CHAPTER TWO, anxiety and support

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After the pep rally, Oliver found himself following the rest of the drama club down the hallway as Miss Jenn led them. "Follow me and keep your energy contained. I'm told we have a special visitor meeting us in the rehearsal room." Miss Jenn explained. Oliver raised his eyebrows, his curiosity growing. Who was this special guest that had to meet them?

"If it's Dani, somebody stop me from saying something stupid." Kourtney rambled excitedly while fixing her hair nervously.

"If it's Mack, somebody stop me if I flirt with him." Carlos quipped.

Oliver and the group were surprised when they saw a security guard and and police tape blocked the hallway they had to go to get to the bomb shelter. "Excuse me, hi." Miss Jenn gets the guard's attention with a smile. "My students and I need to get back to our rehearsal room."

"No can do. This hall has been rented out by Homecoming to pre-light for a scene." The security guard explained.

"But homecoming isn't for, like, a month." Ashlyn said with confusion.

"Between us, Homecoming is the secret code name for 'High School Musical 4'." The security guard added after leaning in and gesturing the group to lean in close. The group started to excitedly talk amongst themselves after that revelation. Oliver, on the other hand, was trying not to panic. His anxiety was growing the more the reality of the situation sunk in. Yes, he was so excited one of his favorite movie series were making a new movie and filming here, but at the same time, it scared him. He wasn't sure if he would be able to handle being around so many famous actors and actresses. He would have no idea how to act or what to say, and he had a feeling he would mess up in some way and embarrass himself.

He followed the rest of the group to the bomb shelter, after having to sneak in through some bushes. And unfortunately for Ashlyn, she was allergic to shrubs, but thankfully she was doing alright. Oliver sat down on the stands, smiling a little at Gina when she sat by him and laced their fingers together. 

"Hopefully, whatever this is won't take too long." Miss Jenn spoke up with a small smile.

Gasps filled the room as the back door opens and someone walks in. "Corbin's on the clock!" Corbin Bleu greeted the group of teens, who were all staring at him with excitement and shock and disbelief.

"Mr. Bleu?" Carlos gaped at Corbin and Oliver snickered a little, amused that Carlos pronounced Corbin's last name wrong.

Corbin admits the 'Frozen' documentary didn't turn out great, Carlos had admitted Seb wasn't talking to him and Ashlyn added that Big Red was studying abroad for a few months. Emmy chimed in with a unsettling comment, causing everyone to look at her with wide eyes.

"My mom's first husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances."

Oliver's eyes widen slightly and he couldn't tell if the freshman was lying or not, so he just gave her a weird look and turned his attention back to Corbin. "I hear you, and I think I found a way to make it up to you." Corbin grinned at the teens.

"Not another documentary crew. Please." Ashlyn begged.

"No, no, no, no. It's something way better. Allow me to invite some friends to explain." Corbin turned and called out the rest of the original cast of the 'High School Musical' series. Oliver's eyes widen in disbelief and he felt his mouth fall open. They were actually here? In the flesh? In real life? Oliver couldn't believe it. He had dreamed of meeting the original cast members, and now that dream was coming true. Excited cheers and yells filled the air as the original cast of the popular series walked into the room.

Miss Jenn sits down on the stands and Oliver saw she looked startled and a little upset which made him confuse and concerned about her, but before he could ask her what was wrong, Mo spoke up, explaining they wanted the fourth movie to feel authentic. Corbin told the group the plot of the new movie. It was the character's fifteen year high school reunion. Chad and Taylor were married, Martha is a world-class choreographer, Troy and Gabriella had some ups and downs (they were in couples' therapy at one point) but now they were stronger than ever, Ryan is happily married with twins on the way and Sharpay owned her own fashion line and married Peyton, from Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. The big plot twist is the future of East High Drama Department is on the line because Miss Darbus is retiring.

The celebrities explained they wanted the teens to be featured extras in every scene with Miss Darbus. Mo added that it was so better to cast a drama class with a real drama class. Oliver had to admit he did see the logic in that. But then he realized that meant he would be in a movie that millions of people would see. The thought made his anxiety grow even more, and his stomach churned. He fidgeted with a bracelet he wore with his free hand, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously. He couldn't help it, and he wished his mind would stop. But it wasn't and the anxiety wasn't going away.

