CHAPTER THREE, arguments & stealing things

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After catching Gina putting Nini's phone into EJ's backpack, Oliver wasn't for sure what to do. Which is why he's face timing someone who always gives him good advice.

"Ollie, you know what to do." His older brother, Noah, said. "You need to do the right thing and tell Nini what happened."

Oliver was laying on his stomach on his bed while facetiming Noah with his phone. Noah was in his dorm room at Julliard which is a prestigious music college that's in New York. Oliver sighs. "Yeah, okay. Thanks for the help."

"Anytime." Noah nods. "So," He wiggles his eyebrows at Oliver and Oliver knew he was wanting him to talk about him and Gina. "Anything or anyone you wanna talk about?"

Oliver quickly shakes his head. "Nope."

"What? Come on," Noah groans. "Tell me about her. I know you like her because you talked about her for like twenty minutes after explaining to me what she did."

"Oh, what was that?" Oliver sat up, pretending that someone was calling him from out in the hallway when in reality no one was. "I gotta go." He stands up, sheepishly smiling at Noah. "Mom's calling for me."

"That's not true!" Noah points at him, shaking his head. "Mom would still be at the hospital right now. Oliver, don't you dare hang up-"

Oliver interrupts him by hanging up the call, letting out a sigh as he laid back on his bed. He knew Noah was right. He does like Gina. But he's not really for sure if he just likes her as a friend or something more. Part of him thinks maybe something more, but that confuses him because he never felt that way about anyone before and he hasn't known Gina that long to feel that way about her, right?


The next day Miss Jenn wanted the boys who were going to be in the scene where Chad and some of the players confront Troy in the garden. Oliver had to be at the practice early since he's playing Zeke in the musical and Zeke is apart of that scene. There was already tension in the room and Oliver had a feeling it was going to get worse.

"And remember," Miss Jenn speaks, holding onto a script as she looks at the two boys who stood in front of each other. "These boys are 'best bros' which is a sacred thing for reasons I will never understand. Ready?"

The scene started off good and for a moment Oliver thought they could put everything that's been going on between them aside and actually practice a scene, but then EJ went to friendly punch Ricky in the chest and did it harder than he was supposed to.

"Okay!" Miss Jenn breaks the awkward silence that fills the room after Ricky said his line. "That was okay, uh, but it was a little stiff. Let's loosen up a bit, pass some energy back and forth. Let's use the ball and improvise."

"This is going to go badly." Oliver muttered under his breath, handing the basketball he held to EJ and then took a step back. 

"Just say whatever?" EJ asked.

Miss Jenn nods. "Chad it up."

EJ and Ricky go back and forth with bouncing the ball at each other while making up lines that they think Chad and Troy would say to each other. Then things got heated between the two and instead of bouncing the ball they started throwing it at each other.

"You deserve everything coming your way." EJ said to Ricky, throwing the ball at him.

Ricky catches the ball, forcing a smile. "Back at you, dude."

"Back at you times two."



"Back at you infinity plus one!"

Oliver's eyes widen when the ball hits EJ in the face after Ricky said that. He slowly nods, mumbling, "Kinda expected that." 

"Okay, major overcorrect!" Miss Jenn exclaims, looking at EJ with concern. She walks over to the boy who touched his busted lip that was bleeding. "Let's take a soft ten. EJ, honey, let's get you some ice."

As Miss Jenn and EJ walk over to the door, Oliver walks over to Ricky. "Dude, I get it you're not a fan of him, but did you really have to hit him with a basketball?"

"I didn't mean to!" Ricky replies with a look of guilt on his face. "I guess I just took my anger out on him."

Oliver presses his lips together in a tight line and nods, patting him on the shoulder. "Might wanna go check on him. At least apologize to him."

Ricky looks at him, looking like he was going to protest or something, but Oliver points at him before Ricky could speam. "Don't argue with me. You know you should go apologize to him."

"I hate it when you're right." Ricky sighed and went to find EJ.

Soon the rest of the members of the musical showed up to practice and the bomb shelter was filled with everyone talking. Carlos walked in, saying that they're going to run the vocals for 'Stick to the Status Quo'. Carlos asked if Oliver could play the piano. Oliver agreed to it since he loved playing piano and the music sheet for the piano part of the song was on the piano which meant he could easily play it. If there wasn't any music sheet then he wouldn't have been able to play it since he doesn't know the song on the piano.

Everyone gathered around the piano that Oliver sits at and he looks in front of him to find Gina standing there, looking at him with an encouraging smile. He smiles back at her and Carlos began counting down by hitting the tambourine he now held.

Oliver looks at the music sheet as he starts playing the song, singing along with everyone else on and off. "Oh, no, no, no. Stick to the stuff you know. It's better by far, to keep things as they are. Don't mess with the status quo, just stick to the stuff you know."

