Trial 4: Eat My Dust - Joe's POV

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I chewed on a granola bar while scribbling on a crumpled sheet of paper. "This is it," I thought.

My last chance at a final goodbye. I grabbed a sack full of my few belongings, kicked open the door and ran. Where to? I don't know, but I had to keep running.

They may say that you can't run away from your problems, but I sure can try. I dashed through the misty dusk, leaving my old life behind me. Never once looking back.

Once it hit around noon, my feet could no longer go on. I fell to my knees with a loud thud, in the grassy field below. It was as if I was hallucinating this, like a lucid dream.

"Did I really run away from base camp? Will they even notice that I'm gone? Is Eddie even going to care?" I wondered in distress.

All of these questions were jumbled inside my head, with very few answers. I took a deep breath, and paused for a moment.

"Just calm down dummy. You're just feeling a bit overwhelmed." I reassured myself.

I pushed off the ground in an attempt to take a stand, only to pummel yet again into the dirt. Then I finally came to my senses that maybe, just maybe, running through 90 degree heat for 4 hours wasn't my greatest plan. I closed my eyes and sighed with a huff.

"I guess I am a little impulsive sometimes," I admitted, while opening my eyes.

But next thing I knew, the sky went black and a chilling silence surrounded me. Just before I started to freak out, I saw a small ray of light in the far distance.

As I rushed over to it, I stumbled along the way. It was like my legs had a mind of their own! If there was just a sliver of hope in my grasp, I had to reach it. I ran and ran, feeling like the chase would go on for hours.

Until I finally caught it, making me glow brighter than a Christmas tree. A wave of anxiety washed over me, along with this new source of light pulsing through me. In all my 17 years of life, nothing I had experienced could ever touch this.

Before I could cook up a plan to put a stop to this madness, my body was sliced up by strings of silver thread, until the last of my remains resembled fallen confetti. It was as if my body was dematerialized into smaller particles of myself, right after falling through the endless loop of cyberspace.

But did I somehow survive the relentless trip of constant mayhem? Everything around me was going so fast, and now I am some sort of pixie dust? I thought that was Tinkerbell's job, not mine. None of what just happened was adding up here.

Just as I was about to full-on panic, I reappeared in my physical form in a flash. This place was guarded by a 10-foot gate, with barbed wire laced across the rim. No burst of color came from here, creating a gloomy atmosphere of grey all around it. The front gate had a metal sign that read "Base #0062" in bold. Just what exactly was going on?

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