Chapter 11

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Fear. The scent of it was heavy in the water, along with the coppery tang of blood. My vision was blurry, but after a few blinks, it cleared enough to reveal Aegrem reduced to rubble. My heart plummeted into my stomach with the force of a rocket. 

The able-bodied swam through the devastation, helping clear the debris and help survivors. I wanted to help them, but didn't know where to start. All around me, families were searching the rubble, hoping that their loved ones had survived. I shook my head, grief almost overwhelming me. Mom and Tiger Shark did this. I know it. They did this to send me a message. Tears filled my eyes, quickly spilling down my cheeks.

I threw myself awake, breathing heavily. Jay swam into our room, a grim expression on his face that I hadn't seen in a long time. Before he so much as opened his mouth, my hands were already moving. Tiger Shark is planning to attack Aegrem. We need to warn them. Tell them to get to safety. I swam out of bed as I signed, pulling on a black sweater.

His expression was surprised, but he nodded nonetheless. My hands shook as I grabbed my bag and headed to the kitchen. David was already there, along with Naia, both wearing grim expressions. His dark skin was ashen. My heart stopped dead in my chest. Where's Meri? I signed.

David inclined his head to the back of the house. Still sleeping. Bella's going to stay here in case she wakes up while we're gone.

Most people wouldn't have given much thought to his wording—in case—but I wasn't most people. Before I could dwell on it, however, Jay tugged on my arm, already halfway out the door. He was right. We couldn't afford to waste time.

I pulled my jacket tighter around myself as we swam outside, shivering. Though I tried not to, I couldn't help but think about the what ifs—what if we don't make it in time, what if something happens while we're gone...

I shook my head, focusing on the task ahead. It was a long swim to Aegrem. David and Jay swam in the front, daggers out and eyes peeled. Naia and I swam a foot behind them, bringing up the rear. I snuck a glance at my sister out of the corner of my eye.

Her jacket collar was pulled up around her neck, her green eyes darting this way and that. The dagger she wore at her waist seemed natural, even though she'd never held one until today. She and David had been up hours before Jay and me apparently, practicing until she got the hang of it.

We swam in silence, the hours ticking by. Just when I'd started to think maybe we'd swam past it, Jay was at my side, a hand on my arm. Aegrem was in ruins.

His face was pale, his eyes wide. We all stopped, none of us making a sound as we surveyed the destruction. Tiger Shark had been busy before his death.

Only a handful of buildings remained, the rest reduced to rubble. Mermen were hard at work, clearing away the debris. As we swam closer, people snapped their heads up, eyes widening as they noticed Jay.

They took no notice of the rest of us, which wasn't very suprising. One look at Jay's face told me everything I needed to know: he was terrified. I swam to his side, gently taking his hand. They all straightened as Jay spoke. A merman near us spoke up, his expression grave.

My heart stopped as Jay suddenly faltered. I tightened my grip on his hand as David swam to his side. His face was deathly pale. David glanced at me, his expression grave.

Jay's parents were killed during the attack on Aegrem. Since Jay doesn't have any siblings, he is now officially the king of Aegrem. Shock replaced the graveness on his face as he explained.

A vision flashed in my mind before I could so much as raise my hands to sign. Swimming into the palace and seeing Queen Alicia and King Oliver's bodies lying motionless on the ground. A mermaid suddenly swam up to us, her expression kind. As soon as she finished speaking, David relayed the message to me. Her name is Diana. She owns an inn not too far from here. She said we're welcome to stay as long as we need, free of charge.

I nodded gratefully at Diana. She gave me a warm smile in response. All the tension escaped from my body as we swam to the inn. My grip on Jay's hand didn't waver until we were in our room. Naia and David had rooms on either side of us.

We settled into bed, exhaustion hitting us both head-on. My hands were surprisingly steady as I signed. Do you want to talk about it?

He gave me a weak smile, shaking his head before kissing my cheek. Not yet. I love you. I wrapped my arm around him, resting my cheek against his back. He was asleep instantly, his body relaxed. I thought it would take me a while to fall asleep, but darkness claimed me as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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