He jumped, startled when he suddenly felt a squeeze from Gina's hand. He looks at her, and he saw a worried look on her face. She mouthed, "Are you okay?" He nodded, giving her a small smile, and he tried to make it look believable. She didn't buy it, but she didn't press the matter. Though she did pull her hand away and reached over to place her hand on his thigh and squeeze. He placed his hand on top of hers, grateful she was there. He felt his anxiety die down, but his stomach still churned and his heart was still hammering against his chest. He was still fidgeting with his bracelet, but his leg stopped bouncing and he was able to focus his attention on what the actors and actress were telling the group.

Kourtney had chimed in, saying that she thought Mack and Dani could consult them since they were the real life kids at East High. It was clear she just wanted to meet Dani, but the celebrities thought that was a great idea. Lucas told her she could cover Dani with showing her around and then asked for any volunteers to show Mack around. Ashlyn cut in, not so subtly talking about Gina, who blushed a little and shook her head. Oliver felt his anxiety grow as it was decided Gina would show Mack around school. He felt the irrational fear and jealousy that grew in his chest and he was ashamed and embarrassed by his emotions. He had no reason to be jealous, he knew that, but he couldn't stop himself.

"Rehearsals start this week." Corbin smiles. "Prepare for your entire lives to change. This time, for the better."

A small scowl formed on Oliver's face when he said that. How could this possibly be for the better? All this was doing was putting more pressure and stress on his already anxiety-filled brain. The thought of him messing up made his anxiety spike and he couldn't help the frown that appeared on his face. As everyone else cheered excitedly, him, Miss Jenn, and Ricky were the only ones who weren't excited.

-ˏˋ Oliver is shown pacing out in the hallway by the bomb shelter, fidgeting with his bracelet again. "Look, I'm just as excited about this as the others, but I also have a lot more pressure about it. I mean, being in a movie with the original cast of 'High School Musical'? It's a dream come true, but it's also terrifying." He admits, his voice shaky as he looks at the camera. "I just don't know if I can handle it. I'm scared I'm going to mess up and embarrass myself in front of everyone. I don't want to let anyone down, especially not Gina." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "But I guess I'll just have to suck it up and do my best. I don't really have a choice, do I?" He shrugs, a sad smile appearing on his face. "I just hope I can get through it without having a panic attack or something. That would be embarrassing." He chuckles weakly, his anxiety clearly visible in his eyes. "But now on top of everything else Gina is going to be showing around this guy who looks like he should be on the cover of a magazine, and I can't help but feel inadequate compared to him." Oliver's voice wavers, his insecurity palpable. "I trust Gina, but it's hard not to let those thoughts get to me, you know? I'm afraid I won't be enough, and I'm scared that she'll realize that." Oliver takes a deep breath, composing himself. "But I'm not going to let my fears and insecurities stop me. Everything will be fine, right? Right." He said with fake confidence, trying to reassure himself. -ˎˊ-

Oliver had snuck out into the hallway, needing a moment alone. His anxiety had gotten to him again, and he just needed a moment to breathe. As Oliver paced in the hallway, his mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The weight of the upcoming movie production bore down on him like a heavy burden, and he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of his stomach. The chatter and excitement from the drama club members inside the bomb shelter seemed distant, drowned out by the cacophony of his own anxious thoughts. He glanced at his bracelet, a simple accessory that provided some semblance of comfort in times of distress. With trembling fingers, he traced its familiar patterns, finding a small sense of solace in its presence. But even that wasn't enough to quell the rising tide of panic within him.

The last time he felt this overwhelmed was at summer camp with that documentary. Since then his anxiety had gotten worse and he was taking medication for it. It's been helping a lot, but sometimes like today it just got too much and he couldn't do anything about it. He could feel himself starting to have a panic attack, and his breathing became erratic as his chest tightened. He tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't seem to get a hold of his emotions. His heart was pounding in his ears, and he felt like the walls were closing in around him.

"Ollie, breathe."

His breath caught in his throat when he heard a familiar voice. His best friend, Ricky, stood in front of him, a look of concern on his face. He had been leaving the bomb shelter when he spotted his childhood best friend pacing and gripping his bracelet tightly. He could see the panic and fear in Oliver's eyes and knew that he was having a panic attack. He steps closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, man. Look at me."

