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(( Also, look at my profile now! I'm going to be giving some sneaky little clues on what happens next, some relate to deaths and some relate to events happening, so look out for that! ))

* Hatred tried to get for some help, he kept kicking, and he pessed this little button next to him that allowed nurses and doctors to come in and help. Sadly, that button didn't seem to work. *

* The Black mist took a human-esc form, still very dark and misty. Soon, the whole room was layered in a thick black fog, as time went on.*

* The "person" almost kneeled down to Hatred, and reached it's hand out to him. Hatred freaked out, and he kept screaming and screaming. *

* As the "thing" reached out, Hatred's eyes turned darker red as it continued, but Hatred still freaked out. *

* His eyes were almost complete dark red when suddenly the black mist lowered the hand. Hatred's eyes turned back to its normal black with white eye lights. *

Hatred: ?!

* The black mist slowly faded away, and soon there was no black mist left. Hatred was wondering what just happened, and why it left.  And of course, at the exact moment, the doctors and nurses came out. *

Doctor: Sir? 

* Hatred was shaking, and had wide eyes. The Doctor ran over to see what happened. *

Doctor: Sir? Can you hear me?

* Hatred nodded. *

Doctor: Is everything ok?

* Hatred shook his head. *

Doctor: Is there any pain?

* Hatred shook his head. *

Doctor: Do you know what happened?

* Hatred nodded, he was still shook (( S H O O K )) from what just happened, and he had noclue why that black mist person targetted him. *

* At least he was safe with the doctors and nurses. *

---With Dream---

* Dream was looking trough his closet, he was seeing if he needed to get more clothes from the store. While digging through, he had picked up some sort of pendent thing. It held a huge gap in the pendent part, for where the thing inside would go, and had a gold chain attatched to it. It was shiny and gold, and it almost looked like a good fit for his gemstone. *

* Dream looked over to his desk, there was the red gemstone in all it's glory. Dream slowly walked towards it, holding the pendent case in his hands. He picked up the gemstone and carefully placed it inside the gap, and except for a few tiny gaps, it was all ok! *

Dream: Convient!

* Dream wore it around his neck, and went to the mirror to see how it looked. To his surprise, it actually looked quite good on him, but he didn't look quite pleased. Infact, when he wore it, he was actually frowning, and almost sad. *

Dream: ?

* He didn't even feel sad, so he had no idea what just happened, he tried smiling but it turned to a frown real quick. *

Dream: ...Ok then?

* Dream ignored it, and continued on searchin through his closet, but the thought still kept lingering around in his head. And was itj ust him, or was it getting a bit dark? *

---With Auto Message---

* Auto Message had just finished up making the last of Admin's snack for school, and she was already exhausted. *

* She decided to see how Dream was doing, he was taking a lot longer upstairs to sort out his closet, maybe he needed some help. Even if she didn't want to give any.*

* Auto Message was walking upstair, when he finally reached Dream's room. She heard this light wind sound inside and even a bit of whispering? *

* She slowly opened the door to peek inside, and Dream was just staring at his closet, almost in a ranse, looking at it. He could just be looking through the whole thing, but that didn't seem like the case. *

- Close the door and give him privacy

- Open up and disturb him

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