Full Power...

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* Dream was infront of the school, he smiled. He wore his light jacket, and his Nike shoes from the store. He had SLIGHTLY increased in muscle mass too. He had a HUGE self-esteem boost, and he didn't stutter *

* The SQUIP float above him, looking down at Dream *

SQUIP: How do you feel?

Dream: Like I could rule the wrold...

SQUIP: Good. That's how you should feel...

* Just then, the bell rang. Students slowly began to go in *

SQUIP: Come on, School is about to start...

* Dream walked forth, he smiled, no, he beamed. Students looked to Dream, expecting a little nobody, but they were kinda shocked *

???: Is that the same kid?

???: He actually looks decent...

???: Wow.

???: That's a...change.


* The kids then lost inerest, he was like a normal kid in a school. Dream entered the building, and a lot of people looked at him there, but not as many as outside *

SQUIP: You're getting attention! That's a good start!

Dream: Yeah...

* Dream continued to walk down, until he reached his locker. There, he met Rose *

* But on notice, Rose grabbed his arm, and held him to the lockers *

Rose: Are you Dream still? Or do you have it?

Dream: What?

Rose: DO. YOU. HAVE. IT.

* Dream looked to te SQUIP, who was looking down at the two. *

Dream: What do I say?

* But instead of saying what to do, the SQUIP said this *

SQUIP * quickly*: Up Up Down Down Left Right A.

Rose: ?!

* Rose grabbed her head, and yelped a bit. Before looking back up at Dream, she had the computer stems coming from her eyes *

Rose: So you DO have it!

Dream: Uh- Oh! Yeah! I have a SQUIP now!

Rose: THIS IS GREAT! I NEED to tell admin!

Dream: Uhhhhh yeah!

Rose: I want to show you something after school, again. Don't worry! It's with other people who are NOT SQUIP-ped

Dream: Ok!

Rose: Well, I should get going now! See you later!

* Rose released her grip, and walked away *

* Dream turned to the SQUIP *

Dream: What was that?!

SQUIP: Oh, it's nothing! 

Dream: No really, I want to know!

SQUIP: Well, fine. All SQUIP's are the same product, and really, the same thing. The only major difference is if a person is female, the SQUIP is a female, and visa versa. Anyway, because of this, and that we are machines, we all have a "connection". We can connect to any SQUIP, as long as we know the person has one. Think of it like a friendship, once the SQUIP connects to another with the "code" then they form a bond!

Dream: Ohhhh.

SQUIP: Come on then, you got your stuff. Time for math!

* Dream nods, he closes his locker with all his stuff, and starts to walk away. When he is face to face with one of the jocks *

Jock #2 *sarcasim*: Look at Mr. Cool guy. With all his new clothes, too!

Jock #3: You still look like flimsy piece of plastic.

* Dream glared at him *

Dream: Get out of the way.

* The Jock grabs Dream and flings him to the floor. He then sets a foot over his body *

Jock #1: I think not.

* Suddenly, Admin came running up to him. His eyes were light blue, and he looked concerned *

Admin: Leeave him alone guys. He's not worth it.

Jock #2: So NOW you say that? You're just letting the little whimp off because he's your "friend"

Admin: Seriously guys, I don't think you want to know what he can do now-

Jock #3: We'll take the risk.

* The Jock grabs Dream's arm again, and throws him at a set of lockers. People pull their phone out, and start to point and laugh at Dream *

* The SQUIP looks at the Jock's, and laughs *

SQUIP: Anger Mode: On. Brutality: Extreme. Power: Extreme.

* Dreram first groaned from the hit, and then screamed from what the SQUIP said. It felt like his insides were burning. Dream's eyes turn dark red, the stems come out of his eye, and he slowly gets up *

Jock #2: So buddy, what you gonna do?

Dream: ...You REALLY shouldn't have done that.

* Dream looked towards the Jock *

* He smiles *

Dream: Oh well. All I can say, is well...You're going to have a B.A.D .T.I.M.E = )

* In the blink of an eye, Dream runs at the Jock *

* Dream forcefully slams his hand into the Jock's stomach *

* And in a instant, the jock goes flying *

* He crashes into the lockers, but that's not enough after this hit *

* The wall breaks at the force of impact, and flies backwards. Sending the Jock flying past the wall, zooming in around 40-50 mph, and crashing into the ground. 8 miles from the impact zone *

* But for some reason, the SQUIP put a forcefeild around the Jock, protecting it from too much of a injury. But it didn't stop the full impact, blood was gushing from the Jock's mouth, as he shook his head, and groggily got up. He was trying to make it back to the school, but he kept falling, tripping, and soon, he fainted *

* Everyone inside the school gasped, even Admin and the Jocks. No one went a step closer to Dream, not even the teachers INSIDE of the crowd of students wanted to get near. *

* Dream tuned to the other Jocks, he was still smiling. *

Dream: And that was my weakest move, my oh my. I think you might wanna take a step back.

* The Jocks did exactly that, AND MORE. They ran at lightning speed, far away from Dream. Screaming their heads off *

SQUIP: = ). Anger Mode: Off. Power: Low. Brutality: Low.

* In a instant, Dream's eyes turned normal, as he grasped onto his head, and groaned, as he looked at everyone. Their shocked faces, he knew what happened *

Dream: Oh god. I-I'm so sorry I-

Student: We've seen enough...

* Dream remained silent, as he almost waited for the hate he'd get. But instead-*


* Another kid came running up *

???: I never thought anyone in this school could put those jerks in their place! 

Dream: Wait what?!


* A lot of the kids agreed. Of course, that's not to say that some DIDN'T agree. Some kids left the scene quickly, some teachers stayed, while others left. One teacher even went to call 911 for medical help, but the students didn't let him. They blocked the door, argueing the kid deserved it. The princibal tried pushing the kids out of the way, but they didn't allow it. Finally, the guy gave up. After hearing the Jock coming in, sligghtly damaged, but mostly ok. He could talk at least * 

Princibal: Fine! You win! BUT! Dream! Meet me in the office after school!

Dream: I-I

* Some held the bottom side of Dream. Then other joined in. Soon, Dream was being praised for his "heroic" action. And boy, did Dream enjoy it. He got rid of his sorrow REAL quick. * 

Dream: This is INCREDIBLE!

SQUIP: Aren't you glad you got me now? :3


* Dream raised his arm into the air, and flung it forward. Th crowd moved in that direction, as they were slowly seen moving away from you. And soon, all you hear, were yells. And you see nothing else *

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