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* Dream waited for the Tour Guide to turn back around, to look away from him, befoe quickly running for the stairs, he did it quietly though. He was half a way there, when he noticed the Tour Guide was turning around. *

* Dream made a even bigger break for it, and ended up lunging for the stairs. He ended up sliding his way down the stairs, and aorund the corner, before stopping at a stop point. He legs were severley injured, but he narrowly avoided the Tour Guide. *

Dream: Ow...Ow...

* Dream held his leg close to him, and really his whole body, and began healing it. The Tour Guide however passed by, not noticing Dream. Some of his bone had been layed across the steps. *

Dream: Sss...ahhh...sss...ahh

* Dream began breathing heavily from the pain, but when it eventually passed, he continued on down the steps, and down to the beach. *

* When he reached the beach, he made sure to hide behind a big rock on it, to avoid being detected. *

* Dream took out the cold-suit, and wore it quickly, he put his regular clothes back in the bag, and started for the water. *

* Dream dived right in, and made a break for it to the cove, swimming as fast as he could. The waves were strenuous to get past, and it was hard to control his legs. He almost felt like the sea was dragging down on him for his sins, he had never done this before. But when he finally made it to the cove, everything became easier. *

Dream: That was hard...really hard. BUT I MADE IT!

* Dream rested upon the edge of some rocks, and waited a little bit to catch his breathe. *

* Once he did, he dived back in the water, and swam forward towards the inside of the cove. *

---With the Tour Guide---

* The Tour Guide walked around a bit, usually at least 3 people would come by now for to the Tour, but no one came. *

* The Tour Guide sighed, and went to rest on a few rocks for a minute, guess he'd have to go in alone, just for the views. *

* That's when he caught a glimpse of the steps, and noticed something peculiur. The steps were engrave in a white substance, previously not there before.*

Tour Guide: ?

* The Tour Guide walked up to the substance, and kneeled down. He pressed his fingers into the substance, then lifted it up to see what it was. The substance was dusty, easily blown away, and a little bit of blood was with it too. It almost looked like *

Tour Guide: Something was scratched off here.

* The Tour Guide looked down the steps, and noticed the trail stopped at the first stopping point of the stairs. *

Tour Guide: What happened here?

* The Tour Guide looked down towards the beach, when he saw something the big rock on the beach. A bag. *

Tour Guide: ...

* The Tour Guide started for the steps, and slowly headed towards the beach, heading towards where Dream was. *

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