Chapter 4-New Student.

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I had trouble starting this chapter. Sh*t. Uh...
Lachlan's POV (GREAT START.)

[3 days later]

I hummed to myself as I walked down the familiar pathway on where I go to school. I feel a bit disappointed though. I wanted to see that boy from the coffee shop today, but I woke up later than usual and I didn't have time.

I quickly spotted my group near a tree. I ran to them, and they all greeted me when I'm just a couple miles away. "Hey, Aussie boy made it!" Jerome exclaims with a laugh following in the end. "Dude! We have something to tell you!" Mitch says enthusiastically.

I look at them, "What is it then?" I ask, half expecting them saying something really weird and gross that will make me ignore them for the rest of the day.

"Well..." Preston begins, slightly giggling to himself.

"Your little dream boy is at our school!" Brandon screams, loud enough for only us to hear. I blushed a bit and raised my eyebrow.  "Dream boy?" I ask, still a bit confused.

Rob chuckles. "You know, the boy that you found in that coffee place?" He says.

I stood shock. The little Indian-looking guy? At my school? Okay, what. "Wait, wait. How did you know and when?" I ask them.

"Oh, Matt told me that he's friends and neighbors with him, which followed with him telling that he is going to our school." Brandon tells me with glee. "Oh, and his name was... Vikk I suppose?"

Vikk. Vikk, it really fits him. I smiled to myself, "Can you ask Matt if he can introduce us to him?"

Brandon looks at me with a grin. "Actually, I already asked him."
Jerome smirks. "Someone seems to be eager to see the new guy." He raises an eyebrow at me as he says that. I blushed darker at the statement.

Preston than looks at his watch and says, "We don't have much time left. Let's go before we get late and get scolded by our homeroom teachers." We all nod as we raced to our lockers then to our classes.

I sat down on my chair, before the bell rings. I sighed in relief. I hear the usual sound of Ms. Vaitaire's footsteps echo as she steps in the room. She smiles brightly at us, the kind of smile when something’s up or some good news happens.

She smiles brightly at us, the kind of smile when something’s up or some good news happens. She was one of the few teachers happy and ready to see a new student, because most of them already has to deal with us, and do it for a living.

“Good morning students,” She speaks up and places the bag she’s been carrying on the teacher’s table. “We have a new student today!”. My head perked up as she said that.  It must be him.

Matthew Nooch then came in with a familiar looking male. The same one from my dreams and the coffee shop. Ms. Vaitaire smiled at the new one from the class and said “Why don’t you introduce yourself from the class?”

The boy looked a bit nervous, but nodded.  He looked at the whole class and talked about himself a bit, “Hi,  my name is Vikram Barn, but you can call me Vik(k) I came from England, and I really do like playing video games.”. Oh my goodness, I can hear the British voice he meant and honestly,  it was adorable.

Our teacher nodded and smiled once again,  “It’s very nice to have you with us Vikk.  You can take a seat next to Matt.” She tells him and Vikk nods. Coincidently, Brandon just sits across from me a seat away,  and that seat is empty. That means Vikk is going to be seating between me and Brandon.
Vikk sat beside me and already started to take out his notebook and take down notes. Smart type I can see, it makes him even more adorable really.

I started to take note of his features even more. Though,  most of features were stuck in my head from past sleeps. And wow he is much smaller in person, like 5’7 feet tall (Latest news of Vikk’s height said he was that short). I could just take a glimpse of his eyes, it was the lovely chocolate and coffee brown.

I must’ve been looking at him for too long that he took a glance at me. Seeming to be in quite confusion. I blushed lightly and smiled a bit, trying not to act stupid. “Oh, um, sorry for looking at you like that for too long, Vikk” I say with a remembrance of his name. He gave me a small grin and a slight giggle. Oh my gosh, how can he even be more cute?

“I-It’s fine.” He slightly stutters. My smile seem to have grown wider. “W-Well, since you know my name, what’s yours?” he asks me suddenly, his voice was a little quiet, though I don’t mind.

