🤔What type of date do you want to go?🤔

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(Tow Mater's POV): Radiator Springs...

Boy, it sure is a lovely morning, just like every day, the next day, and the next day... Anywho, I'm Tow Mater, everyone! Today, I've got a mission. To get Doc and Miss Nataly to go on a romantic date!~ the first two strategies are: 

Step 1. =What kind of date does Miss Nataly/Doc like with a car/lady?=

All I need to do is find Miss Nataly. I drove around and went to ask Flo, "G'morning, Miss Flo!" 

"Heya, Mater. Want the usual oil?" Flo offered. 

"Yes, ma'am!" I happily thanked her before taking sips of my oil while Sarge, Ellie, and Sheriff drove in and parked to drink their oil next to me like the rest, except for Miss Nataly and Doc, which was the perfect opportunity to ask the questions that needed to be answered! 

"Heya, Flo! I continue: "I just came by to ask where Miss Nataly was?" 

"Oh, I haven't seen her. Should probably look for her at the Cozy Cone." She answered, to which I thanked her in advance before I headed over and drove towards but sneakily behind Miss Nataly, who seemed stressed while typing down something on her computer. Snickering to myself, I honked at her and shouted: 

"M'rning, Miss Nataly!" I said behind her. She gets jumpy as she is startled by my sudden visit, slams her laptop shut, and turns around only to see me behind her; Shoot, it was funny! Miss Nataly sighed in relief: "Goodness, Mater. It's just you." 

"Yeah, just wanted to ask ya something." 

This interested Miss Nataly and she chuckled, "Sure, would you care to elaborate on the question since you startled me." 

"Uh...shoot, I forgot what I was going to ask ya-Wait! I remember have you gone on a date night before and the important question is! Where do you want to go if a car asks you out?" 

"Why these sudden questions, Mater?" Miss Nataly laughs.

"No reason, but uh~ you might not know a certain car who would ask ya, so... I wanna know!" I responded, wagging my hook around as I tried not to let out my secret plan in getting Doc and her to go on a date and confess their love to each other; Miss Nataly got flustered and coughed: "W-Well then, I was not much dating material, but if you must know, I had been forced on six blind dates. So I am not very fond of dates."

"Really? Why not?" I curiously asked.

"Because I had work to do, and none of them had anything in common like I do, on how much I put my efforts into my work life to get a promotion." Miss Nataly closed her eyes and reopened them to look at me, like she was a little anxious and relief at the same time, "Also, the reason why I was not very fond of dates is that they all were called up by my parent's eagerness for me to have children." 

"Don't you want kids? Kids are fun!" I tried to explain, and she kept on explaining with a soft but sad look, by continuing her words: "I do, but... look at me, I'm a 49-year-old Chevrolet Chevy BelAir car, who is already at the end of my 40s, works for the TIMES as a historian writer, and... the reason is that I never had a chance to learn what having fun or have a family of my own." 

As I listened to Miss Nataly's heartfelt explanation, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. I had just known her last month and had always admired her dedication to her work. However, he could also understand her desire for companionship and a family.

"Miss Nataly," I said gently, "age ain't nothin' but a number, you know? And it's never too late to have fun or find someone special. You're a wonderful car with much life left in you. Don't let the past blind you to future possibilities."

Miss Nataly smiled appreciatively at my encouraging words: "You're right, Mater. She continues with a sigh, "I suppose I've been so focused on my work and the expectations of others that I haven't allowed myself to explore other aspects of life."

"Well, now's the perfect time to start, I cheerfully said, "You deserve to be happy and find someone who appreciates you for who you are."

Miss Nataly nodded, already lightening up a bit. "Thank you, Mater. I needed someone to remind me of that."

"Just look around. You might find someone closer than you think," I teased, winking at her.

Miss Nataly blushed slightly, realizing that Mater might be referring to someone specific. "You mean like Doc?"

My grin grew wider. "Well, he's always been speaking about ya and helping ya, hasn't he?"

Miss Nataly pondered this momentarily, recalling all the times Doc had supported her, whether it was helping her with historical research or simply being a good listener: "You know what, Mater? Maybe I should give this dating thing another shot, She said with a newfound conclusion. "And maybe, just maybe, I'll consider asking Doc out for a friendly drive sometimes."

"That's the spirit!" I exclaimed. "I'm rootin' for you both!"

Now, I don't feel guilty for asking questions, as getting to know Miss Nataly better was necessary, and my efforts as I, Tow Mater: the Matchmaker skills are paying off. Miss Nataly's parents may be strict about her dating life, but I am confident I can change her perspective by getting Doc to ask her out. Her response to my second question was met with a soft smile, "As for your second question, I do not want to go anywhere too fancy or obvious in a car...but what I do appreciate is someone who doesn't mind where we go, as long as we can take a drive at night." Miss Nataly shared in response.

"Wow, ok! Bye! Thanks for the info!" I quickly drove off backward and left in the other direction to my shed so she would believe I went there when I was going to visit Doc Hudson.

(Nataly's POV):

Mater had just left, and I felt confused until I saw Sally driving by. I approached her and greeted her with a "Good morning, Sally." She replied with a smile and asked if I needed anything. I then asked her if she had noticed Mater's odd behavior today. Sally raised an eyebridge in surprise and asked if Mater had done something to make me uncomfortable.

"Oh no, no! Mater is a sweet car; I quickly explain to her about everything, making the blue Porsche widens her eyes before Iaughing, as it was confusing me even further: 

"And what did you answer?" 

"I said, 'I do not want to go anywhere too fancy or obvious in a car...but what I do appreciate is someone who doesn't mind where we go, as long as we can take a drive at night.' " I ended the discussion only for Sally to drive next to me and tease me along the way: 

"Maybe it's about you not admitting that you like Doc more than just a 'friend.' " 

"Oh, stop it you." We both laughed and went for a drink at Flo's cafe.

A/N: Not bad for Mater's pov. Please like and vote!

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