chapter ten

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Jonathan Dwyer was hosting a party tonight. And not just any party. A 2000's themed party. I wasn't a huge party girl by any means but I would make an exception for a 2000's themed party.

I wore one of my dad's old basketball jerseys and wore shorts that you couldn't really see underneath. I found my name necklace and my gold hoop earrings. I put a bandaid under my eye like Nelly and wore my air forces, also like Nelly. I put the front part of my hair into pigtails and left the last part down. The finishing touches were the blue bandana that I tied around my head and the sweatband that went around my wrist.

I looked in the mirror and felt content with my get up. I sent a picture to Harper and she gushed over my costume before sending me a picture back.

Harper looked really good but she had taken a different approach. She was wearing low rise jeans and a pink tube top. My body could not pull off such a look but Harper looked great. She had barrettes in her hair and also wore hoop earrings. She wore strappy sandals on her feet and had her hair up in pigtails.

Harper and I were going to drive over together. I was supposed to go with Jordan but after our fight I hadn't mustered enough courage to stop avoiding him. He was being a dick and I wanted no parts in that.

Harper was supposed to go with Liam but she decided to meet him there once she found out I was going alone. I felt bad about it so once we got to the party I figured I would find some other friends to hang with so Harper could do her thing.

She sent a text saying she was on her way, so I packed a bag before going downstairs to show off my outfit to the parentals.

They were in the living room watching a movie when I strutted in front of the TV screen so they would see me.

"So... what do you guys think?" I asked as I gestured to myself.

My parents looked at one another and laughed softly.

"I can't tell what's worse. Knowing that we're so old that the 2000's is a theme for parties now or having a daughter wearing a bandaid on her cheek," my dad said.

I rolled my eyes. "Dad. This is a Nelly inspired look," I reminded him.

He clicked his tongue. "Oh. Right. I forgot about the bandaid thing," he muttered.

"Where's your grill?" My mom asked.

I slapped my hand on my thigh. "Dang it I knew there was something I forgot."

"It's okay baby. I think you look great." My mom said consoling me.

"Thanks mom."

I looked to my dad and once I saw the expression on his face I sighed. My dad was the stricter parent so I knew what was coming. I didn't even have to wait long.

"You're staying the night at Harper's?"

"Yeah Dad," I said.

"I want you checking in. When you get to the party, when you leave the party, and when you get to Harper's house."

"Okay. I will."

My mom looked at me. And remember what I always tell you. If you get to the party and there just so happens to be illegal teenage drinking-" she said with extra emphasis on the word illegal, which was probably to remind me that I shouldn't be drinking. "Do not get in a car with anyone who has been under the influence. And if you find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe please call me or your father. I promise we will drop everything to come get you and there won't even be consequences. I know things happen. You've shown us that you're responsible and that's why we trust you. Still, you know that if you break that trust it'll be really hard to get back."

"Okay mom."

My phone chimed.

"That's Harper." I said as I walked away to grab my overnight bag.

My parents' heads swung around the couch to watch me go as I neared the door.

"Stay safe honey." My dad said.

"Love you." My mom said.

"Bye. Love you." I shouted at them as I shut the door.

I turned around to see Harper in her car. I held up the peace sign while pursing my lips as a way of greeting.

Harper rolled down the window. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" She shouted at me.

I smiled and jogged over to toss my bag in the backseat. I climbed in and we were off.

Harper looked over at me. "I'm surprised you aren't still upset about what happened with you and Jordan yesterday."

I was applying lip gloss as I spoke. "I mean I am a little bit but I know ultimately we'll be okay. We've been friends for too long."

"True enough." She said.

"So miss ma'am what's up with you and Liam?"

A smile crept up her face. "I don't know. I'm trying to be chill about it for now. I've heard things about him being kind of a fuckboy so I need to test the waters."

I nodded. "Yeah. It's good to be cautious. So you make sure you're both on the same page."

"Right! Cause honestly I'm cool with holding on to my V-card. And if that's all he wants then there isn't really a point to this."

"True, but you never know until you know."

She shrugged. "Facts."


I was standing  in the corner drinking kool-aid from a red solo cup. I wasn't really a big drinker. I had tried to indulge in it a few times but I thought it tasted foul. So I could typically pass on the alcohol.

I was nursing my drink while bopping my head. I was scanning the room for Harper but I couldn't see her though all the bodies.

