The Gemstone

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* As Dream continued deeper in, the water becomes shallower, eventually to the point where there was enough room to stan in it, and soon after, to stand on land. *

Dream: :o Cool!

* There were tons of tunnels, and stalactites, like the pamphlet, said, and there was a very dark atmosphere to the whole place. He made his hand glow gold, to shine his way through the cove. *

Dream: This is so cool!

* As Dream continued on, he began to notice that the cove was turning lighter and lighter, almost as if the cove was getting closer to ending. *

* Dream turned left, just to come to a dead end, he sighed in frustration. *

Dream: Dang it.

* He was about to leave when he noticed something. There was a small hole in the side of the dead end, coming out of it, was light. *

Dream * thinking *: Is this where all the light is coming from?

* Now that he looked around, this segment of the cove as the brightest he'd seen. He kneeled down and looked through the peephole, there wasn't an opening. No, this area was closed off and blocked with this giant dead end wall. Whatever was behind here was causing the glow.*

* Dream's hand glowed brighter, he retracted his hand, and then punched at full force towards the wall. Rocks shattered and flew in all different direction, just barely avoiding Dream. And before Dream could even get to walk through, he saw it. *

* A large, red, gemstone was sitting on top of a pile of rocks, almost like a platter. It was clear that the light was coming from it, as light rays emitted from it's sides. It shined and was glistening, even though there was no sun and it was trapped there for who knows how long. *


---With Hatred---

* Hatred was in his apartment, all the things had been set up, and people had already come. The party was a success! *

* Hatred was extremely drunk, and so were his friends. They talked and talked, in non-coherent words. *

* Things were going well before Hatred suddenly passed out on the floor, nothing too scary. At least not everyone there. *

* People were laughing as usual, not caring that one friend had passed out. After all, it happened all the time, why would it matter? *

---With Admin---

* Admin was watching his Tv, as usual. Thing is, he could hear the ruckus coming from Hatred's party. Hatred's apartment was only a few yards away from Dream's house, and that was all because of Dream. *

* Admin was always sick and tired of hearing the noise, so he'd just have to bear with it for now. Admin continued watching the Tv for the time being. *

---With Dream---

* Dream was thinking if he should even touch it, he was afraid to even go near it. He was also thinking, though, about how much this gemstone might be worth. No, he much rather keep it if he was going to take it. *

* Dream took a step near it, and slowly extended his arm to it, his arm shook. Thoughts raced in his mind, stuff about how he had actually found something thought to be a legend. *

* Dream waited for a minute, looking down at it, before finally grabbing the thing. *

---With Hatred---

* Hatred suddenly began vomiting, something also common to happen to people who were drunk. So his friends didn't think highly of it. *

* Thing is, one of them noticed that Hatred was making weird coughing noises. *

Friend: ?

* He looked down at him, and suddenly had the realization. He was chocking *

Friend: Guys, I think Hatred is choking.

* Everyone looked down at him, and low and behold, one of the people there wasn't drunk, had run up to check. *


* The guy began lifting Hatred and tried to do a choking maneuver on him. This caused some of the vomit to come out, but he still was choking quite heavily. *

* One of the guys at the party got the phone and dialed 911, but since he was drunk he handed it to the non-drunk guy. *

  Random Non-Drunk Guy: 911? One of my friends is choking! I need medical assistance!

---With Admin---

* The lights suddenly began to spaz out, and the Tv turned off, Admin looked around in shock. *

Admin: ? What the hell?

---With Dream---

* Dream's eyes almost shone red from the gemstone, he picked it up and it almost felt like they were meant to be together, crazy as that sounds. *

Dream: :oooo

* Dream looked at the gemstone and put it back in his pocket. He began walking back towards the exit. *

Dream: That was so cool!

* Dream, still in his cold-suit, comes back towards the cove's water. He slowly steps in, as every step brings him closer to deeper water. He bigs to swim when the water gets deep enough and starts freestyling his way out. *

* The waves, once again, made it hard to control, but he still managed to make it back to shore. Dream took in deep breathes and began standing up. That's when he saw the Tour Guide, a few feet from him. He had his bag in his hand and just stared at Dream. *

Dream: ...Uhhhhh, hi!

Tour Guide: You know it's illegal to go swimming in the cove without a pass, correct?

Dream: Ummm...

Tour Guide: Yeah, you're coming with me.

- Explain

- Run for it

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