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  "You wandered through the willows

In the forest you were found

Trying to hide your footprints in the ground

It's not so wise, if you try to run

It's not so wise, you know I've won, you know I've won"

"The Hunted" -Snow Ghosts

Tobias was disappearing underneath the shadow of Four, the hardened Dauntless trainer who seemed to keep everyone out of his personal space. Half of the people didn't even know that he was Marcus Eaton's son, and that was one of the reasons he stuck with the nickname that he had been given. It gave him a new sense of freedom, a new title could mean everything. One of the initiates who had been getting under his skin, Tris, had as well taken a new name when she arrived. Though she was not even close to top of the charts, and this year the bottom few people were being kicked out of the faction, Tobias had hope that she would get there. It was clear that she wanted to, she had the determination.

But Eric interfering didn't help at all. It didn't seem to matter what the initiates did, Eric didn't quite approve of it. The only time Tobias had seen Eric smile was when someone got knocked out. But the problem was it was only select people he liked to see win; Peter was one of those people. He showed promise, and Eric already knew that he was not going to need a serum to turn him against Abnegation. When Christina, another young initiate from Candor, tapped out in a fight that she was losing badly, Eric had the nerve to make her serve a sentence for her crimes. With everyone in tow, Eric made Christina hang over the chasm, her hands bleeding from gripping so tight, but her determination enough to keep her there just long enough for Eric to be satisfied. His twisted ways had shifted, and it was noticeable to everyone, Tobias especially.

Tobias got to see Eric's unhinging first hand, whereas Harper, though not blind to it, was seeing the world through rose tinted glasses. When Tobias approached Carson to discuss Eric and Harper, Carson told him to try his best, but that his efforts would be wasted. With initiates becoming factionless, and one of them already having committed suicide, another was sabotaged by a jealous initiate, Tobias couldn't simply stand for all of it. Eric needed to be put in his place, he needed to step back, but the moment Tobias made than even remotely evident, he began to attack Tris because he knew Tobias cared about her.

He never intended to fall for her, but just like Harper, he couldn't choose who he cared about.

There had been a few days without the worry that Eric was going to do something rash, they had even gotten in a game of Capture the Flag, and Tris had even impressed Eric. Previously deemed kicked out by Eric, Tris had defied such orders and rejoined Dauntless with her own determination to succeed, and Eric saw something brave in that. Something he couldn't turn away a second time, not in front of all the initiates and others. And so Tris was back in the faction, and closer than ever to Tobias now. She even knew who he was, and being previously Abnegation before joining Dauntless bound them in some strange way. He suspected her Divergence, but he made no mention of it to her, Carson, Harper or anyone else. All he wanted was to keep her safe.

Meanwhile, Harper felt as though she were breaking. 

Feeling weak and torn between choices that she had, she knew that she needed some guidance. She was only twenty-two, and had hardly experienced her fair share of life. While she wanted to go to Carson, who would probably put her in her place once and for all which was exactly what she needed, she decided to clear her head first. 

After a few laps around the track, Harper did her usual work out routine until she felt her muscles cry out in pain, hot from working so hard, and she let the weights drop from her hands, leaning over the bench and putting her hands over her knees. She leaned forward and took a few calming, deep breaths, and when she looked up, she spotted Tobias. She would never get used to calling him Four, even if the rest of the world forgot his name.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Harper wiped the sweat from her brow with her white towel and put on her best game face.

"The imminent danger that you're in." Tobias saw through her poker face without any effort. Since he had talked to Carson, he felt a rock in the pit of his stomach. Harper had done a lot to keep him safe, and now it was his turn to help her.

"You have no idea." She sighed. At least she was able to admit it this time.

"Harper, you think that no one can see it, but we can. And we're worried about you."

"You talked to Carson, huh?"

"That's not the point." Tobias shook his head, tired of beating around the bush. "You need to leave the faction, get somewhere safe."

She had to laugh. "Go from one extreme to the other?"

"Risking death versus life. It's hardly a difficult choice to make," he snapped. "Let us help you."

"Keep your loved ones close," Harper said, reminding herself that there was someone she hadn't spoken to in a while. She stood up and walked over to Tobias, placing her gloved hand upon his strong shoulder. "You're going to change the world, Tobias."

Despite his verbal protests as she walked away, Tobias was unable to get Harper to see it. Perhaps she had already accepted that she was too close to everything, and that it was too late to step out now without putting a bright red target on her back. But she was wrong, Tobias knew how to get her out safely and away from all this. She wasn't Divergent, she wasn't safe from the serum, and she certainly wasn't as safe as she thought she was with Eric. Tobias knew that Eric had no moral code, even if Harper thought he might in certain situations, Tobias saw a different side of Eric that was not biased like Harper. She wanted to believe that there was even a fraction of good in him.


