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*  You were running away at this point, you had ( faught off/ran away ) already, as such running back to the ship. You could hear the animal chasing you *

* You heard a sudden tree snap, turning to your left you saw a large dinosaur mouth come flying at you, you slowed down to try and push or attack it. But it quickly left. *

* You started running once more, this time the stomping was even closer then it originally was, because of that move you had slowed down. * 

* Finally, you reched the shore, where you saw the yacht, and the door wide open. Inside was Dream. *

Dream: GET IN! GET IN!

* You ran inside and, almost immediently, Dream ran to the door and pressed close on the yacht door *

Dream: Come on! We'll be safer upstairs!

* You were allowed to go upstairs first ( Choose not to go and you get pushed in anyway by Dream ), Dream ran back and grabbed his tranq gun, then ran to the door that lead upstairs. He closed it and locked it, as he pointed his gun towards the door *

* You were kinda confused, he didn't act this scared anytime before, why was he scared now? *

* Dream still pointed it at the door, he didn't leave the door from sight at all. He didn't talk or respond, just pointed it. *

* You hard someone walking around upstairs, then footsteps coming to the enterance to  the stairs to storage. *

* You saw Admin standing there, he rubbed his eyes and looked at both of you *

Admin: Hey guys, it might not be a good time to start heading out dino hunting...

* Dream pressed his right side to the door, and listened for a moment. *

Dream: Fine, come on let's go up.

Admin: Not making breakfeast today.

Dream: It's okay, packed some granola bars, and some bread and butter.

* Dream headed upstairs, and walked away with Admin. You were walking along with them, when you saw that one of the computer monitors were on. *

* Admin hadn't opened and neither did you, which meant Dream must have opened it during the night. *

* It was a pdf of some article, reading " The Genius Killer. Journal Entry #35. Dr. Wu*

* How much harm could it possibly do to read it? It looked to be about some animal, it must be helpful in SOME way. Right? *


I have done it, i've made the best killing machine ever. After almost almost 20 years, I've done it. It's name is Rugops, meaning Wrinkled faced. Now, most know about the few animals Indominous Rex was hybrided with. The thing is, none of the genetisists knew why Rugops was added, it was certainlly not needed...well, it really was in the grand scheme of things. It wasn't added for physical features, it was added because of intelligence. This animal was orinally planned to be added to Jurassic Park, but when we made it, we never expected wht it could was smart, smarter than ANY animal in Jurassic Park/World. Smarter then the Troodons, Smarter then the compys, and even a little smarter then the raptors. We sent them to the other island, Isla Sorna, the raptors were smart enough, now we have an animal smarter then THEM! But recently, thanks to  Hoskins, i've opened my eyes and seen them as perfect killers, or in my case. Children.

These animals have something important that make them smart, they remember data. All sorts of data, numerical or not. They have perfect memory, and can manage lever/switches with their heads or puny arms. They also hatch their plans in less then minutes, they look around and they alredy have a plan to take down prey. We have no idea if this was a genetic flop, or if it really was this smart. We had it sent to Isla Sorna first before euthanization was allowed, but we found out that was a bad idea. We first saw it's incredible intelligence on Isla Sorna, where it overheard a conversation over radio of a quick supply drop on the island. When the ship came back, all the crew had died, and 3 Rugops were on the ship. They escaped, and killed 15 park workers, without being noticed on camera, before being caught by 3 workers and Muldoon. The park workers said they will never forget that cold stare they give you, with those evil blood red eyes.

If they haven't killed you after seeing you, they want you alive for something. We've seen it happen with some workers, and I can tell you they are DANGEROUS. They'll find a way out, if we can't keep them off an island SEPERATE of the park and people still die inside, you can't stop them ANYWHERE.

Now that they have been brought back into Indominous, i've hatched a small idea. I've made 5 Rugops, and after the attack of Pterasaurs, I set them loose. From the cameras, they seem to have killed 20 so far un noticed, perfect. I've added some new features to them as well. I've allowed them access to mate, and to change their voice. It may take them a while, but they can soon replicate a voice IF NEEDED. They can also ingest bones and muscle and be perfectly fine.

In general, this animal is perfect killing machine, that I can't wait to see in action whenever I get the chance.


* Someone grabbed your hand, it as Dreram *

Dream: Found a USB in the jungle, plugged it in here and this is what I got...freaky right?

* At least you knew what it was now. And why Dream was so scared of it. *

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