“Lachlan Power, or Lachlan you could say.” I tell him.
He nods up at me with that sweet smile of his, “It’s really nice to meet you, Lachlan.” I chuckle slightly “Same to you too, Vikk.” I gave one final smile to him before we went back to the lessons.

Though, it seemed that I was paying attention to it more than usual. Maybe it’s because Vikk would answer most of the questions with excitement in his voice or is it because his eyes would sparkle in anticipation of answering. But long story short, I was smiling non-stop the whole period, just because if him.

It only felt like minutes with him until the end of classes. Matt dragged him away from his seat after Vikk packed up his things. They left, not before Vikk smiled at me with a small wave that Matt didn’t notice. I blushed a bit at the simply actions he did.

I left before any girl would come to my place and try hitting on me when the teacher wasn’t looking.

I walked down the hallway, slightly hoping to have a glimpse of Vikk in the crowded halls. No such luck though when I find my next classes, Science.

I got in my class and sat on my seat. Waiting for the next hour to come by and free me to English. It would be better if Vikk was there.

Vik(k)’s POV
I couldn’t wait for lunch. It’s because Matt will show me to some of his friends. I just really hope that they’ll treat me nicely.

I also really wanted to see Lachlan too, he was sweet and adorable, I Kay like him. But when I heard about girls talking about him or giving loving stares behind him back in my first classes and to a school this big. I figured that he was popular and I was a small nerd. I don’t have a big chance on him liking me back.

I was just walking down the hallway with my books, alone, minding my own business to try and find the cafeteria until I was slammed into a wall. I squeaked at the pain in my head and back. I looked at who have done it.

It was a brunette with spiky edges and green eyes, looking like a guy not to mess with really. Their were two others behind him. One was blonde with a slick hair-do and have brown eyes. The other had the same color of hair as the one who had pinned me, only his hair is more shaggy and have blue eyes.

“Well isn’t it the new kid? Your short and thin as hell to be our new target” The one I front of me smirked. Oh no, please, not again. I’ve been bullied with almost every school I go too, it was either Matt or my other group of friends,  the Sidemen to save me. But the Sidemen are in other schools and I don’t have Matt with me right now.

The blonde one hit me in the arm,  already feeling pain. “Such a weak ass too!” He laughed. I just got settled in and I’m already a target to the bullies. I haven’t said anything the whole time when one kicked me on the leg, “Speak up brat!”. I shook my head and kept quiet.

“I said Speak up!” He was about to land a fist on my face. I was ready for the pain, but I heard a thick Australian accent echo through the hallway with anger and power, “Don’t you there land another hand on him!” They suddenly looked at who stopped them and I looked too as well. It was Lachlan.

“Let him go right now.” He says, I can sense the venom in his voice. They let me go and seem to be afraid of Lachlan. “S-Sorry Lachlan!” The shaggy brunette one apologized.

“You better be, now leave before I put your reputation down below zero.” He says, a flare in his eyes. They nodded and quickly walking away. “You won’t he lucky next time.” The leader tells me before his group disappeared.

I just looked at Lachlan, who was now beside me. He looked back at me, his face was now calming and concern that replaced his furious one. “Are you okay? Any serious injuries?” He asks me, holding my face with his soft hand. My cheeks were burning slightly red. Shaking my head no to his question, he sighed in relief.

“Thank God, here let me walk you to the cafeteria.” He insists, holding my hand through the halls, blushing at the contact of his skin on mine.

“Why weren’t you with your friend anyway? Isn’t he suppose to guide you?” He looks at me, voice so comforting. “O-Oh yeah, he had a couple of c-classes without me, so I had to go myself.” I tell him, why do I stutter so much!? He grin down at me, “Alright, just stay away from those troublemakers. You rather not be with them alone.” He warns me and I nod my head.

Him walking me through the hallways with my body close to his reminded me of last night’s dreams. It started a week ago. From seeing his looks to seeing him in the café and to meeting him today made my heart flutter.

I really liked him, but does he like me back? I haven’t felt love from someone else in this way. I mean,  I’ve felt love from my best friends and family. But Lachlan was another story, it made my cheeks burn red, it made my heartbeat race up and it made me weak to my knees.

