CHAPTER SIX, thanksgiving

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A lot has been happening for the drama club members lately. The Principal found out that Miss Jenn lied about her role in the movie. Miss Jenn would've not have a job anymore if it wasn't for them coming up with a way to get her back as their teacher. But Miss Jenn is still their teacher and it's Thanksgiving break. Nothing can go wrong, right?

The drama club members are currently in the bomb shelter, practicing the 'Start of Something New' song. Everything was going great and then the bell rang, signaling school to be over. EJ stands up, letting out a cheer. "Yes! Yes! Whoo!" When everyone looks at him, he apologetically smiles and sits back down. "Sorry. I really love Thanksgiving."

Everyone chuckled and went to get their things. Oliver gets off of the piano he was leaning on and puts his backpack over his shoulders while Gina jumps off the piano since she was sitting on top of it. They share a smile before she picked up her backpack. 

Miss Jenn speaks up, getting everyone's attention. "Okay, hold on. I know everyone is excited for the holiday break. But I'm me, and I have notes." She then tells Ricky and Nini they did good, but it could be better, quickly adding that she said it in the spirit of holiday cheer so it didn't sound like she was being mean.

Miss Jenn turns to everyone else. "Your homework over this break, all of you, is to please go on vocal rest. And go over your lines, too, which is hard to do on vocal rest. But make it work. And remember, may nothing ever block your doorway to happiness."

"Excuse me!" Mr. Mazarra said, stepping into the room.

Miss Jenn purses her lips together. "Okay, starting now."

"Oh, don't mind me." Mr. Mazarra shakes his head, walking further into the room. "I just came to return a missing item." He shows what he was holding behind his back which is a binder. He looks at Ashlyn. "Ashlyn. Cannot have our robotics team co-captain going home without her binder over break." Ashlyn sent him a thankful smile as she takes her binder back.

Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazarra head to the door as they have a conversation. Oliver was having a conversation with Gina and Ricky when Carlos then suddenly yells, "Party at Ashlyn's after Thanksgiving tomorrow! Everyone's invited!"


After eating dinner, the adults in the Dalwood family were talking and the kids in the Dalwood family were playing board games. When Oliver heard the doorbell ring, he offered to go answer it. He was surprised to see Gina standing there, but he was also happy.

"Gina." Oliver smiles. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hi, Oliver." Gina greets. "I was thinking we could walk over to Ashlyn's. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Oliver nods. "Let me just get my hoodie and keys and I'll be ready to go." He steps to the side, quickly adding, "Oh, uh, you can come in, by the way."

Gina chuckles and walks inside. "Thanks."

Oliver awkwardly smiles, closing the door behind her. "Are those for the party?" He asked after noticing the Turkey themed cupcakes she held.

Gina nods. "I figured I should bring something and I found out how to make them on YouTube."

"Cool." Oliver smiled.

"Also, I made you this hat because it's kinda chilly outside." Gina added showing him the multi-colored hat she made.

Oliver looks at her with a bit of surprise, taking the hat from her. "G, you know how to knit?"

Gina shrugs. "I mean, you spend enough time alone in the house and you pick up all sorts of crafts."

Oliver puts it on and it was obvious that it's a little too big for him. "So, how does it look?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at her. 

Gina cringes. "Well..." She laughs a bit, shaking her head. "You'll grow into it."

Oliver laughs a bit and smiled at her. They both look in the direction that the dining room is at when they hear someone tell his name.

"Oliver!" His mom, Harley, shouts from the dining room. "Introduce us to your friend!"

Oliver groans. He was hoping that he could get his stuff and leave without Gina meeting his family. His family is crazy at times and he's not for sure if he wants Gina to know that. He sheepishly smiles at Gina. "Guess you're meeting people today."

"Wow," Gina playfully elbows him, looking at him with a teasing smile. "I never thought I would meet your family this early."

Even though he knows she's just teasing, he couldn't help the blush that dusted his cheeks as he smiles a bit. "Yeah, me neither." He guided her to the dining room where his parents, and aunts and uncles are at.

"You must be Gina!" Flynn, Oliver's dad, said.

"That's me, sir." Gina smiled and nodded.

"According to my sister," Hadleigh, Harley's older sister, speaks with a smile on her face. "He talks about you a lot."

