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* The dinosaur snarled at you, but it didn't chase you. It, in fact, ran in front of you while you were running away. *

* Admin and Dream looked at the Rugops running away, it turned a right. *

Admin: Wait a minute. It's heading for the lifeboat if it makes it, it'll destroy it! We'll never be able to escape! We have to stop it!

Dream: Why does this always happen ;-;

Dream: Ok, I and Admin will run the other way around to block it, ( You ), catch up to it the way it ran.

* You understood what you had to do, and followed it, ready to attack it. Dream and Admin turned the other way. *

* You turned a few turned before you reached where the Rugops was. It was running down a large hallway. You charged at it and quickly attacked it, the Rugops fell forward a little before running away *

* You heard a little bit of screaming and attacking before Dream and Admin came around the other end *

Dream: You two wait here, I'll get the boat.

* Dream ran down the corridor, but instead of turning he opened a large steel door. *

* You heard another loud shriek from the Rugops when you looked back to your right you saw it running full charge at you *


* You followed his instructions, as he took out the small orange bomb balls. He fiddled with it a little, before throwing it at the dinosaur. *

* It landed in front of it, it looked at the bombs, nearly stepping on it before a large explosion was heard. You saw a huge hole in the bottom floor of the ship, and water poured in. *

* The dinosaur was injured, it's foot was ripped off from the explosion. It slowly got up, before waddling away. *

* The water reached the top of your feet, and it was slowly going higher. *

Admin: Be ready, if you need one of these tiny bombs...I can give you on-

* Suddenly, Admin screamed. The Rugops had bitten his back, and was limping as it bit into his shoulder *


* The Rugops pulled him back, causing him to throw the orange bomb ball towards the steel door. *

* And the bomb was about to explode... *

* At that moment, Dream came out of the steel door *

Dream: Ok, I got the bo- !

* Dream took out his gun as he aimed it at the Rugops. You ran at Dream, your arms spread out. You pushed him forward away from the door *


* And then the bomb went off, another shriek of pain came from the Rugops.  When you looked back, you didn't see it, but you did see aDmin. And a huge gap between the door and where Admin was. *


* You picked Dream up and ran after Dream, jumping over that large gap. The water was seeping up to halfway to your ankles. You heard the ship turning and bouncing up and down *

Dream: Oh no...

Admin: What now?

* Admin walked to where Dream was, near the gap of the doorway, you came too. You saw the boat, all the way down to the ocean. *

Admin: Aw crap.

* You heard stomping, looking behind you, you saw the Rugops coming after you. It's mouth wide open, about to come after you. *

Dream: We have no choice, we have to jump!

* Admin took out the black dynamite, he took out a matchbox *



* Dream shook his head side to side *

Dream: Just don't die on me, okay?

* Dream looked down, took a deep breath, and jumping in *

* Admin took out a match and lit it, he put the match to the dynamite stick, and thew it forward *

Admin: Come on!

* Admin jumped forward, he landed into the water. You were the only one left to jump.*

* You were about to jump when the Rugops bit into your shoulder, it pulled you back and blocked the exit *

* You looked at the dinosaur, as it snarled at you, the stick of dynamite still under it *

* If you jumped into the Rugops you may risk Admin and Dream, and you didn't know if there was another exit *


What do you do?

- Jump into the Rugops 

- Go to another exit 

- Wait 


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