I was snapped out of my mind when Lachlan called my name “Hey, earth to Vikky!” I shot my head up at him. “You zoned out there.” He chuckles,  and I blushed in embarrassment. “S-Sorry…” I mumble. He laughs a bit more, “Ah, it’s okay, I zone out too sometimes.” He reassured me.

“Anyways we’re here.” He gestures to a swarm of teenagers invading the whole cafeteria. They were of course mostly grouped in their stereotypes, a few were mixed together as if they didn’t care being friends at the wrong stereotypes.

“You can meet my friends if you want.” He tells me, not letting go of my hand. I should be trying to find Matt… but I want to be with him for a bit more. Oh, maybe just a few minutes. I nodded up at him and he immediately pulls me again through the crowd.

As he was leading me, I realized on just how fast he is. He was like lightning right now. How could anyone keep up with him? While trying to see where we are going, I observed that were going to the same direction that Matt told me to go to see him. Maybe I won’t be as far from his table so that I still get to see and talk to him.

He soon stopped, making me slightly bumped into him. He looked down at me and smiled. “Sorry there,  I might get a bit too fast sometimes.” He tells me and I nodded, showing him that I understand. “This is me and my friend’s table, and I’ll assure you they’ll be nice” He said. His friends were already all sitting on the tables and looked at me. One face caught my attention though.

“Matt!” I yell happily. “Vikk!” He calls out back and comes over to hug. “I was worried you wouldn’t fine me and got bullied on your way here.” He tells me once he pulls away. I laughed “Well I did get bullied a bit, but Lachy found me before anything else bad happened.” I inform him,  glancing at Lachlan and grinning at him. Which he returned with a light… blush on his cheeks?

I shook it off once Matt starts do introduce me to the people around the table. “This is Preston.” He gestures to a guy with dark brown hair and same colored eyes, who gave me a smile and waved at me.

“This is his best friend, Rob.” He then points to another boy beside the other one,  he was slightly taller than him, with also brown hair and eyes with a growing beard. He gave me a friendly grin and nodded which I returned.

He stopped to two people who were super close to each. “These two idiots is Jerome and Mitch, and they are dating by the way. ” Matt rolls his eyes at them as he pointed at the couple. The one with the blondish hair, who I learned is Mitch,  sticks out his tongue we Matt with a small ‘pfft’, making the other, Jerome, laugh and peck his lover’s cheek.

“Of course you already know Lachlan.” He looks over the tall Aussie who has been quite silent the whole time,  just looking at us. But he gave me a sweet smile when Matt says his name which made me smile brightly back at him.

“And this is,” He turned to the opposite of the table and look at a boy with light brown hair and eyes with a green beanie. “Brandon.” He finishes.

I gasped a bit, looking at Matt and slightly nudging laying him look at me and push me away. I started to giggle a bit. You see Brandon is Matt’s crush. When we Skype each or talk face-to-face, there is not one time he wouldn’t talk about Brandon.

Brandon gave a questioning look as he looks back at Matt then me, then back at Matt again. I try to regain my sanity of trying not to fan boy over this too much.

Matt ignores me and sits beside Brandon. Trying to keep his face from being red once Brandon starts to ask him some questions.

I sit down from the opposite of them. I froze a bit when I realized I was sitting next to the tall Australian.

He moves his eyes down at me and smile. I gave a small smile back, looking away as quick as I can to hide my blushing cheeks. Am I actually liking the popular guy in school?

I mean he is hot as hell. I know many could agree. He probably is straight and has a girlfriend for all I know.

Some people around us look at me and start whispering to each other. Well of course, it’s because I’m sitting at Lachlan’s table, right beside him may I add,  and I’m new here so no one would recognize me.

I look back up at my new friends. They seem really nice to me at the least. They socialized at me and didn’t ignore me like what my old friends did at the last school did.

I think I’m going to do fine here.

Hey guys! I've finally updated! Now you guys know I'm not dead! Take the 2663 words please!

My sincere apologies for not being able to update. I've just been slacking off and dealing with problems, but it is getting better. I am expecting to be updating for my one shots soon too!

Thank you for your patience!

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