Chapter Seventeen

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We're coming to the end of Part 1. Oh my gosh XD


Hawkfrost had stared straight at him. He was sure of it because he had been able to see in that moment. Why? He had no idea. Jayfeather had been frozen on the spot, unable to move a muscle, trapped like a fly in a cobweb by the tom's icy blue eyes. And the worst part was that he was sure Ivypool had noticed and knew that Hawkfrost was there as well.

After Ivypool and Foxleap left, he turned back and the tabby tom was gone. There one minute, gone the next. But how? Bramblestar had killed him - twice! 

As much as Jayfeather tried to convince himself, he was sure of what he had seen. But another thing stumped him; There hadn't been a prophecy. 

Jayfeather turned and made his way towards where he knew the oak tree to be. Bunching his muscles, he leaped and scrambled to a safe branch, before addressing the gathered cats nervously. 

"Stop!" He yowled. His pelt burned in embarrassment as every cat's eyes turned and burned into his pelt. "Please stop fighting?" Jayfeather's voice wobbled.

"Why?" A cat called out, followed by several other yowls of agreement. Jayfeather's shoulders weighed with hopelessness. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the sight of something. Turning his head slightly, trying to get a better view, he noticed dark tabby fur slinking through the dark, and shuddered. Hawkfrost was still here. And he could see again. 

Something fueled him on.  He liked the feeling but hated it at the same time. For a heartbeat he stumbled over the word and then found it; ambition. 

"Everybody!" Jayfeather yowled, fueled by this feeling called ambition. "Stop fighting or StarClan will be angry! Do you really want your ancestors to be angry?" 

Hope flew in Jayfeather's heart as cats murmured in understanding. Leaping from the tree, Jayfeather turned his head in the direction he'd seen Hawkfrost. But the tom was gone.


Just a filler chapter because... yeah. 

Vote, comment nice things and follow if you want.

Thanks and kisses,

Nat xx

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