I will include some of the pictures of them from the Instagram account in this story in particular, but the Instagram account itself is purely there for more entertainment :) I post every few days, so it's up to date.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you're a bird lover: Molly and the birds! I post every Saturday, so again, it's up to date.

The club logo on the cover is one I'm a leader and founder in by the way, so let me know if you're interested in joining!

One can say I'm extremely passionate about birds without even reading and/or watching anything due to every project I do for them: this memoir, my last memoir, my bird website, my bird Instagram, my YouTube channel, and my club haha.

Different ways to read this story:

Read it chronologically

Pro: everything will come together naturally as each chapter ends

Con: A little repetitive

Read my perspective first and then the birds' perspective collectively

Pro: you'd have the birds' story along with mine to piece together, which might be fun since humans and birds are quite different yet similar

Con: it might be a little confusing to reclick on certain chapters and scroll to the right perspective

Read each perspective at a time (there are four in total)

Pro: this way, one can really dig deep into one character at a time

Con: Again, one may find it confusing to reclick on certain chapters and scroll to the right perspective

Miscellaneous yet important information:

There'll be a gift(s) in each chapter as well, so read on to find out what that gift(s) is! If you stick around until the end, the gifts will increase. I promise.

Please don't be a silent reader. Comments and votes make my day :)

One last thing, please add this story to your library and reading list to get notified every time I update. My update schedule for this memoir will be a chapter every Saturday, but things pop up in life, so having notifications on would greatly help :) This is another project!

Just like in "Oh My Bird (ongoing)", I'll still be doing dedications for those who do one or more of the following:

Read, comment, and vote (if they liked it) on all present chapters,

Add this story to their reading list

Share this story on their message board

Any other service in regards to this memoir (you readers can pick and I'll either add it in or ignore it)

However, don't only do these things to get a dedication. Only do them if you truly like this story.

Alright, now that I've covered everything you need to know, put on your seatbelts and prepare yourselves for a roller coaster of emotions!

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