Oliver's gaze flickered up to meet Ricky's, his chest still tight with anxiety. He struggled to focus on his friend's face, the world spinning around him in a dizzying blur. "R-Ricky..." He managed to choke out, his voice shaky and strained. He noticed students walking by, making him more anxious as they stared.

"Come on, man. Let's go somewhere else." Ricky takes Oliver's arm and guides him through the school to an empty classroom. He made Oliver sit down in a chair while he sat on the table in front of him. "Okay, Ollie. You're having a panic attack, and you need to breathe. Follow my breathing, okay?" He instructs gently, placing a hand on Oliver's shoulder to provide comfort and grounding. Ricky takes a deep breath in, and Oliver tries to follow suit, albeit shakily. Ricky continues, "In...And out. In...And out. You're doing great, buddy. Just keep breathing with me."

Oliver focuses on Ricky's steady breathing, trying to match his rhythm. Gradually, he feels the tightness in his chest begin to ease, and his racing heart slows its frantic pace. With each breath, he feels more grounded, more present in the moment. Ricky's calming presence and reassuring words help anchor him in reality, providing a lifeline amidst the storm of his anxiety. As his panic subsides, a wave of exhaustion crashes over him, leaving him feeling drained and worn out. He sags forward, resting his head in his hands, letting out a long, weary sigh. "I hate this..."

"I know, man. I'm sorry." Ricky rubs his shoulder, and he felt himself relax a little. "But you got through it, and that's what matters. You're strong, Ollie. You'll be okay." He pauses before adding, "I noticed your anxiety seemed to be getting worse lately. Have you talked to your therapist about it?"

Oliver sighs a little at the mention of his therapist. He had started going to a therapist after his summer camp experience. She had helped him a lot with his anxiety and insecurities. He was still seeing her, but he had been slacking off and hadn't been as open with her lately. He felt a little weird going to a therapist, but it was helping him a lot, and he knew he needed the help. "I haven't been going as often as I should." He admits quietly, glancing down at his hands. "I just...It's hard to talk about it sometimes, you know? It's like, I know I should go, and that it's good for me, but it's hard to actually do it."

Ricky nods in understanding, giving him a small smile. "I get it, man. It's not easy to talk about things like that. But you have to remember that you're not alone, okay? We're all here for you, and we want to help you. So don't be afraid to reach out, even if it's just to talk or vent or whatever. We'll always be here for you, Ollie."

Oliver smiles a little at his friend's words, feeling touched by their support. He was grateful to have such amazing friends in his life. "Thanks, Rick. I appreciate it. And I'll try to be better about talking to my therapist....You really think I'll be able to do this, though?" He asked, a hint of doubt creeping into his voice. He started fidgeting with his bracelet again, the familiar motion bringing a small amount of comfort.

Ricky gives him an encouraging smile, nodding confidently. "Of course you will, man. You're Oliver Dalwood. You're the strongest, bravest guy I know. If anyone can do this, it's you." He says, his voice filled with sincerity. "Just remember that we're all in this together, and we'll get through it, just like we always do." He pulled his hand away and offered it to him in a fist to do their secret handshake they made when they were younger.

Oliver's smile widens and he sits up straighter, feeling a new sense of determination. He met his friend's fist with his own, completing their handshake. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Rick. You always know what to say."

Ricky grins, playfully nudging his arm. "I've got your back, dude. Always have, always will."

With his friend's encouragement, Oliver felt the weight of his anxiety lifting, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and confidence. Ricky had been there with him his whole life, helping him through many rough times. Oliver knew that no matter what happened, they would always be there for each other, supporting each other through thick and thin. And with that knowledge, Oliver felt a spark of hope ignite within him, filling him with the strength and courage he needed to face whatever challenges may come his way.


That night after school, Oliver found himself watching Mark and Spark, the show Mack starred in when he was younger. He never seen it before but clearly it was a favorite of Gina's. He thought it was cute, but he couldn't get past a few episodes.

"Hey, Oli-" Dahlia pauses when she saw her older brother watching the show. "Are you seriously watching that show and moping?"

