Chapter Sixteen

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Yes, I know. I'm updating early. But I felt inspired, so here we go. 


Nervously, Ivypool followed Foxleap as they made their way across WindClan territory. Dovewing's scent entwined with Breezepelt's and Tigerheart's. Obviously, she wasn't trailing them by mistake - she knew what she was doing.

Worry formed a lump in Ivypool's throat. She didn't want her sister or Breezepelt hurt. She didn't mind what happened to Tigerheart - he could be eaten by a fox and she wouldn't care less. 

"Ivypool, they're close by!" Foxleap's worried mew shook her out of her own worries. "Come on!" They bounded forward until they came to a rather hollowed out area near the river bordering ThunderClan and WindClan.

Almost at once, Ivypool heard the snarling of fighting cats. She prayed that Dovewing wasn't fighting. Sure, the kits were Tigerheart's, but they could live their lives without their father easy enough. 

"Stop!" A shrill mew rose over the fighting toms as Ivypool and Foxleap pushed forward. "Please stop fighting! I don't even know what this is about!" That was Dovewing!

Ivypool hurried forward and burst into the hollow. With a little yelp, she skidded on leaves, falling awkwardly to the side. Pain lanced up her shoulder, and she bit her lip in pain, before staggering to her paws.

"Are you okay?" Foxleap asks, peering through the bushes. "Is everything alright in here? Have you lot stopped fight-"

"Shut up." Ivypool hissed, whipping to face Tigerheart. "What were you possibly thinking?"

"Me?" Tigerheart asked, incredulous. "I haven't done a thing, other than being attacked by this fox-heart." He gestured to Breezepelt, who drew his lips back in a snarl.

"I'm the fox-heart?" Breezepelt laughed menacingly. "Says you, who attacked Ivypool! I came to help her, while you threw her into a tree, for StarClan's sake!"

"You-" Foxleap glanced between all four cats. "Tigerheart was the one who attacked Ivypool? And Breezepelt was there as well?" 

"Well done." Ivypool rolled her eyes. "I thought you'd have better sense than to cause a huge battle at a Gathering and all of this tension between the Clans!"

"Wait." Dovewing meowed, barely a whisper. "Tigerheart, you attacked my sister? I trusted you! I knew I was stupid, and I'm sure of it now! I don't want my kits to ever know their father after this!"

Dovewing turned and hared away. Foxleap was silent in shock, Ivypool looking for the right thing to say, Breezepelt shaking his head and Tigerheart looking like a tree told him to shut up. 

"That's it." Ivypool growled, whipping around to face all three toms. "Breezepelt, back to the Gathering and make them all go back to their territories. Tigerheart back to your Clan now. And you, Foxleap, come with me."

Foxleap blinked and hurried after Ivypool, who was storming through the bushes and cursing as brambles slapped her in the face and tugged at her pelt. 

"Foxleap." Ivypool yawned. "Go back to the Gathering, please. Don't say a word about what you heard tonight to any cat. And I will find out if you did tell a single soul, got it?"

"Yes." Foxleap mewed, his voice raspy with shock. "I've got it." He turned and trotted back towards the island.

Ivypool sighed and sprinted towards the direction that her sister had gone in. Finally, she found her sister nearing camp, shaking.

"Dovewing!" Ivypool called and caught up to her sister. "I know you're angry with those stupid toms, but listen to me-"

"Just shut up!" Dovewing's voice was shrill with anguish. "I'm not just angry at them, you know! I'm angry at you, because you didn't trust me enough to tell me that Breezepelt was there!"

"I would have!" Ivypool snapped. "But I didn't trust you enough, because your mate was Tigerheart! How do you expect me to trust you after something like that?"

"I don't know!" Dovewing retorted. "Maybe because we're sisters!"

"It doesn't sound like that!" Ivypool shot. "It sounds like I'm an annoying burr stuck in your pelt which won't budge because I'm not a pretty burr like all the others!"

"That makes no sense!" Dovewing spat.

"Of course it doesn't!" Ivypool growled. "If you even had half a brain, you would know that you're that pretty little burr and I'm the ugly one who is so attached to-"

She broke off as Dovewing spat a curse and sprinted away. Ivypool stood, frozen, and shaking. They'd never had an argument like that before.

Maybe it's true.

Maybe she is just the ugly burr who isn't good enough.

And Dovewing's the pretty burr.

And Ivypool's just too attached to the Dark Forest.


Hope you enjoyed! Next update on Saturday, I think. So, yeah. 

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Nat xx

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