Chapter 3

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For a moment as I opened my eyes the next morning, I couldn't remember what had happened. I rolled over, expecting to feel Jay's warm body next to mine. My eyes popped open, my breath coming fast as I looked around. The bedroom door slowly opened as Naia swam in, carrying a tray of food. I hadn't realized it until then, but it had been a long time since I'd last eaten.

She smiled softly at me, pulling the door shut behind her. After she set the tray down, she sat down on the edge of the bed, taking my hand. How are you? She signed. I was about to lie and say I was fine when the letter resurfaced in my head. I swallowed hard, tears filling my eyes as I grabbed a piece of bread off the plate, toying with it.

Concern filled her eyes, her smile disappearing as she noticed my tears. With her free hand, she lifted my chin up to meet my eyes. Tell me what's wrong.

I don't know what to do. I haven't had the courage to face Jay since... My hands shook uncontrollably as I dissolved into tears, my unspoken words hanging in the water between us. Since I found out the truth about him.

Truthfully, I wasn't sure I wanted to face him. I shook my head, quickly swiping my hand across my face. I... I have to get back home. Jay and David will be wondering where I am. Tell Meri goodbye for me.

I rose unsteadily, gripping the bedframe to steady myself as I stuffed my meagre belongings into the bag I'd brought with me. Naia rose with me, still gripping my hand. I gently kissed her on the cheek before swimming out of my old bedroom and to the front door. My hand shook as I reached for the doorknob.

Tears filled my eyes, spilling down my cheeks as I swam out into the open water. I didn't look back—I knew it would just make it harder.

Before I realized it, the lights of Aegrem came into view. I nodded at the villagers as I swam, steeling myself. As I swam in front of our house, I noticed the front door was ajar. Fear created a knot in my stomach, but I swam inside. An empty living room greeted me, along with the panic I had not let myself feel when I'd first received the letter.

A merman with familiar black hair swam out of one of the bedrooms, his grey eyes widening as he saw me. He swam in front of me, gently taking my hand. Are you okay? We were worried when you didn't come home.

Seeing the concern on his face almost made me break down. Before I could so much as move my hands, the front door suddenly flew open, mermen in black uniforms swimming inside. One of them spotted David and swam to him, talking quietly.

My heart stopped completely as I realized what was happening. They were looking for Jay. I kept my mouth shut, my eyes downcast. I wouldn't give Jay up. Not for anything in this world. Another merman swam into our bedroom, flipping open our wardrobe and rooting through it. He swam into the bathing room then back into the living room.

A flash of brown hair caught my eye. My mouth opened in a silent shout. Jay. He swam out into the living room, hands out in front of him. David grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. I glanced at him. His dark skin was ashen, his expression tight. He shook his head.

Realization hit me like a slap in the face. They knew about Jay's parents. That's why they were looking for him. The question was, what were they going to do now that they'd found him?

The first merman gestured to Jay, then swam to him, binding his hands behind his back. I couldn't move, could hardly breathe as we locked eyes one last time. I love you so much, he mouthed.

I barely slept that night. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw David's expression as he kept me from going to Jay. I finally succumbed to my body's need for sleep around midnight.

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