Chapter 2

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When Jay put a hand on my shoulder to wake me the next morning, I almost jumped out of my skin. I looked over at him, memorizing his features. He squeezed my shoulder before swimming out of bed and going into the bathroom to change. I rose also, pulling on an oversize shirt. I quickly slipped two daggers up my sleeves, hiding them from sight. After I secured them, I grabbed a bag, filling it with supplies.

I was going back to our village. There hadn't been word from my sisters or Mom, and that wasn't sitting well with me. Jay was fully dressed by the time I finished packing. He glanced at the bag, then at me, questions in his eyes.

I swam toward him, cupped his face, and kissed it before signing. I love you. Please don't worry about me. I'll be back before nightfall. I could barely sign, thanks to my hands shaking, but I managed.

The questions in his eyes were quickly replaced by worry. I slung my bag over my shoulder, biting back my wince. The wound had almost fully healed, but as David had explained, there would always be some lingering discomfort.

I didn't look back as I swam into the open water. I was so focused on my surroundings that I didn't notice the stench until I was practically on top of it. A merman around Jay's age, his eyes frozen open, was lying motionless on the ground, a large gaping wound on his chest. Though it terrified me, I bent over the body, checking his pockets. Aside from a few personal trinkets, there wasn't anything useful.

I pulled a piece of paper from my notepad, scribbling an abbreviated version of the merman's injuries on it before whispering Jay's name onto the paper. Cupping the paper in my hands, I waited until a gust of wind caught it, then dropped my hands.

I quickly shrugged off my jacket, laying it over the wound. Shivers ran through me, the cold penetrating my layers. I hated to leave him there, but I had to keep moving. It wasn't until the lights of Nepttheas came into view that I sagged with relief. My fins prickled as I swam closer, my heart pounding.

Something was wrong. I kept my eyes peeled, my hands clenched as I swam. Every house either had its lights shut off or the doors and windows boarded. Tears filled my eyes as I swam in front of a familiar house. The lights were off, but thankfully the windows and doors weren't boarded up. I swallowed hard before knocking on the door.

A few heartbeats passed before the door cautiously opened. Naia's face appeared, her eyes widening as she saw me. As relieved as I was to see her unharmed, I couldn't help but worry at the strain and exhaustion I saw on her face. She grabbed my hand, pulling me inside and locking the door behind her.

Where's Meri? Are you guys okay? I signed.

We're fine. She's asleep. Nerissa, there's something I have to tell you. Naia looked at her hands, interlocked in her lap, bracing herself. We swam to the couch and sat down, tucking our tails underneath us.

I shook my head, stopping her. I know that Tiger Shark is still alive. He sent me a letter a few weeks ago, telling me that the king and queen of Aegrem have issued a royal pardon for the safe return of their son. Remember the two mermen I was with a couple months back? I took a shaky breath, steadying myself. It was Jay. As soon as my fingers finished forming the letters, I sagged against the back of the couch, running a shaking hand over my face.

Naia's eyes widened, the only sign of the shock coursing through her. She probably would have responded, had a shadow not passed in front of the window. I was off the couch in a heartbeat, pushing Naia behind me and retrieving the daggers from my sleeves.

A page swam in, dressed in the traditional purple and grey garb of Aegrem. His eyes widened as he saw me, but he quickly regained his composure. He barely spared Naia a second glance as he handed me a letter then swam out of the house.

I visibly paled as I scanned the letter. The words sent bolts of fear coursing through me. Nerissa Singh, isn't it? I've heard a lot about you. Everyone who comes through talks about 'the girl who saved Nepttheas.' How, exactly, did you manage to defeat Tiger Shark? I'd heard rumours that he fathered children, but since they had never been proved, I dismissed them. Allow me to extend my congratulations to you on your wedding. After hearing rumors about Aegrem's prince and his selfishness, I never thought he would ever find someone who could put up with him. Which brings me to the topic of this letter. In my last correspondence, I told you that you had two weeks to bring him safely home. As fate would have it, the two weeks ended yesterday. Which means I have no choice but to hold my end of the bargain. Say your goodbyes, Nerissa. Before it's too late.

I was panting heavily as I finished reading. The royal seal of Pelathas was on the back of the letter—two dolphins with a perle in between them. Anger for what he'd said about Jay and fear for my family were warring for control over me. Naia's eyes were impossibly wide, her face pale. She'd been reading over my shoulder.

Wordlessly, I rose and swam to my old bedroom. I was so numb, I barely noticed Naia tucking me in and closing the door. My eyes closed the second my head hit the pillow.

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