Gina raises her eyebrows, glancing over at Oliver who stared at the floor with a light shade of blush on his face. A smile tugs on her lips and she looks at Hadleigh. "Good things, I hope."

"Oh, of course." Harley nods. She points at the cupcakes Gina is holding. "Did you make those for that party you kids are going to?"

"Yeah." Gina nods. "It's a gluten-free recipe I made from scratch...From YouTube."

"They look great." Marlowe compliments her causing Gina to smile. 

"Thanks, Mrs. D."

Harley grins as she glances at her husband, elbowing his side. "I got a nickname."

Flynn chuckles, looking at her with a smile. He looks at his son, noticing the hat he was wearing. He raises his eyebrows, chuckling lightly. "Ollie, where'd you get that hat?"

"Gina made it." Oliver replied, smiling a bit.

"Wow, Gina. You're quite talented." Hadleigh commented.

"She is." Oliver agrees. "She's also amazing at dancing and singing." Gina looked at him with a smile, feeling her face heat up.

Hadleigh smiles and then chuckles at remembering something. "You should've seen Oliver trying to dance."

"Oh, we have pictures!" Harley grinned excitedly.

Oliver's eyes widen, quickly shaking his head. "Uh, no. We do not have pictures." He looks at Gina with a sheepish smile. "This is our cue to leave." 

"What if I wanna see the pictures?" Gina laughed as he started pushing her towards the door. 

"Trust me, you don't." Oliver responded. Gina walked over to the door while he went to the kitchen to grab his keys off the counter and he got his hoodie off the coat rack by the door before they left.

He sighs after they get out of the house. "I apologize for my family." He said while putting on his hoodie.

Gina chuckles lightly, shaking her head as they make their way to his car. "No, it's alright. They're great. And thanks for giving me a ride there, Ollie."

Oliver shakes his head and smiles shyly. "It's not a problem, G."

Once they get to Ashlyn's they go to the living room where everyone is gathered, listening to Carlos who's explaining about the game that he made called High School Musical: The Choosical. The group split up into two teams, East High Wildcats and West High Knights. Oliver found himself on the Wildcats team for the game. To decide what team goes first they decided on using a coin toss. The Knights won the coin toss and for the first challenge they picked 'Looking for Glee' which is the singing challenge.

Carlos read off the card for that challenge. They had to sing 'What I've Been Looking For' to the rhythm of 'Getcha Head In The Game' as fast as they could. Oliver honestly found it hilarious watching them trying to sing the song to the right rhythm. 

For the Wildcat's turn, they decided on the 'Bop To The Top' challenge. "Okay." Carlos nods. "Pick one member from each team." The room is filled with overlapping chatter as everyone decides who that person should be. It ends up being EJ and Ricky. Oliver hated the tension that immediately grew in the room as the two boys stood up to face each other. 

"Your challenge is to stare at your partner and do the Sharpay and Ryan warm-up thing for 60 seconds straight without laughing," Carlos explains. "....Or killing each other. Okay. Go!"

Laughter filled the room as the two boys did the challenge and Oliver was surprised that neither of them laughed throughout the challenged. Oliver knew if he had to do that part he wouldn't be able to keep a straight face because it was so funny.

The night continued with the group having lots of fun together. They decided on taking break from the game to take a group picture in the living room. Nini and Gina weren't there at first since they were talking in the kitchen, but after they were done they joined everyone for the picture. 

Soon they went back to playing the rest of the game. "Okay, you guys!" Carlos got everyone's attention. "According to the Musical Choosical Handbook of Rulesicals..."

Oliver chuckles. "That's a long title."

Carlos chuckles along with some others before he continues. "The only way to resolve a tie at the end of a regulation play is with a lightning speed round of Getcha Head in the Frame trivia questions." Excited murmurers filled the room as he said that. "Are you ready? Because people have been known to cry during this."

Seb furrows his eyebrows. "I thought you actually never played this before..."

"Honey," Carlos shakes his head. "Not today of all days." He looks at the card that he picked up. "Okay, here we go. 'Name both jersey numbers Troy wears in the movie'."

"Oh, uh, fourteen and ten!" Big Red was the one to say the answer which surprised each of them, but his team members still congratulated him for getting it right.

"'How does Gabriella describe herself when she's complaining to her mom?'"