Eliza came to the door tentatively when she heard a knock, Klaus eyed her the entire time. When she opened it, she was overwhelmed with relief when she saw Harper. Even though her friend often brought bad news, Eliza still felt safe when she was around Harper. Whether it was her promises to keep her safe or simply because she was her first friend in this faction, Eliza couldn't quite pinpoint it. But she had been cooped up for so long with Klaus, he often refused to let her go do her job because he didn't want her out of sight. Eliza knew that Klaus wouldn't turn down Harper whisking Eliza away for a few hours because Harper would figure out something was wrong. 

Already she suspected there was something Eliza wasn't telling her, but she didn't pry into her life just like she didn't want anyone prying into her own.

"Up for a stroll?" Harper said casually, but with an urgency to her voice.

"Always." Eliza smiled, relieved and worried all at once. She grabbed her jacket and slid it over her arms.

"Will you be gone long?" Klaus asked invasively.

"No idea." Eliza sounded meek.

"We'll be gone as long as we're gone," Harper snarled. "What're you keeping tabs on her or something? That'd be creepy."

Klaus shut his mouth and rolled his eyes as they left.

As soon as they were gone, Harper and Eliza went to where they always went to chat. Beyond the pit, beyond the lit up parts of the faction, to that same old building where they always met. The moon was not there to light up their sight, and everything seemed dark and ominous, though it was fitting given the circumstances at which Harper found herself here. Both Carson and Tobias had wanted her to get out, and Harper wanted Eliza's opinion on it first. She trusted Eliza's judgement, and their friendship.

"If I had to leave tonight, would you come with me?" Harper asked.

Eliza nodded without hesitation. "I would."

This made nothing easier for Harper, because she hadn't want to leave. As selfish as it was, she wanted one more night with Eric, one more good day with him, and she knew that she was risking Eliza's safety by staying. If the two of them left, they might be safe, but Eliza would never be safe with Harper. If they left, Harper had no doubt someone would hunt her down. She had too much information, she had too much power. No one was safe with Harper, even if she had promised them such. She wasn't going to leave, not tonight. Placing her hands on Eliza's shoulders, she looked in her eyes. "I'm not leaving, but I think you should."

"I couldn't..." she whispered, as if someone might be listening.

"It's Klaus isn't it?" Harper sighed. "He's dangerous?"

Eliza nodded.

"You should go, now, while we're away from him. You have access to the trucks..."

She shook her head. "I can't leave, I care about him."

"Eliza, you're Divergent, and I know where he stands on that subject. It's the same with Eric, I'm only one step closer to safety than you are, and I'm considering leaving. I truly think you should." She explained, "This thing... it's happening soon, and I can't see you caught in the crossfire. They're hunting people like you."

"If I leave tonight, he'll know you helped me." She nodded. "Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll do it for good."

Harper sighed in relief. "Maybe I'll see you in the future, but if not, thank you."

"For what? I should be thanking you."

"For reminding me what is important." Harper hugged her friend, knowing that it might be the last time she ever sees her. She held tight, tighter than she had ever hugged someone before, and she fought back the tears that threatened to fall. She had to be brave, she had to let Eliza leave, that was the only way she was going to keep her safe.


Klaus was shaking, his hands in fists as he listened to what Eliza and Harper were talking about. He had been right about them, and he knew what he needed to do. Despite temptations to push both of them out of the broken window, he backed off from the shadows and went to the one place he knew he had to go before taking any action. Eric let him in without question, knowing that he was one of the many Dauntless members who needed no convincing on what was the right side of this silent war. He locked the door, grabbed a drink.

"What brings you here?" Eric got right down to business.

"Eliza, she's Divergent," Klaus said.

Eric knew that this was a tricky situation, because Eliza was his girlfriend. He took a sip of his drink. "What do you plan to do about it?"

"What I'm supposed to."

"She's your partner."

Klaus scoffed. "You know how it is, keep them around while they're going to put out. She gives me what I want, but that's all we are."

Eric frowned, he didn't feel that way about Harper, but he supposed everyone was different. He didn't nod or shake his head. "Prove your loyalty, then."

"There is one more thing."

Eric wasn't sure he wanted to hear it. He was already struggling with the fact he was going to have to explain things to Harper, because Eliza was her best friend. Though he knew little about Harper's social life, after three years, it was clear who she spent time with. But he couldn't show that he was going to falter, or that he was weak. "Go on."

Klaus looked almost smug when he said, "Harper knows."

Eric tightened his jaw. "Thank you for informing me."

"Want me to take care of her?"

Eric slammed his glass down on the counter. "No!"

"You know what needs to happen."

Eric snarled, "I'll deal with Harper the way I see fit, just because she knows Eliza is Divergent means nothing. She's her best friend, not everyone can see things as clearly as us. Now get out."

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