Getting Past the Guard

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Dream: Uhm, sorry sir.  I didn't sign up ahead of time...

Tour Guide: Well, I'm sorry, but you can't take the tour.

Dream: ;-; Thanks anyway, mister.

Tour Guide: You're welcome.

* Dream walked away, he thought to himself. *

Dream: Wait a minute...couldn't I just go down myself?

* Dream walked to the edge, to look below. Lying below was the cove, and there was a downward slope down to a beach. From there, there was a chance to swim to the cove himself. * 

Dream: Excuse me, mister tour guide, is it ok to go down to the beach alone?

Tour Guide: I mean, you can, but you need a specific pass

Dream: And, how do you get down there?

Tour Guide: Some steps to the left of you, but you need to show your pass first.

Dream: Thanks, but i'll think i'll pass. Let me think if I have time.

Tour Guide: That's alright, just remember we're the last tour of the day. 

Dream: So?

Tour Guide: After we leave, no one can go down to the beach. The tour starts in 15 minutes.

* Dream looked down at his pocket, he saw a certain black punch, with the words "Cove Pass" engraved on it. *

Dream: K, thanks.

* Dream walked away around the corner, he thought to himself. *

Dream * thinking to himself*: I could sneak by, that'd be really risky...or I could steal his pass, ALSO very risky.

Dream * thinking to himself *: Think, Dream, I don't have long to decide.

- Sneak Pass the Guide

- Steal the Pass

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