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(( Before we start this. Let us have a momment of silence for Tristina leaving....once again. May she have a good real life, life. We wish you the best. ))

* Dream was in his own little black world.  He was in his mind. Dream was screaming and shouting in this dark place. But then, he stopped. He looked up, there was a bright blue glow *

???: Dream. Say hello to your Super Quantum Unix Intel Processor! 

*Suddenly, a man appeared before him. He had smooth dark blue hair, and he had TOOOONS of little stem machine things come out of his eye. He had blue skin, and he wore a LONG black cape, that covered all his body except his legs, there, he wore black dress pants. Tons of cody figures formed on the outside of his body, and he had a large smile on his face *

???: Your, SQUIP!

Dream: W-What!? I-I thought these were anxiety pills!

SQUIP: Oh, but I can help EASILY with Anxiety as well. But I have a much more MAIN function.

SQUIP: To make you more C.O.O.L

Dream's * mind*: So they WERE right, he DID take a pill!

SQUIP: Yes he did, Dream. Yes he did.


SQUIP: I am connected to your brain, Dream. That is how I am here!

Dream: T-This is so, cool :0. C-Can you make ME more cool?!

SQUIP: Yes, like I said, THAT is my main function! All you must do is follow my instructions...


SQUIP: I am sorry to say, Dream. But you can NOT.

Dream: What? Why?

SQUIP: The SQUIP is a VERY secretive machine, plus. If your friends found out, they would want to get rid of it! Do you want to get rid of someone who is going to make you  cool?

Dream: No. I guess not...

Dream: Wait, if Admin has a SQUIP. AM I GOING TO BE A JERK TOO?!

SQUIP: Of course not. Admin wanted to fit in with the bullies as his wish, so he was made rude! I can see in you, you just want to "Stay Alive" 

Dream: O-Ok. But if you do ANYTHING to force me to be mean! I SWEAR!

SQUIP: Now, shall we get back to reality?

Dream: H-Huh?

* The black started to fade, and in a instant, Dream felt groggy. He fell to the ground, and soon, he was outside *

* He sat back up, and looked around *

Dream: W-Where am I?

* Dream could see the SQUIP next to him, giving him a friendly smile. Not a overly serious smile or mean smile, more like a friendly one *

* Dream turned back forward, to see Blue, running towards him *

Blue: DREAM! What happened?!

* For some reason, Blue couldn't see the SQUIP, not one bit. Infact, the SQUIP walked RIGHT through him! And he phased through!*

* Then he realized why, the SQUIP was in his BRAIN. NOT ONE PERSON could see The SQUIP! Except for a few people. No, it was so odd. Dream was always ued to Zoey looking at him from her brain, but right now, she didn't. He didn't see her sure, but he would think Zoey would come and talk to the SQUIP. No, she didn't, which was odd *

* The SQUIP noticed his confusion, and since in his brain, answered the question *

SQUIP: Since I am in your brain now, I can now delete any mental bonds or even memories you have with another person. Don't worry, though, I don't delete memories often. Now go on, answer him! 

Dream *mind*: What should I say?

SQUIP: Tell him that the Jocks and Admin hurt you.

Dream * outloud*: I-I think the jocks and, Admin hurt me...

SQUIP: Sound like you just lost your memories. Tell him you don't remember well!

Dream: Ugggh, I-I don't remember well. But I just remember that, Admin and the jocks.

Blue: I NEED to have a conversation with Admin after this...

* Blue begins to heal Dream *

SQUIP: Tell him you are fine.

Dream: I-I'm ok, really!

* Dream looks behind Blue, he sees Thunder approaching, and voice *

SQUIP: Ahhhh, I see your girl friend has arrived! And her friend!

* Dream blushed at his words *

Thunder: What's going on here?

SQUIP: Do not respond, Dream.

Dream: ...

Blue: Fine. If you say so, Dream. 

Voice: I don't think that's a good idea.

Blue: He shouldn't trerat Dream like that! It just...makes me mad.

Thunder: What's going on?

Blue: It's nothing, Thunder.

SQUIP: I think it may be a good time to leave, Dream.

Dream * mind *: Ok...

* Dream sighs, as he gets up, and walked away. Thunder follows, but is cut off, when Dream goes into his room, and shuts the door closed *

Dream: T-That went, surpringly well!

SQUIP: Like I said, that is all I do. Instruct you in what to do. Oh, and, other things. But we'll get into that later. Right now, let us focus on the basics of being cool!

Dream: O-Ok!

SQUIP: Stand up.

* Dream quickly stood up, with the SQUIP looking at him in one glance, and then putting his hand up and closing his eyes *

SQUIP: We have....a lot of work to do.

Dream: What?

SQUIP: If you're going to be cool. You MUST change your clothes, better yet. Get new ones. 

SQUIP: Judging from your clothes selection

* The SQUIP looks to the closet *

SQUIP: We're going to have to work on that.

Dream: O-Oh...

SQUIP: Speaking of work, LOOK AT YOU!

* Dream looks at himself *

Dream: W-What's wrong?

SQUIP: You look like a piece of chicken after all the skin is eaten! You're going to have to work out. Especially your arms, they look so flimsy! No wonder Admin gets the chance to keep on hurting and abusing you! You're too weak to fight back!

* Dream nodded his head, he looked sad. Looking at himself, he DID look like a not fit person. And he DID have bad clothing choices *

* Admin was right, and so was the SQUIP, he needed a change *

SQUIP: You also need to fix your stuttering, makes you look like a whimp. Improve your posture, get rid of those dreadful shoes, too.

* Dream was surprised how horrible he was, he felt ashamed *

SQUIP: I have the feeling, once you get all that sorted out. You're going to have to change the pitch of your voice 

Dream: W-What's wrong with my pitch?

SQUIP: You sound like a choir boy who had too much helium, and that speaks for itself!

Dream: Alright...I get it, I get it. I need to change drastically, where should we start?

SQUIP: Let's start with some good clothes, from there, your body. Then we change you wardrobe. But we're going to have to hurry if we're going to get this AAALLLLL fit into one day!

Dream: Ok! I-I got that all. Come on!

Dream: Lets go!

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