End of the journey

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* You decided to wait( Due to most people waiting ), the animal moved forward, about to attack you...and then *


* The next thing you knew you were on the ground, and the Rugops + That entire section of the boat was gone. *

* The boat was sinking fast, you had to jump now if you were going to survive. You looked down at Dream and Admin, those big sections just barely hit the boat. Still, Dream and Admin were all right *


* You backed up, looked back at the ship tilted on its side, you ran forward and leaped off. *

* You landed right into the water, you swam to the surface and made a break for it to the lifeboat *

* The lifeboat was a large yellow circle, with tons of space inside and paddles. You grabbed onto its squishy rubber sides, and pulled yourself up, meeting back with Dream and Admin *

Dream: Wait I just forgot...

* Dream looked back to the ship *

Dream: The dinosaurs...

* The ship slowly sank, it's stern was the only thing left...before the whole thing sunk *

Admin: I think it's better if we just forget them, we couldn't save them even if we wanted too...

* Dream sighed, as he grabbed a paddle, Admin grabbed the other, together all three of you padded away from the wreck and towards mainland *

( You Escaped! Congrats! )

(( Just so you know, I am going to tell you what was going to happen with the other choices because of YEH. Finding another exit was going to make you be abandoned by Dream and Admin leaving you along, and pushing the Rugops was going to destroy the lifeboat. BUT you were going to ride on some wreck back home ))

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