Chapter 11

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Harry scrambles to get off of me and out of my bed, frantically straightening his shirt and running a hand through his hair in the process. His cheeks have reddened to a shade that resembles the apples from the tree in my backyard. His embarrassment, clear in his complexion, is a distracting sight because it reminds me of what had just happened between us, but the distraction doesn't last long before Alec grabs my full attention.

"What the hell is going on here?" His eyes dart back and forth between me and Harry.

"I- I was just leaving," Harry mumbles nervously, tripping as he attempts to put on his shoes. 

Alec's glare stays trained on Harry. "I don't want to see you back here again. Ever. Got it?" His voice holds a low growl beneath each word and I'm not sure that I've ever seen Alec like this before. 

I don't even have time to form a response before Harry gives me a worried look and exits through my balcony doors without so much as a goodbye. He slips away quietly, never taking his eyes off Alec as he swings his legs over the railing and descends down the trellis. 

Alec and I are across the room from each other in a stand off. I fold my arms across my chest, pursing my lips. 

He has to control everything in my life and of course Harry would be no exception to this. Granted, I hadn't really considered Alec finding out about Harry, but now that he knows, it's fitting that he'd take him from me.

"What do you think you're doing?" Anger is still evident in his voice.

"I'm not sure what you mean," I say with mock innocence, which only makes Alec clench his fists.

"I am in no mood for this," he fumes.

I blink my eyes at him, remaining silent and waiting for his inevitable anger to build up. He's breathing heavily and darting his eyes around, trying to come up with a way to win. Predictable.

"Nya," he begins, still breathing deeply and trying to calm himself down. "I don't want to ever see that boy in your room again. Do you understand?"

"But you don't mind when Logan is in my room," I counter.

"Well for starters, you've been paired with Logan. He is your partner- "

"Not yet, he isn't," I snap.

Alec closes his eyes, trying to get past the stress that I'm bringing him.

"Second of all," he continues, ignoring me. "I trust Logan."

"Of course you do. You trust him because he's just some boring boy who doesn't pose a threat. He's exactly like you - boring, conventional, and simple." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret them. I mean what I said, but I know it will hurt Alec.

Sure enough, his expression looks like I've slapped him. But it only lasts momentarily before he regains his composure. His concern is gone in the blink of an eye.

He presses on. "How do you think it would look to people if they saw you with some boy on the side?"

"Harry isn't some boy on the side!" I protest.

Now I'm the one who is fuming. I wouldn't do that to Logan, even despite having no romantic connection with him. I wouldn't just pick up some boy on the side just for the hell of it. That isn't what Harry is to me.

"I don't care what he is or isn't. He's not to come back here and see you. You're with Logan, you'll take your vows, and that will be the end of it. This isn't up for discussion," he yells, his eyes wild.

I clench my teeth, holding in all of the insults that are floating to the surface. After a few more heavy breaths, Alec turns on his heel and storms out of my room, slamming my door behind him.

My head begins to ache and I release the tension that I'm holding in my jaw. It feels surreal that my worlds have collided. Alec seeing Harry makes Harry...real.

I stay in my room for about an hour before showering and trudging downstairs. Though I'm dreading it, a talk with Alec is probably necessary if I ever want things to be repaired between us. I've calmed down enough to be able to face him.

I'm not sure if we are past repair or not at this point. I don't think we will ever understand each other, but maybe one day he will be able to actually see me more than he does now. In his eyes, I'm cloaked with disappointment.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Cade sitting at the table.

"He's not here," he says without looking up from his lunch.

"He left because of me," I say, my voice void of all emotion.

"I think that's to be assumed, Nya. He said you both had a disagreement."

"I'd say," I mumble under my breath.

I join him at the table and offer my hand to the scanner to be pricked. I choose the first meal option that is offered to me without really looking, not even bothering to make sure that I'll like it or not.

"I can't say that I blame him. I hate to say this, but I really do expect more from you."

"Cade, he's being overly protective like usual!" So much for trying to keep calm.

"Of course he's being protective. This is your future at stake. It's a very serious issue and I'm not sure that you see the severity of the possible consequences that can result from this."

"No one knows and no one will know about it. I don't get what the big deal is." I huff.

"Well I don't see how that's possible. Work programs are broadcast publicly every year once all of the citizens turning twenty get placed. You know that." His eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. "Are we talking about the same thing?"

My mind is racing. Obviously we aren't talking about the same thing. Cade clearly has no idea about Harry. He would tell me if he did and he certainly wouldn't act oblivious about it. Why didn't Alec tell him?

"No, no. Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind right now. I must've gotten the details mixed up," I say quickly, making up an excuse.

There's clearly a reason why Alec doesn't want Cade to know and even though I'm mad at him, I decide to follow Alec's lead.

"It makes sense that you have a lot on your mind. Alec told me you were unhappy about being placed in the underground work program."

My blood instantly turns cold. What?! I want to shout out in confusion and ask him what he means about being placed underground, but I hold myself back and pretend like I already know this information. My fingers grip my fork tightly until my knuckles turn white. 

That must've been the reason for Alec barging into my room this morning. He must've gotten the message about my placement and come to tell me.

"Underground is not a respected work area." Cade looks at me with a solemn expression. "Alec has gone to try and get you a better work program. You better hope that he can change this for you."

I know he's right. I don't want to admit it, but I know that his words are true. Being placed underground will not only shut me out from everything, but will also take away any possibility of doing anything worthy of meaning.

At that moment, the front door opens and closes and Alec steps into the room. His eyes widen slightly when he takes in the sight of me and Cade sitting together. I bet he's worried that I told him about Harry. Although I'm still not sure why that would be something he'd want to hide from Cade.

"Bad news." He shakes his head, his lips held in a tight line. "The life advisors have informed me that their decisions are final and no citizen in the twenties group can be moved at this point. As of now, selections are permanent."

My heart begins to beat erratically. This can't be happening. People placed in the underground are the ones who never learned how to read. Never learned how to use our technology properly. Never had a chance of getting into another program. And they are the people who never desired a different program in the first place. Surely I'm not one of those people.

"What do I do?" I ask, defeated.

"I've thought about it and there's really only one thing to do. It won't get you out of the underground program right now, but it will ensure that you have the possibility of a better future."

"What is it?" I ask cautiously. 

Alec looks at me uneasily. "The work programs aren't broadcast for another two weeks. That means that no one will know about this until then." He stalls for a moment. "The only option I can see is agreeing to take vows with Logan before then."

I start to protest, but he cuts me off. "It's the only way, Nya. Logan is a good enough man that he won't leave you when he finds out. But that's as long as you are promised to take vows. If your only tie to him is that you are paired, he might leave."

My stomach lurches and I run out of the room before dry heaving in the toilet.

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