Chapter 17

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The scent of fear was heavy in the water as I swam through Nepptheas. Ruined buildings and rubble surrounded me, filling me with equal amounts of rage and sadness. Grief-stricken, I hardly noticed a hand on my shoulder until I was spun around and met a cruel face.

Mom? I wanted to ask, but I couldn't remember how to use my hands. Tiger Shark appeared beside her, a malicious grin on his face, a near-twin to her own expression.

Tiger Shark motioned to Mom, the grin remaining on his face as she pulled out a letter and handed it to me. Oh, Rissa. I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this, but you've left us no choice. What's left of Nepptheas belongs to us now. You could've been like your sister and done the smart thing and joined us, but as I mentioned before, that's never been your strong suit, has it?

I could practically feel the smugness radiating from the letter as I stared at her in horror. What had happened to the mother that soothed me whenever I'd had a bad dream, who made me laugh when I was sad?

Blistering rage boiled over inside me, but before I could so much as move a muscle, Tiger Shark was behind me, grabbing my injured shoulder and twisting it painfully. I didn't need to hear the crack to know it was broken.

I bit back a cry, pain jolting through my entire body. Hopelessness and despair engulfed me to the point where I forgot what I was doing, what had happened.

I threw myself awake, trembling with barely-contained rage. A phantom ache began in my shoulder, and I winced as I got dressed. As if the nightmare had summoned them, the ghosts returned, hungry as ever. It took everything I had to block them out.

Jay and David were already up and dressed when I swam downstairs. Jay swam up to me, gently kissing me on the cheek, while David pushed a plate of food toward me. I accepted it gratefully and was about to sit down and eat when I noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye.

I was out of my seat instantly, a dagger in my hands, as I swam to the windows. My heartbeat instantly calmed as I recognised mermaids and mermen with various goods bundled in their arms as they swam through the water.

I'd completely forgotten: today was the Midwinter celebration. Jay was in front of me instantly, worry on his face. What's wrong? He asked.

I was about to brush it off when a vibration shook the house. My heart was in my throat as I swam out of the house, looking off in the distance. Buildings crumbling to the ground. In a very familiar town.

For the first time since I'd lost my hearing, I was grateful that I couldn't hear the screams that were surely piercing the water. David was already gone, zooming toward Nepptheas. Jay remained by my side, gently holding my hand. A terrible thought occured to me then, almost sending me into hysterics. Meri? Jay read the terror and fear on my face and shook his head.

I barely had time to steady myself as a figure flew into my arms, shaking. Relief and fear warred for control of my body as I pulled away, anxiously scanning her body for injuries. Her face was pale and tear-streaked as she signed, her hands trembling.

Rissa... it's awful. Mom... she's taken over the city. Naia's helping her, I'm sure of it. I barely made it out. Only a handful of people made it out in time. The others... By the time anyone remembered to go back, it was too late. Nepptheas belongs to her now.

It was only then that I noticed the exhausted mermen and mermaids behind her. I immediately jumped into action, making sure everyone had access to food and shelter. I immediately offered my room to a family of four. Jay and David didn't hesitate to do the same.

Night had fallen by the time we got back home, exhaustion tugging at us all. I turned to Jay and David, rage on my face. This has gone on long enough. They need to answer for their crimes. Issue a proclamation: Naia and Talia Singh are now enemies of the state. If they are spotted, shoot on sight. I'm done playing by their rules.

My hands were surprisingly steady as I signed. Jay gently took my arm, guiding me into our living room, where our makeshift bed waited. You want to talk? Or sleep?

I gave him a sad smile. After everything they've done, I should be glad that they'll finally answer for all the lives they've taken. But... I don't know. A part of me wishes we could go back to before this all started, when things were simpler.

He kissed me on the forehead. You know David and I will support whatever decision you make. I love you.

Exhaustion dragged me under before he even finished forming the words. For the first time in a long time, I fell asleep with hope in my heart.

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