The Changes

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* Dream stopped infront of the clothing department, he looked up, and stared in awe *

Dream: I-I've never been here....

SQUIP: That's cause you never gave it a chance! Come on!

* Dream walks forward, past the moving doors, and then he enters the store *

* It was so vibrant inside, it was colorful, check out counters to the left, and small shops to the right. The area was  filled with pink and yellow, and there was a welcome sign above Dream * 

* Dream's eyes turned to stars, looking around at everything *

Dream: It looks so pretty! :0

SQUIP: This way!

* The SQUIP lead the way now, as he phased and passed through people, and stopped infront of the clothing isle *

SQUIP: It is important when picking new cool clothes, you pick something that stands out, but not too much, looks cool, and could be excepted by other people.

* Right off the bat, Dream picks a shirt from the isle, he smiles *

Dream: This one looks REALLY cool!

* Dream shows the shirt to the SQUIP. It was a black shirt, and it had a t-rex, trying to pick up a fork for a raw piece of meat, but failing. Above the picture, were four words, "The Struggle is Real" *

SQUIP: ...

Dream: Can we pick this one?

SQUIP: Absolutley. NOT.

* He stopped smiling as soon as he heard those words *

Dream: Why not?

SQUIP: You are not a punch line, Dream. Wearing a shirt like that makes you look a geek. Plus, it's INCREDIBLY cheesy.

Dream: ...Alright...

* Dream threw the shirt into a pile of other shirts. As he walked forward *

* Dream stopped infront of a isle FULL of plad shirts. Dream bent down, and looked through *

Dream: These look like something I can-

SQUIP: Don't even THINK about it Dream. 

* Dream got back up, he felt kinda sad. He used to like his clothes. He walked forward, going to every isle, pointing at stuff. Just to be shut down by the SQUIP *

Dream: What about-

SQUIP: Too plain.

Dream: Or maybe-

SQUIP: Too plad.

Dream: Maybe-

SQUIP: Too Neon.

Dream: How about-

SQUIP: Disgusting taste in humor.

Dream: Oh! This one-

SQUIP: Too nerdy.

Dream: I found a-

SQUIP: It looks like a antique found in a basment. Nope.

Dream: I could-

SQUIP: Are you ACTUALLY thinking about getting a shirt with one color?

Dream: No. Oh, but-

SQUIP: Not your style.

Dream: But that's all the clothes here!

SQUIP: No. Not ALL of them.

* The SQUIP pointed to a jacket that was green and yellow, it stood out, but not by too much. It was yellow, so it fit his theme. It wasn't nerdy, it didn't have anything on it. It had a hoodie, plus two small dangling puffs of cotton on the end of two strings. Which were connected form two small holes at the sides of the jacket. It looked perfect *

Dream: Oh.

SQUIP: It is PERFECT. Not too bright, fits your style. Plus, you can have that only orange colored shirt you picked as a a shirt under it!

Dream: It looks ok....I guess...

* It was obvious that Dream didn't like it, but if the SQUIP liked it, he'd have to deal *

* Dream walked over, and looked at the price tag, it was reasonable *

Dream: Fine, we'll get it.

SQUIP:  Next, we should get some new shoes...

Dream: W-What's wrong with mine?

SQUIP: Nothing much, but if you want to look cool. You got to get a popular brand of shoes. Something cool, makes you look sporty. Like Nike. We'll get those!

Dream: A-Alright...

* Dream walked to his left, he came to a load of shoes. On the shelves, TONS of black dress shoes, some And1's and Avia's. But then, he saw them. The last pair of Nike's. They were yellow and green, fitting the light jacket he bought *

* Dream picked the shoes up, and wore them. They fit nicely, he'd need to grow to make them perfect, but that would come in time *

SQUIP: Now, we just need some more cloths, and we're good to go!

---30 minute shopping later---

* Dream comes out of the store with lots of clothes. He has them all in a a cart, while the SQUIP continues to float *

* They reach his car, and they put the clothes in the trunk *

Dream: Next?

SQUIP: Next, we go home.

Dream: O-Ok!

* Dream got into his car, drove backwards slowly, and then drove home *

---Another 20 mintutes later---

* Dream was home, moving the last bit of his stuff inside. Once he finished, he went inside, the SQUIP was waiting for him *

Dream: Is there anything we have to do, now?

SQUIP: Yeah, drop and give me 20.

Dream: ? What?

SQUIP: You need to build a better bone structure. While you're not going to get it super quickly, I can help you wth it. So, right now. Drop and give me 20.

* Dream fell to the floor, he put himself into push-up position, and then started. And he was already tired after 5 *

Dream: D-Do I h-have to do this?


* Dream continued, he groaned and kept falling down. He got back up and continued, however. And after FINALLY 10 minutes, he was done *

Dream: * Panting *

SQUIP: We're going to have to get you too the gym.

SQUIP: Also, we're going to cut off your junk food cravings.


SQUIP: Nope, you can have one after a month, that's it. No more junk food. Now, give me 40 sit ups.

* Dream groaned, as he got on the floor, and did the 40 sit-ups. 20 minutes went by, and he finished those *

Dream: H-How did I do?

SQUIP: Poorly. But don't worry, we'll get there.

Dream * In a lower pitch voice*: Well that's good.

Dream * Still in this pitch*: Wait?! What happened to my voice?!

SQUIP: You are a man Dream, yet you sound like a girl. That is why I have changed your pitch from a Baritone, to a Tenor.

Dream ( Pretend everytime he talks he is in a lower voice from his original :P ) : I-I guess it sounds cool...

SQUIP: Ok, we know you can do 20, so do 25.

* Dream dropped down, and did 25. And yet, 9 minutes later, he finished *

Dream: T-That felt much quicker!

SQUIP: We are evening out the push ups, we start of small. And grow larger over time.

Dream: T-That's sounds like a good work out plan!

SQUIP: Just a few bugs we ned to fix. And you're ready for the next day.

Dream: I-I can't wait!

SQUIP: Neither can I...

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