At the end, Carlos smiles widely at everyone, shaking his head. "I have no notes."

Everyone cheered, high fiving each other. Oliver shared a smile with Gina and high fived her. None of the students knew that Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazarra was watching by the door. Miss Jenn walked into the room with a smile on her face, applauding the students while Mr. Mazarra leaves.


"Oliver, I had no idea you were so good at piano!" Gina exclaims as the two of them entered the dressing room. "Seriously, you're so talented." She smiles softly at him. "What can you not do?"

"Thanks," Oliver shrugs, smiling shyly. He puts his hands in the pockets of his hoodie he wore. "And there's a lot of things I can't do. Like dancing." He smiles at her. "When you practiced your dance today after we sang, you did really great."

"Thanks." Gina smiles, shrugging her shoulders. "I was a little rocky though. It would've been a lot better if I had my dance shoes."

Oliver tilts his head to the side and furrows his eyebrows. "Did you forget them here?"

"No," Gina shakes her head. "I lost them and some other stuff as well." Oliver watches as she turns to the mirror in front of her, applying on lip-gloss that she took out of her make-up bag. He didn't even realize he was staring until she turns to face him, looking at him with a small smile. "Also, thanks for giving me a ride home. I should be ready to leave in a few minutes."

"Y-Yeah," Oliver stutters, feeling his face heat up. "Um, no problem."

"Hey, Gina," Oliver glances over at the door when Nini walks in and he furrows his eyebrows at seeing the black trash bag she held. Nini walks over to where Gina sat the row of vanity tables. "Do you have a second?"

Gina remarks, "That's all I have."

"I just wanna say, I don't know what happened with my phone, and I don't care anymore, and I know you don't like me. And I'm okay with that. But we have to respect each other and that starts with me." Nini explained.

Gina nods. "Okay."

"So, when I thought you stole my phone, I may have gone a little crazy. And then you said something mean and I may have gone extra crazy. Point is, I have come into possessions of a few of your things and I would like to return them to you." Nini said, dumping everything that was in the black trash bag she held onto the vanity table.

Oliver's eyes widen, just then realizing he forgot to tell Nini about how Gina put her phone in EJ's backpack. He meant to tell her earlier that day, but he forgot to and he still wasn't for sure if he should tell her or not. Maybe if he told her then she might've not stole Gina's stuff.

Gina's eyes widen at seeing all of her missing stuff there. "Wow."

"It was kind of a workout getting it all here." Nini comments. "I don't know how you walk around with all of this stuff. You must be freakishly strong." Nini cut her rambling short at seeing the unimpressed expression on Gina's face. "Um, but that's besides the point."

Gina shakes her head and stands up. "What is the point?"

"I'm not going to be a doormat for you," Nini replies. "But I'm also not going to be a klepto. So we can all just stay in our lane and find our own way to thrive. 'Stick to the status quo'."

Oliver shakes his head at the last thing she said, cringing slightly. Maybe she meant it to sound funny or even a reference to the musical, but Gina looked like she didn't find it amusing and honestly neither did Oliver. "Anyway," Nini continues. "I hope you enjoy having all of your randomly heavy stuff back. I'll see you at rehearshal."

"Just one thing before you go." Gina stops the girl from leaving the dressing room. "I didn't have your phone."

Oliver furrows his eyebrows when she said that. When Nini left the dressing room, Oliver shakes his head. "You did have her phone."

"What?" Gina asked, looking at him with confusion.

"I saw you put Nini's phone into EJ's backpack the other day at rehearsals." Oliver responded.

Gina shrugs. "I was only doing a favor for him."

Oliver raises his eyebrows, crossing his arms. "Why did you steal her phone for EJ?"

"You wouldn't understand." Gina shook her head and frowned.

Oliver is quiet for a few moments, starting at the floor as he thinks. "You stole her phone to get the lead role." Oliver realizes. He sighs, his eyes softening as he looks at Gina. "Gina, you realize that there are gonna be other musicals that you'll most likely get the lead role? You're super talented and you're going to get a lead role one day by earning it. Not because of stealing something."

Gina lets out a frustrated sigh as she began packing her things into her backpack. "Can we stop talking about this, please?"

"Sure." Oliver sighs, getting his keys that goes to his blue-colored truck out of his pockets when Gina is done. "You ready?"

"Let's go." Gina nodded, walking past him to the door, purposefully bumping into his shoulder. Oliver lets out a heavy sigh, following her outside.

A/N oof a lot happened in this chapter. but you got to find out what job oliver's mom has. she's a nurse :) honestly i based harley (his mom) off of melissa mccall from teen wolf. melissa was one of my fav adult characters from that show 

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