How to ask her out?

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(Back to Mater's POV):

Step 2. =What type of Gal does Doc like?=

As I wandered through the small town, humming a tune I liked from the party, Miss Nataly's tape played on her three nights in Radiator Springs while I sought out Doc, eventually discovering that he was still at his clinic. I made my way there so that we could speak privately.

"Duh, what kind of gal do you like, Doc?" I entered only to startle him with my sudden

"Can you not interrupt my reading, and Why are you asking me this question, Mater?" Doc questioned him.

"Shoo, Doc! Mater starts to say, "I just wanna know! Maybe it can be in handy, y'know!"

He seemed somewhat perplexed and raised an eyebrow at me as Doc demanded my explanation. "Should I be concerned?" 

"Nop! Nothing to worry 'bout, Doc.!" 

" I will not answer your question about Nataly." Doc drove off quietly to organize his doctor's utensils; I huffed and drove backward slowly towards him, not taking the smug look on my face: "I ain't mentioned about Miss Nataly. Unless~~~" I smile, only to see his tires stiffen at what I had just done to trick him into saying it. As I continued my playful banter with Doc, the old Doc's tires stiffened again, a clear sign that my tactics caught him off guard; thank myself for doing it. He sighed, realizing that I had misled him into indirectly mentioning Miss Nataly.

I feel sympathetic for Miss Nataly, now determined to play matchmaker and continued to press the issue, "So, I suggest that maybe it wasn't too late for her to find love and happiness. And yeah, I'mma try to get you and her on a date, possibly hoping you would connect and find something other than friendship-!"

"Mater." Doc started; I parked my tires still from any movement. His expression turned from confusion to suspicion. He had always been wise and cautious; I could tell he wasn't buying my innocent act. I could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to solve my true intentions.

"Mater cut the nonsense," Doc finally said, his tone stern and eyes fixed on me. "I've known you long enough to recognize when you're up to something."

I nervously scratch the back of my tow hook, chuckling. "Well, Doc, ain't no harm in a little curiosity, right? Just tryin' to get to know ya better, that's all."

Doc's gaze didn't waver, and I could tell he wouldn't let me off the hook easily. "If this concerns Miss Nataly, Mater, I value my privacy. And besides, it's not polite to pry into someone else's matters." I sighed, realizing my little trick hadn't worked as planned. "You're right, Doc. I apologize if I crossed a line. I was bein' my usual nosy self."

Doc's expression softened slightly, and he let out a small sigh. "That's one way to put it, Mater. Just remember, some things are meant to stay private."

I nodded, feeling a bit sheepish. "I understand, Doc. Well, I reckon I'll be headin' out now. Thanks for puttin' up with my antics." Doc nodded in return, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Goodbye, Mater."

As I turned and drove away from the clinic, I couldn't help but grin. Even though I hadn't managed to get Doc to spill the beans about his feelings, I was glad to have had a little friendly exchange with him. Maybe one day, he'd open up a bit more, but for now, I was content with the mystery surrounding his thoughts and emotions.

(Doc Hudson's POV): Mid-afternoon...

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled from my grill before opening my eyes and gazing at the mirror. I paced back and forth between the wall and my desk, contemplating how to handle the emotions I was experiencing toward a woman car I just started to feel for her. 

As I walked into Nataly's Cozy Cone room, I couldn't help but notice her focused on typing an article for her boss. I wondered if she was being overworked, considering her exceptional writing skills. I quietly acknowledged that I had interacted with her more than the town's residents. Although she seemed content with her living arrangements, I couldn't help but worry that telling her about the car crash in '54 might worsen things if I decided not to ask her out. I kept my growing feelings for the historian writer to myself, but I am genuinely interested in getting to know her even further.

"Hello, Miss Adler," I said, causing Nataly to be abruptly jolted as she hit her brakes. She turned to see me parked outside her room and started stammering: "H-Hey, Doc!"

"S-Sure. It's not much, but I managed to pull it off well." After hearing her say that, I found it adorable of Nataly's stammer. I deeply chuckled through my grill and slowly parked next to her so that our sides touched; I started reading the first one, and to my amazement, the article was somewhat enjoyable to read: "I know, I know it is not good, maybe-" Nataly paused before she looked back at her computer screen, a hint of hesitation in her eyes. "Honestly, I'm struggling a bit with this one. My boss has high expectations, and I want to deliver a piece that truly captures Radiator Springs."

I nodded understandingly. "Writing about a place with so much history and character can be challenging. But I have no doubt that you'll do a fantastic job." I told Nataly; by looking around her room, I could not help but notice the collection of historic books, papers inside boxes, and pictures scattered about. Then I spotted a picture of a car I didn't recognize until I noticed that the car was a priest; Confused yet, I asked: "Who is this priest next to you?" 

"Hm? Oh, that is my older brother, Morgan. Nataly continues, "He works as a priest back home and has supported my dreams since I was little." Still, I didn't ask any more questions and continued with what I would say: "Y-You seem passionate about history," I remarked, hoping to steer the conversation toward something other than personal feelings. Nataly's eyes lit up again; they sparkled at what I said this time. "Oh. I believe that understanding our past helps us appreciate the present even more. She smiles, "Radiator Springs has so many stories to tell, and I'm honored to share them."

I smiled, finding her passion infectious. "Well, I must say, you are doing a fine job of it. And speaking of stories, I've got a few of my own from the good old days of how the residents came here in the first place."

Nataly leaned in, clearly intrigued. "Really? I do love to hear them sometime."

"Maybe over a cup of oil or a drive around the town?" I suggested testing the waters for a more casual outing. Nataly's expression brightened, and she nodded eagerly. "I'd love that, Doc. Hearing your stories and spending time with you would be an honor."

"In other words..." My headlights turn hot when the thought of asking her out properly would be efficient for me to ask Nataly would you want to go out with me, Miss Adler," I asked a question abruptly. Still, when I gazed into her yellow eyes with my blue ones, I could see my shock and disbelief reflected on me. Her headlights were warming up, and I didn't know what to expect. I braced myself for the worst.

However, to my surprise, Nataly closed her laptop. I could hear her metal stick hitting the keyboard as I avoided eye contact until Nataly said something that I felt myself smiling: 

"I was hoping you w-would ask me that." At that moment, I realized that asking someone who enjoys going out is one of the toughest things a car could ever do. As I was getting ready to leave her room, I felt a sudden pressure on my headlights and turned to see Nataly kissing me. I felt a rush of excitement in my engine and turned around to kiss her back, fully on the mouth.

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