Chapter 10

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Unsurprisingly, Tiger Shark was the main focus of my nightmares that night. What surprised me, however, was who joined us. My sisters. Jay. David. Isabella. My body was frozen, overcome with blind terror.

Tiger Shark threw a mocking grin my way as he swam up to Jay. His hands were hanging by his sides attached to a chain in the ground. The others were leashed in a similar way. Faster than I could blink, he was in front of David, clapping him on the shoulder. It wasn't until he winced that I realized he was hurt. I hadn't noticed it until then, but they all had various injuries.

Meri and Naia's faces were mottled with bruises, ranging from red to pink. Isabella's arm was hanging limply at her side; he must've broken it. Jay's injuries were probably the worst of them all. One eye was swollen shut, the other not far off. If I looked closely, I could see the flakes of blood crusting his nose and the swelling—clearly a break.

I shook my head, taking a stroke backwards. My mouth was open, but no sound came out—well, none that I could hear, anyway. Tiger Shark whirled around at the sound, a grin on his face. He motioned to a sheet laying on the ground beside him. My hand was trembling as I peeled back the sheet, my heart breaking as my worst fear came true...

I jerked awake, gasping for water. Hands were on my shoulders, gently but firmly steadying me. Jay's face stared back at me, concern and worry in his gaze. It's almost time. Are you sure you want to go?

I didn't give myself time to talk myself out of it. Nodding, I swam out of bed and got dressed. Though I tried to push it out of my mind, the image of Meri laying dead beside me resurfaced, bringing with it a fresh layer of dread. Jay noticed my hesitation and swam to my side, grabbing my hand. I'm right here.

The swim to the Whispering Reef seemed to last an eternity. All the while, my mind was running through possible scenarios, none of them pleasant. We finally arrived—only to swim right into a nightmare. It was exactly like my dream, with only a few differences. Instead of all four of them being tied up, only David and Naia were. Isabella was hovering around a mermaid motionless on the ground, her face pale. I started to swim to David and Naia, but Jay grabbed my arm, shaking his head.

Tiger Shark was floating a few feet away, his face stretched into a grin. It only widened as he gestured to Isabella, the mermaid she was hovering over. My hands were trembling as I swam to Isabella, my heart stopping as I noticed her expression. I collapsed on the ground, sobs hitting me in waves as I recognised the face of the mermaid.

Meri. Her eyes were closed, her face deathly pale. What terrified me, however, was the gaping wound in her chest, right over her heart. My hands clenched into fists so tight my nails dug into my palms. This was Tiger Shark's plan all along. He knew I would do anything to save my family, so he gave me an impossible choice: Save my sister, the one with whom I shared blood, or my friends, who'd become like family to me.

The grief and numbness coalesced inside me, forming a blinding rage that completely overtook my body. I had heard of out-of-body experiences, but had never seen or experienced one in real life. Suddenly I was beside my body, watching as I fought Tiger Shark. He lunged for me, swiping a hidden dagger from somewhere on his body. I barely had time to dodge as the blade sliced through the water, inches from my head.

He whirled, using his free hand to grab my injured shoulder. The pain exploded inside me, a million tiny lightning bolts hitting me at once as the wound reopened. Stars swam in my vision as I struggled to remain conscious.

Jay swam to me, putting a hand on my other shoulder, jolting me back into my body. Go help Meri. I've got him.

I could practically see the anger rippling off him. Nodding, I turned around and swam to Meri's side, but before I could even get close, I was thrown to the ground, so hard it knocked the water from my lungs. I turned around in time to see a familiar face stare back at me—almost as familiar to me as my own.

Mom. She had an evil grin on her face as she signed, her hands moving fluidly through the water. Nerissa. Long time no see. I didn't give her a chance to continue before I struck, gripping her shoulders and using her momentum to throw her to the ground.

While she was down, I swiped a dagger hidden in her jacket and drove it home. A sick sort of satisfaction washed over me as I watched her eyes widen and gasp for water. Judging from the angle of the dagger, I'd penetrated a vein perilously close to her heart. I looked back in time to see Tiger Shark collapse on the ground, motionless. Tears streamed down my face as I raised my hands and began to sign.

You and Tiger Shark took everything from me. A place that I called home, parents who loved and supported me. I can't believe I ever called you my mother. I can't believe I ever thought you were my real family. As I signed the last word, I felt Jay and David swim up on either side of me, both placing a hand on either shoulder. Her eyes were impossibly wide as she gasped for water. They are my family.

I took a breath, steeling myself as I pulled something out of my pocket. The Lost Soul Pendant glittered in the dim light. She opened her mouth to scream, but didn't get the chance. Her chest rose and fell one last time before ceasing. I shuddered as I felt her soul drift into the pendant.

I swam back over to Meri, collapsing over her body as my own shuddered with sobs. Grief and shock had consumed me so thoroughly that I hardly noticed firm hands pulling me up and away from Meri's body.

I wanted to ask Jay what had happened to Tiger Shark, but couldn't muster up the energy to sign. We swam home in a daze, my head spinning. Jay lead me to our bedroom, gently sliding into bed beside me. Exhaustion blanketed my senses, pulling me under before my eyes finished closing.

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