Suddenly I was approached. Mike Lawler was a big dude. He was a football player and he was the class clown type. He was definitely cute, a bit fuckboyish though. He had nothing on Jordan but then again who did. I personally thought Mike was great, in small doses and I mean very small doses.

Mike was swaying a bit, looking a bit tipsy already. Out of the corner of my eye I saw he leaned against the wall next to me. I wasn't ignoring him but I also wasn't in the mood for his clowery.

"Charlotte come dance with me," he said.

"Why?" I asked, still not making eye contact.

"Cause I want to dance with you."

I turned to him and raised my brow.

"And cause the bandaid on your face is really cute."

I let out a small smile. "You're crazy."

He shook his head. "Why would I lie?"

"Cause you're crazy."

His hand came around my shoulder. "Crazy for you." He said while spanning his hand across the room.

I laughed. "I think you're drunk."

"They say drunk words are sober thoughts," he told me while nodding sagely.

I smiled. "Maybe... if you weren't drunk I would be able to take you more seriously but right now I think you're full of shit."

He pointed at himself with mock skepticism. "Me? Never that. I've been waiting for my shot with you."

I looked at him. "Waiting for what?"

"You and Jordan were dating right?"

I made a face. Where did he even get that from? You stop hanging out with a person for a day and people assume you've broken up?

I shook my head. "No actually we've never even dated. We're just good friends." I told him.

"It seemed like it was more," he said confusedly.

I harrumphed. "Of course it did," I said while going for a sip of my juice.

"Anyway, you can do better than Jordan. I mean I think I could beat him out."

And here it was. This is why I could only handle him in small doses. He was creeping over the line. I knew he was joking but it made me feel weird. I didn't want to hear him shit talk my friend to try and get at me. Even if he was a friend that I was currently pissed at.

I shrugged his arm off me hoping he would get the hint and stop but he just kept going.

"Just cause Jordan's a pussy who can't-" he started up again while trying to pull me closer.

"Hey!" I said, interrupting him as I started moving away.

His brows came together as he finally registered the look on my face. "What's your deal? You literally just told me you weren't dating."

"Okay but that wasn't your free pass to start being a dick to one of my best friends." I said sharply.

And then of course the man of the hour appeared himself. He showed up out of nowhere, probably noticing our tense situation. Jordan pulled me into his side and I decided to ignore the fact that I was mad at him just so I could prove a point to Mike. I curled into Jordan and looked Mike in the eye.

Jordan studied me before looking to Mike. "Everything good man?"

Mike looked at me harshly before looking to Jordan. "It's cool," he said, not sounding pleased. He backed off the wall and started making an effort to leave. "See you around Charlotte," he said to me as he walked away.

When he left I turned to the other guy that I found supremely annoying. I stepped away from Jordan and my hands went to my hips.

He smiled at my stance before he got serious. "Okay. I'll admit it. I was being a dick. I'm sorry. I didn't see where you were coming from but once I thought about it more I got it. It wasn't cool for me to say that." He said as he pulled me back into him.

We were friends and friends checked friends. He was in the wrong but I was in the wrong sometimes too. It was more important to be introspective and to remove the stick from up your ass. So as long as he understood why he was wrong then I couldn't be mad. Besides we were both sort of guilty in a way. I could have handled things better. I meant what I said but my jealousy caused me to lash out a bit more than usual.

I sighed before relaxing into his body. We stood there for a minute before I lifted my head and shot him a small smile. I grabbed his hand and led him out the front door to escape the loud music. Once we got outside I sat down on the steps leading to the entryway and Jordan sat down next to me.

I was quiet for a second to compose my thoughts. "I'm sorry too. After thinking about it I realized that I had gone too far. That was irrational of me to place my jealousy on you."

He looked confused. "Place what on me?"

I took in a deep breath. I couldn't believe he was really going to make me spell it out for him. "I know you know I like you and it wasn't fair of me to lash out at you like that just because you've been with other girls. I shouldn't have made you feel bad for not sharing my feelings."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

I was getting annoyed again. "Jordan. I just told you that it's embarrassing. Why are you making me bring up the past? Especially since you know what I mean."

He shook his head incredulously. "I actually don't know what you mean. When did you tell me you liked me?"

I stared at him like he was the biggest idiot on the planet. "I don't know Jordan? Maybe it was when we made out last year and then the next day you acted like it never happened."

He looked stunned at this revelation. "I don't even know what you're talking about."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "How- how do you not know Jordan? It takes two people to make out. I know I came on to you but you participated. Avidly."

