Chapter 18

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A knot of dread had formed in my stomach by the time I woke the next morning. Since Mom and Naia had taken over Nepptheas, that meant the city that I loved so much was now in the enemy's hands. I dragged a shaking hand over my face as I got dressed. David, Jay, and Meri were already up and eating breakfast as I swam downstairs. Jay smiled as he noticed me.

Good-morning, my love. He swam over to me, gently kissing me on the cheek.

I may have looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was a jumble of nerves. What would you say if I told you I had a crazy idea?

He raised his eyebrows. I would have to know about it before I could decide if it was crazy.

I took a deep breath, then dove in, unveiling the plan I'd had mapped out in my head. You or David go from house to house, asking any mermen or mermaids who are able if they would like to join us in liberating all the towns that have been destroyed by Tiger Shark and Naia. That way, if they decide to be foolish enough to attack us, we'll outnumber them.

I held my breath as I waited for his reaction. He blew out a breath, then nodded. Any thoughts on what we'd call ourselves?

His question had me momentarily taken aback. I thought for a moment. Then, as if it had snuck up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder, I had the perfect name. The Silent Liberation.

A grin spread across his face at the name. I love it. I love you. He kissed me on the forehead, then swam over to David and talked quietly, explaining the plan. He shot me a grin as he nodded at Jay. My hands shook as I took a ragged breath.

Meri suddenly flinched, swimming to the door and opening it to reveal a merman with a letter in his hands. She must've heard him knock. All the color drained from her face as she looked at the seal on the envelope.

Her own hands were shaking as she handed me the letter. I opened it to to see words written in a light, feminine scrawl. What surprised me the most however, was who it was from.

Nerissa, I don't have much time. I was able to find an empty house in the suburbs of Nepptheas and have been hiding out here. It's a bad scene. You are now officially a wanted criminal. I've also heard rumours about your father and some sort of ultimatum he gave you? Anyway, whatever you do, don't come back. Any of you. Stay as far away as you can. When I can, I've been going from house to house, searching for anyone who might have had contact with you. Give the others my love. Your friend, Bella.

My heart pounded with fear. Tears were already running down my cheeks as I clutched the letter to my chest. I knew what I had to do, I just didn't know if I could do it. The others swam over to me, worry in their eyes as they noticed the tears in my own.

I swam to our bedroom and grabbed my bag, stuffing it with multiple changes of clothes. I also grabbed a picture of the five of us, taken a few weeks ago. I steeled myself as I swam out of our bedroom and into the kitchen. David and Jay were talking quietly in the corner, debating our next move. Meri swam to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. What's up? You've been jumpy ever since you got that letter.

I looked at my sister—my strong, brave sister who had been with me since the beginning—and felt a tiny piece of my heart shatter. I love you, Meri. More than you could ever know. I need you to promise me that you'll take care of yourself. Can you do that?

She nodded, fear surfacing in her gaze as she noticed the bag on my shoulder. What's going on? Where are you going?

Tiger Shark and I had made a deal a while ago that I would... clean up his messes. I also have to stay with him for two weeks every month while I do so.

Meri's face was deathly pale, her eyes shining with tears. Why... why didn't you tell anyone about this? Her unspoken words hit me like a punch to the gut. Why didn't you tell me?

I threw my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Neither of us let go for a few, long minutes. I was the one who broke the hug, grabbing my bag and turning toward the front door. Before I so much as put my hand on the doorknob, Meri suddenly gripped my wrist. I spun around, questions in my eyes. She was holding a long chain with a lotus flower dangling from it.

I stifled my sob as I took it. Hidden within the folds of each petal was a small picture frame. Inside each picture frame was a familiar face. David. Jay. Meri. Bella. My family.

I quickly fastened it around my neck and slipped it underneath my shirt, hiding it from sight. My eyes shone with tears as I gently kissed Meri on the cheek one last time, then swam outside. I didn't look back as I put on a burst of speed, zooming toward Nepptheas.

All this time, I'd convinced myself I was drowning because I'd lost my hearing. Turns out, I'd been drowning for a completely different reason. It just became apparent when I'd figured out who had pushed me under in the first place.

Final chapter! Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed and favourited!

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