"Oh! As the school's freaky genius girl." Ashlyn answered the question Carlos asked.

Carlos points at her. "And do people usually talk like that?"

Ashlyn shakes her head. "They do not."

"Wildcats." Carlos turns to the Wildcats team. "'Whose red tie does Ms. Darbus compliment at auditions?'"

"Allen?" EJ guessed.

Oliver looks at him with surprise. "You really knew that?"

"I looked it up on my phone." EJ admits. He apologetically smiles at everyone. "I can't stop cheating and I'm sorry!"

"Well," Carlos turns to the West High Knights. "The West High Knights have a chance to steal. 'What is the name of the girl who pops and locks?'"

Gina immediately stands up and does the dance move that Martha Cox does in the movie and a smile tugged on Oliver's face as he watched. "I love to pop and lock and jam and break." Gina grins. "Martha Cox!"

Carlos threw some confetti he grabbed into the air. "The West High Knights win!"

The West High Knights cheer and high five each other. "You, my dear, get this homemade Scholastic Decathlon ribbon." Carlos walked over to Gina, holding the homemade ribbon. Gina smiles widely while he shows her the ribbon. "Careful, it's just a straight pin and was never sanitized."

"Wait, okay, everybody, get in." Gina gets her phone out and everyone squeezed into frame for the picture. "Ooh, I won!" She chuckles and looks at her phone. "Okay, hold on, I need to share this with my loved ones." Oliver smiles at her, thinking that she was cute. "You gotta stop moving." Carlos said as he pinned the ribbon on Gina's shirt. "This is the price you pay for beauty."

Gina calls her mom with a wide smile on her face. "Mom, mom, mom. Okay, two things. One, I was just crowned the queen of crazytown, and two, can I spend the night at Ashlyn's house?"

"Um, actually, it's the queen of East High." Carlos corrected her and Gina shushed him.

"Uh, mom, sorry, I can't hear you." Gina then puts her mom on speaker phone. "Okay, you're on speaker." She looks at everyone with a smile. "Say Happy Thanksgiving to my mom, everyone."

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Everyone shouted.

"Oh. Same to all of you." Gina's mother said. "Gina, honey, can you take me off speaker?"

The room grows quiet after her mother said that. "Sorry, guys." Gina apologetically smiled at everyone, taking her mom off speaker and leaves the room to talk to her mom privately. 

Most of the teens engage themselves in conversations while Gina is on the phone, but Oliver couldn't help but glance over to where Gina stood in the hallway by the stairs. A frown tugs on his lips at seeing it looked like she was sad. His eyes grew wide when he overheard her say, "They can't do this to us again. We just moved here!"

Upon realizing she said that a bit too loud, Gina walks into the kitchen away from everyone. A few moments after that happened, Oliver stands up. "I'm gonna go check on her." He didn't wait for anyone to say anything before he went to the kitchen. 

Oliver was sitting on the counter in the kitchen when Gina walks in after she was done with the phone call. She was surprised at seeing him there, but she just shakes her head and went over to get her backpack.

"Gina...Are you okay?" Oliver asked her, looking at her with concern.

Gina nods. "I will be."

"Um," Oliver bit his lower lip, getting off of the counter as he continues to look at her with concern. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not even a little." Gina replied, putting her backpack on. She grabbed her coat and the tray for the cupcakes she brought which was now empty. 

"Do you need a ride home?" Oliver questioned, tilting his head to the side.

Gina takes a shaky breath, shaking her head. "I'm just gonna walk home."

"Okay, um, I'll call you?" Oliver said but it sounded more like a question as he looked at her with a hopeful glint in his eye. He had a feeling he knew the answer, but he hoped the answer wasn't what he thought it was.

"Honestly, you heard what happened." Gina turns to face him and now he could clearly see the tears in her eyes. "I don't think there's any point in calling me anymore or giving me rides to places, do you?"

Oliver frowns and he could feel tears start to form in his own eyes at realizing the fact that this meant she most likely had to move again. He opened his mouth to reply, but he couldn't manage to form any words so he closed his mouth and watched with a heavy heart as she left. 

A/N this chapter was a roller-coaster of emotions & ended on a sad note. honestly i think it's my favorite one of this book that i wrote so far :)

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