chapter eleven

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I had to admit that I had wanted to be with Jordan for so long that I convinced myself that this would be impossible. I was convinced that we were just never going to happen and now that it was, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was shocked. Elated but definitely still shocked.

The kiss we shared earlier quickly grew intense and once we broke apart the party held no interest to us anymore. Jordan had driven over here and we needed the privacy of his car. So it's where we headed.

    We weren't planning on making out even more once we got inside but it's what happened anyway. Something had been released and both of us were too powerless to stop it.

    As he suddenly pulled away, he made his move to kiss down my collarbone. Without his lips pressed to mine the hazy makeout fog started to clear and I gently moved him back against the seat.

    After the loss of body heat, his eyes flew to mine and he bit his lip. Seeing the action made me want to kiss him again but I purposely held back. We needed to get a handle on this or I'd be losing a lot more than I bargained for tonight.

"Fuck Charlie," he muttered.

His hands went to my ass and I pulled up from straddling him. I leaned my back along the steering wheel and focused on catching my breath.

"I think we need to stop for now," I said.

"Yeah," he said, gravelly.

I felt his hand flex on my waist and pull me back towards him. I leaned against his chest and found myself still trying to calm my restless heart.

We settled into a pattern of silence as I lounged on him. And it was that same silence that made it easy to hear the sudden random growling of my stomach.

The noise was jarring and I gave my stomach the death glare before I tilted my head to look at him. I shot him a sheepish smile and I felt his body move up and down with his laughter.

"You hungry?" He asked me while brushing hair out of my face.

I nodded.

He observed my face and gave me one last squeeze before letting me off him. I struggled to climb back over the seat but eventually I made my way over.

I shot a quick glance over at Jordan to see if he was going to tease me, because I knew he would. However the smile on his face was not a teasing smile. It was more of a smirk if anything. And I knew exactly why it was there.

I smacked his thigh and let out a "hey!" as I watched him laugh.

"I mean you put it in my face, what am I going to do, look away?"

"That's exactly what you should have done."

"Charlie, we literally just admitted to each other that we were in love and you don't want me looking at your ass?"

Hmmm. I thought about it. He did seem to have a point. "I guess you're right. You can proceed."

He burst out laughing again and I rolled my eyes.

It was midnight so Jordan took me to McDonald's cause there wasn't much open. On the way I texted Harper so she wouldn't freak out when she noticed me gone.

When we pulled up to the drive through all I wanted was fries and a Mcflurry and shockingly the ice cream machine was working. I pumped my fist in the air in excitement for my ice cream.

We pulled into a parking spot and I started to eat in an unladylike fashion.

The best part about going from friends to "lovers" was definitely the fact that we were already comfortable around each other. I had seen all of Jordan and he had seen all of me.

I was not going to daintily bite into my fries, I was going to shove three in my mouth at a time. And we were so used to that, seeing ourselves unfiltered that he didn't even flinch. And I had to admit it made me feel really secure.

Once I had finished chewing I sipped my water and asked, "so, we are dating now right?"

He ate a fry. "I think so."

"Good," I said.

He finished chewing. "So basically you're my girlfriend, right?" He tried to say casually.

"Right. And um, you're my boyfriend, right?" I said trying to nod nonchalantly.

"Right," he said.

I sucked in air. "Well... okay. That was quick and easy," I said while breaking out into a grin.

Jordan turned to look at me and I watched his eyes settle on my lips. "Well... technically it was the opposite. We've been dodging our feelings for years," he reminded me.

I pursed my lips. "You're kind of right," I muttered.

"So..." he continued. "We've gotta make up for lost time."

I laughed. "How are we going to do that?"

He shrugged.  "I don't know. We just gotta live it up while we can."

"I'm down but I mean we don't have to rush it."

"It's not rushing it. It's more like taking advantage of the time we have now. You know before you up and leave go to halfway across the country."

I grinned. "I might not leave."

"Yeah but you should if that's what you want."

I sighed. "I don't know what I want."

"Either way we'll figure it out."

"Yeah. Yeah we will."

"We can facetime and see each other over break and we can find time to visit in between," he said while shoving more fries in his mouth.

I beamed at him. He was making everything feel so easy.

When he was done eating he gave me a look. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

I sighed in contentment. "Nothing. You're making me want to kiss you again."

He smirked and leaned back in his seat to put his hand on my thigh. "Charlie if you want to kiss me you don't need to ask."

And the spell was broken. I rolled my eyes. "You're so damn cocky and it's annoying."

"I bet you still want to kiss me though don't you?"

    I flicked him. "Take me back to the party idiot, I'm sleeping over at Harper's tonight."


    Jordan and I waited outside the car for Harper to come back out. We were standing near each other but we were also completely silent. We were holding hands and I was leaning against the car. My mind was going haywire because I didn't know anything about dating etiquette.

Like do I shake his hand? Slap him on the back and say "we should do this again sometime?"

I was lost and reality was hitting me hard. I didn't know how to date someone. And I especially didn't know how to date my best friend.

My body language must have given me away because Jordan reached in for a hug and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Relax," he said.

"I'm trying," I muttered. "I- I just don't want to mess this up, you know?"

Jordan took a long pause.

"It's scary to have something you've always wanted." I said softly. "Cause if this goes bad, if we don't work-"

"One step at a time." He said cutting me off. "Right now, it's just you and me. It's always been you and me."

"I know but-"

"This is happening for a reason and I'm not going to let you escape this because you're scared of something that might not even happen."

    I sighed.

"So get that shit out of your head because you and I are going to work. Because we already have for almost our whole lives. Nothing's really changing," he said. "Well... except for the fact that now we can-'

I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up," I said with a laugh.

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

I raised my brow. He grinned.

I took in a deep breath. "Okay." I said softly.


I nodded. "Yeah."

He smiled down at me and I fiddled with the gold cross pendant on his neck. "Tomorrow we're going on a date and I'm going to show you why we're going to work," he told me.

I beamed.

"Yeah?" He prodded.

I nodded and stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. And after my feet hit the floor he bent down to kiss me once more.

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket but the vibration wasn't enough to distract me from the kiss. However, Harper walking out the front door of the party and yelling holy fuck from the top of her lungs was.

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