"I'm not moping." He argued, though he was clearly pouting.

"Really?" She asks, a skeptical eyebrow raised. "'Cause it sure looks like it." She walks into his room and sat next to him on the bed, crossing her legs. "Is this about Gina and Mack?"

"I'm not jealous." Oliver insisted, crossing his arms.

"Didn't say you were." She says innocently, a small smirk playing on her lips. "But it's clear you are. I mean, I don't blame you. Mack is pretty hot." She pauses, studying her brother's expression. "But you know Gina loves you, right? And just because she might have a crush on Mack doesn't mean she's going to leave you for him."

Oliver sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Dahls. It's just...Hard, you know? Seeing her get all excited about him and knowing I can't compete with that."

Dahlia reaches over and nudges her brother's shoulder gently. "You don't have to compete, Oli. Gina's with you because she loves you for who you are, not because of some celebrity crush. And if she decides to leave you for him, then she wasn't worth it in the first place."

Oliver chuckles a little at her words, shaking his head. "You're right. I shouldn't be so worried about this. It's just a celebrity crush, right? It'll probably go away soon."

Dahlia shrugs, leaning back on her elbows. "Maybe, maybe not. But even if it doesn't, that doesn't mean Gina's gonna leave you for him. You guys have a strong relationship, Oli. And I know you love her too. Just trust in that, okay?" She pauses before adding, "Plus, if she does break your heart, I'll kick her a** for you."

Oliver smiles at his sister, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Dahls. You're a good sister, you know that?"

Dahlia smirks, leaning against his shoulder. "Yeah, I know. Now, how about we watch something other than that dumb show, hm?"

"Sounds good to me." He agrees, reaching for the remote and turning off the TV. "What do you wanna watch?"

"Hmm..." She taps her chin as she thought. "Oh! Can I convince you to watch 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine'? It's hilarious, and I think you'll love it."

Oliver chuckles, nodding in agreement. "Sure, why not? I've heard good things about it."

Dahlia grins, grabbing the remote from him and pulling up the show on the streaming service. As they settle in to watch, Oliver feels a sense of comfort wash over him, grateful for his sister's presence and support. Despite his lingering worries and insecurities, he knows that with his friends and family by his side, he can face whatever challenges come his way. Or at least he hoped so.


Oliver and Dahlia eventually stopped watching the show and got ready for bed. He had to admit he enjoyed the show, and he promised his sister he would watch the rest with her. He was climbing into bed when his phone chimed with a notification. He smiled when he saw it was from Gina, a text asking if he was free. He shot her a quick reply and she called him almost immediately.

"Hey, baby." Gina's sweet voice came through the phone, causing a blush to form on his cheeks. "How are you? Ricky told me what happened earlier, I'm so sorry I was just caught up in the excitement."

"It's fine, Gina." Oliver reassures her, rubbing his forehead. "I understand, really. Ricky helped me out."

Gina let out a sigh of relief, a small smile forming on her face. "Good, I'm glad. I just hate I wasn't there to help you, but I'm glad you had someone with you."

"So..." Oliver starts, his curiosity getting the better of him. "How was spending time with Mack?"

"He's not as great as I thought he would be." Gina admits, surprising Oliver. "He's kind of a jerk, actually....Although to be fair I did walk in on him when he was getting his measurements...I didn't know when I should've came to show him around," Gina continues, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "But yeah, he was pretty dismissive and rude. Not exactly the charming, friendly guy I was expecting."

Oliver's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Really? That's unexpected. I guess appearances can be deceiving."

"Yeah, definitely." Gina agrees, her tone thoughtful. "But you know what? It made me appreciate you even more, Oli. You're kind, considerate, and you always make me feel special. No celebrity crush could ever compare to that."

She had no idea how much he needed to hear that right now. He didn't know how she always seemed to know the perfect thing to say, but he was grateful for it. A soft smile spreads across his face, his heart warming at her words. "Thank you, Gina. That means a lot to me. I love you."

"I love you, too, Ollie." Gina responds, her voice full of affection. "You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. Now get some sleep, baby. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, babe. Goodnight." Oliver ended the call, feeling better than he has all day. Maybe everything would be okay after all.

A/N ugh i love olina so much 

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