Trial 5: Does Together Really Mean Forever? - Ray's POV

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Wow, now that 2 hour shift was such a pain. Just non-stop digging in trenches of muck, only to find barely any useful parts. What a waste of my time.

"Can't I be done for the day, and go raid the rundown kitchen?" I wondered to myself.

It would work better than heaving my rusty shovel into the crumbling dirt.

"Whoosh!" I heard as I noticed a rustle in the brushes near the gate. Startled by the sound, I turned my head so fast that I thought I got whiplash. I wasn't exactly like one of those fancy audiologists who knew it all, but I was sure that I wasn't wired to detect faint noises from 50 feet away.

Well there are many new things that I've been forced to endure since I woke up a month ago. Suddenly having the ears of a bat, shouldn't change much for me. So I decided to push all the strange signs to the side, put my head down, and get back to work.

I dug deeper and deeper, stumbling across shards of glass and old bits of machinery. Sounds that suspiciously resembled heavy breathing shook me to the core, but I continued to ignore them. I was "on a roll" is what my fellow diggers called it. That is, until I heard the sloshing of footsteps coming closer towards me.

My eyes darted side to side, then finally found their way into the eyes of another. That other person being the one and only Chief himself.

"Look at all you lot playing in the mud. Well, just what I'd expect from a bunch of filthy orphans stuck around." He snarled venomously.

My blood boiled out of anger from his mockery, and decided to answer in kind.

"Why isn't that funny, because I'm pretty sure that you have nowhere better to go either!" I fumed in an upstarted rage.

I walked straight up to him, and jabbed my finger into his chest.

"Don't try to act so high and mighty to everyone around you! Who do you think you are, some sort of god? Because if it's from the great use of power, I definitely don't see you using it wisely!" I yelled into his bearded face.

He flushed bright red from my outburst, then crossed his arms and thought for a minute. As if he was cooking up some sick plan just for me.

"Wow, allow me to give you a round of applause. Listen up everyone, because of your friend Ray here, you all have earned yourselves an extra 2 hours on the clock! If anyone has anything more to add, please step right up! Don't be shy." He sneered at us with the biggest smirk on his face.

Sending one last glare at me, he tripped me into the mud. Only to yank me by the hair, making me look right into his cold blue eyes,

"And as for you Ray, you've been rewarded with some time away from the others. Now follow me quickly, because you girly, are to report to the icebox -- I mean the isolation cell on the double!"

Chief threw me face first into the ground, then proceeded to drag me through the trench yard in front of all the workers. Some smirked at me, as if I got what I truly deserved. While others looked down in pity at my expense, hoping not to be the next victim.

Throughout the whole way down to the underground chamber, as terrified and beaten down as I was. All I could think of was, "What happens next in all of this?"

And I wondered that exact same question, until the guards got a hold of me. So with no head boss hanging around, they decided to rough me up for fun.

Punching me, kicking me in the ribs, and even seeing how much I could take until I drew blood. Well I didn't last long enough to see the rest of my blood spill out of my body. I took one hard headshot, and the next thing I knew, my world faded to black.

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