CHAPTER FIVE, homecoming

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(what oliver is wearing at homecoming is the picture above)

It's homecoming night. The night he's dreading. He never went to homecoming before and he doesn't really like going to things like homecoming, but most of his friends so he decided on going anyway, and his parents basically forced him to go. Okay, so they didn't force him, they just said he should do and that if he didn't he was going to regret it. 

And that's how he found himself at the school's gym that was decorated for homecoming sitting at the table with some other drama club members including Ashlyn, Carlos, Big Red, and Ricky. 

Ashlyn and Carlos were getting ready to take a selfie when Ashlyn waved at Oliver. "Oliver, get in!" Ashlyn waves at him. "We're taking a picture!"

Oliver smiles a bit, happy that she wanted to include him. He leans over so he's in the screen, smiling at the camera along with Ashlyn and Carlos as Carlos takes the picture. "Looks great." Carlos commented while they looked at the picture they just took.

"Yeah, it does." Oliver nodded.

"I'll send you the pic, Ollie." Ashlyn said to him. Oliver nods, sending her a smile. "Thanks." He scoots back over to where his seat was originally at. He sat beside Carlos at the table and there were two empty seats beside him on his right side.

"I don't believe this!" Ricky scoffed, showing Big Red and Oliver what he was looking at. 

Oliver's lips curl downwards at seeing it was a picture of EJ and Gina with their arms wrapped around each other. He didn't even know that they were even going to homecoming together. Were they a couple? He hoped not because if they were then that would make him feel worse than he does now. "This dude steals my girlfriend," Ricky continues. "And 12 seconds after they break up, he's already plain' the field."

Big Red nods. "You could take a lesson from that, my man."

Ricky chuckles, shaking his head. "Gee, thanks for defending my mortal enemy."

"The point is, you made a pact with your dad." Big Red said. "You're putting yourself out there again, right? So, put yourself out there. Like, tonight."

"Speak of the devil." Ricky shows them a selfie of his dad pointing at his shirt he was wearing. "Get a load of this player. He's texting me for fashion advice. Me!"

Oliver chuckles. "That is surprising."

"Excuse us." 

Everyone at the table looks over, surprised to see EJ and Gina standing there. Gina looks at each of them with a smile. "Are these seats taken?"


Ashlyn was trying to reassure Carlos that Seb would show up since Seb wasn't there yet, but in Oliver's opinion it seemed like it wasn't helping. "Could you get me some punch, babe?" Gina asked EJ, looking at him with a smile.

 "Sure, babe." EJ hesitantly replied and went over to where the punch was at. 

"Gina," Oliver speaks up and she looks at him with a small smile. "Not to be rude, but why are you with EJ? I never thought you would go out with someone like him."

"Why do you care who I go out with?" Gina questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You're my friend." Oliver responds. "I just think...You deserve better than him. You deserve someone who will treat right like you matter every day."

Gina is silent when he said that, surprised that he said that about her, and butterflies formed in her stomach. The others at the table were silent through their whole conversation, watching with knowing smiles. It was obvious to anyone but the two of them about the feelings that they had for each other. 


Ashlyn, Carlos, and Oliver are now the only ones at the table and Seb is still not there yet. Big Red and Ricky went to get some punch and EJ and Gina were talking somewhere. "Okay," Carlos said, looking at Oliver with raised eyebrows. "When are you going to tell Gina you love her?"

Oliver looks at him with wide eyes. "W-What?"

"Oh, come on." Ashlyn rolls her eyes. "It's so obvious you two are head over heels for each other. Well, it's more obvious with you. It's kinda hard to tell if Gina feels the same way," She smiles at him. "But I have a feeling that she does."

Oliver doesn't even bother on trying to hide his feelings, knowing that Ashlyn and Carlos were bound to find out anyway. He shakes his head as a sigh leaves his lips. "If she had feelings for me then why did she go to homecoming with EJ?"

"No clue." Ashlyn shakes her head. Her eyes grew wide when she noticed something happening by the end of the food table. "But I don't think that they're together anymore if they even were a thing."

Oliver furrows his eyebrows, turning around, and was surprised to find EJ and Gina arguing. Oliver's eyes grew wide when Gina suddenly grabbed a cup of punch and dumped it all over EJ. "I did not see that coming." 

"That's the plan." Gina said, throwing the empty cup on the ground before angrily walking out of the room.

"That was weird." Carlos commented and Ashlyn nodded in agreement.

The red-haired girl furrows her eyebrows when Oliver suddenly got up. "Oliver, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go check on Gina." Oliver answered as he kept walking towards the exit of the gym.

By the time Oliver gets out to the hallway, Gina is putting on her coat. A frown tugs on his lips at seeing she looked upset. "Gina..."

"You do not want to clap at me right now." Gina interrupts him, shaking her head. "I will clap back." She sighed and started walking to the doors.

"Wait!" Oliver exclaims, stopping her from leaving, and Gina turns to face him. "I just wanted to make sure that you're okay since I saw what happened between you and EJ." He awkwardly smiles at her. "So, um, are you okay?"

"Not really." Gina admits. When they lock eyes Oliver noticed the tears in them which made his heart ache. "This night just didn't go as planned and all I wanna do now is go home."

"I...I can give you a ride." Oliver offered.

Nodding, Gina smiles a bit. "That'd be great."


"So, this is where I live." Gina said after they arrived at her house. She smiles, dramatically gesturing to it. "Ta-da."

Oliver chuckles lightly. "Honestly a bit surprised it looks like a normal house."

"Let me guess," Gina looks at him with a playful smile. "You pictured a wrought iron gate and a bunch of gargoyles?"

"Maybe a little." Oliver nods. He chuckles, shaking his head as he playfully elbowed her. "I'm kidding. You're not that scary."

A small smile tugs on Gina's lips. "I'm glad someone thinks that."

"Also, uh, before you go inside, what exactly happened between you and your date?" Oliver questions, tilting his head to the side. "It looked like a heated argument."

Gina chuckles, shaking her head. "I already forgot about it. And I don't do dates. It's hard enough to make friends. Try moving five schools in seven years."

Oliver frowns. "Yeah, that sounds tough."

"It is." Gina nodded. 

"If it means anything, you can always count me as your friend." Oliver sent her a smile. "No matter what."

Gina smiles back at him. "Good."

The two teens look at the house when they see the lights on the front porch start to flicker on and off for a few seconds before they went off. "I should probably get inside." Gina said, sheepishly smiling at Oliver.

Oliver nods. "Yeah, okay."

"Good night, Oliver." Gina told him and then she did something Oliver thought she would never do. She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes grew wide and he felt his face heat up. When she pulled away, she's staring at him with a smile on her face before she gets out of his car.

A/N sorry this chapter is kinda short but i think i made up for it bc of the cute olina moment at the end :) yes i finally decided on a ship name for oliver & gina & it is olina!

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