He looked like he was getting ready to explode but then something seemed to click. His face changed. He turned to look at me. He blinked.

The atmosphere felt like it shifted and I saw realization spread across his face. Something weird was happening here and even though I didn't know what it was, it made me stop in my tracks.

"Shit," he swore softly.

"What?" I asked, starting to get concerned.

"Shit," he repeated.

"Jordan, what's going on?" I said as my voice rose.

"I didn't know that actually happened," he said, almost like he was talking to himself.


"Charlotte. Are you talking about the day of Kevin's party?"

"Yes?" I said, still confused.

"I was drunk."

I wrinkled my nose. I looked away, trying to piece that night together.

"I swear on God. I was so drunk I slept over at Kevin's. You can ask him."

"But I-"

He continued. "Fuck. I thought I imagined it. I didn't know it was real. There was a period of time where I thought you were acting weird but I didn't know why."

I tried to jog my memory. I knew I hadn't had that much to drink that night but I was a lightweight. I remembered drinking a little bit of beer but I knew for sure I wasn't too drunk. I figured I might have been a little bit past tipsy which might explain why things were a bit hazy.

"After I went home with Harper you got drunk? Or you were drunk when I kissed you?"

He was thinking hard. "I think when we kissed I was getting up there. It's one of the only things I remember about that night. It was such a blur. That's why I thought it wasn't real."

It got quiet again. Now, we were both thinking hard. About what this meant.

A minute later Jordan broke the silence. "You thought I would throw shit like that in your face? You liking me?"

"Well what was I supposed to think?"

"I don't know? Not that. I would never do that-" His body got tight and his voice got soft. "Charlie, if I knew you liked me I wouldn't have been so scared that I was gonna fuck us up."

I blinked. Then I started hyperventilating.

"I can't believe this whole time you liked me. Shit, Charlie."

I started rambling. "I've been in love with you since I was 5."

His whole body went rigid.

"And everyone knew it. I was so sure you knew. And because you're you I thought you didn't like me back. You aren't scared of anything. I figured you would have told me. You're like fearless." I said as my voice trailed off at the end.

His jaw hardened. "If I was the first one to make a move I could have ruined everything. I just didn't want to ruin what we have," he said. He was avoiding eye contact with me almost like he didn't want to admit it.

I gaped. "I thought I was obvious about it. I would drop anything for you, I was clingy and touchy and I just thought there was no way you couldn't have known."

"I didn't know. How could I have known? I was doing the same exact shit."

"Okay. Maybe you didn't know but if you felt the same way I did then why were you messing with other girls?" I said as my voice got quiet.

His hands went to his head. "Honestly, I don't know."

I turned away from him and started blinking away tears. "Well, it hurt me when you did that. I know you didn't owe me anything but-" I wrapped my hands around myself. "It really hurt." My voice was small as I did my best to control the emotion.

His voice sounded raw as he spoke. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't even know I was hurting you."

"I know." I said.

"I'm still sorry Charlie."

I looked at my shoes. "I know." I whispered.

It was pitch black outside and through the thudding music of the party I heard our breathing, deep and indrawn.

Jordan placed his hand on my knee. "In the first grade when we had my dad's funeral my family was sitting up front. I was crying hard in the middle of the ceremony and then you got up and walked over to me. Remember?"

I nodded.

"You made me move over so you could sit between my aunt and I. You put your head on my shoulder. And then you cried too."

I felt like leaning into him. That was an emotional day. For both of us but for him especially, with it being his dad and all. The reminder of that day was a latent memory. I had forgotten about it.

He looked to his shoes. "That's when I knew I loved you."

I took in a breath and I felt my eyes get watery. At that point I couldn't help it. I twisted my body and turned into him. I leaned against his chest and his arm came around my waist. I threaded my fingers with his and tried to read his face.

I had been a student of Jordan university for almost my whole life and yet I couldn't recognize the face he was making. It was new but it was soft. It was vulnerable. And I liked it directed at me because it was his way of letting me know I was in there. He was letting me see him, soft spot and all.

I shut my eyes trying to lock in the memory of that face and then I gathered all the courage I had and I kissed him.

He responded quickly and his hands went to my jaw. I felt my mouth parting as he invaded. His hand slid down my stomach and my body came alive because I finally felt it. Our connection, our history. It was all coming to a forefront. It was us. We just fit. With that kiss I knew I was made to be exactly where I was right now.

A/N: This is it the big chapter :) I had so much fun writing this one!

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