chapter five

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Season one, episode fourteen

  HUNTER FELT ABSOLUTELY USELESS AS HE stood around, not being able to help Bonnie, Sky, and Sheila with the spell to open up the tomb. Of course, it also didn't help that Damon Salvatore kept saying what good is a witch with no powers, or, why are you even here? Honestly, the Saltzman boy didn't even know the damn answer.

He was just there... for support?

"We're ready." Bonnie spoke up, snapping the boy out of his depressed state. Feeling useless was never a good thing, especially to a person who never really felt well... anything, at all.

"Then let's speed this up, I want to see my girl." Damon spoke, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

"If she even wants you." Hunter mumbled, knowing his vampire ears would hear it.

"What did you just say?" The older Salvatore asked, stepping up to him while trying to be intimidating. The Saltzman boy didn't flinch, in fact, he didn't do anything at all.

Sky did.

"Back away." The blonde quickly waved her hand, using her magic to throw the vampire to the ground a few feet away. "I've had a bad week, and you are going to shut up, let us do our spell, and then get the hell out of here, got it?"

She received a simple nod from Damon before she faintly smiled, letting out a sigh as her, Bonnie, and Sheila held hands. Hunter kept in a laugh, him and Elena exchanging glances knowing they were supposed to be serious in that moment. It was just funny to see a sixteen year old stick it to an ancient vampire.

"What are they saying?" Damon asked the Saltzman boy as the witches began to chant.

"Take a wild guess, Dracula." Hunter shrugged lightly, not wanting to help the vampire in the slightest.

From what he's seen and heard, this guy was the absolute worst of the vamps who were already terrible.

"Is it supposed to take such a long time?" Elena asked as the minutes passed by, the young teen growing worried.

"It's a tough spell, they are awesome for even being able to do it at all." Hunter explained simply, biting on his bottom lip nervously. "I just wish they could channel me... but they can't."

He didn't want any of them getting hurt.

"What's happening?" The Gilbert girl questioned as she jumped back, the fire in the torches around them growing.

"It worked." Bonnie breathed out in disbelief, the tomb opening up behind them.

"Of course it worked." Grams replied simply, the woman knowing that they were powerful enough to open it.

"We have some fires to build." Damon glanced at Hunter. "Go help Stefan with the gas, will you?"

"Stefan is a vampire, he can carry that on his own." The Saltzman boy answered, wary of the mans intentions.

"He's right." The younger Salvatore nodded before pressing a soft kiss on his girlfriends cheek. "I'll be back."

After his brother knew he was out of sight, Damon reached out to grab Elena, "Are you ready?"

"What?" Sky questioned with her brows furrowed.

"She's coming with me." The Salvatore insisted, his eyes hungry to just reach who he deemed the love of his life already.

"So you can seal me in?" Elena asked with a scoff.

"Don't take her in, i'll bring the walls down." Grams warned as Damon pulled the Gilbert girl into his chest.

"You'll bring the walls down if I don't. You think I trust you?" The Salvatore asked angrily.

"Just let her go." Hunter said, looking the man in the eyes. "You are being paranoid."


"Enough, all of you." Elena said loudly. "Look, he needs leverage. He needs to know that you're not going to shut the door when he gets inside. I get it, i'll go."

Once again, feeling helpless as his closest friends best friend was being dragged away wasn't nice. There were times when Hunter wanted to use his magic, consequences be damned but, that was way too selfish. He had a lot of people to think about, not just himself.

"Are you okay? All of you?" He asked, letting out a sigh as he looked at all the women around him. "That spell was hard, maybe you should sit down."

"You're right, I feel a little lightheaded." Sky replied, sitting down on a nearby rock as she placed a hand on her forehead.

Bonnie walked over to the girl, placing the back of her palm on the blonde's face to check her temperature.

"Are you alright, Sheila?" Hunter asked, his nurturing side coming out.

Which was a rarity.

"I'm fine, child. Don't you worry about me. Just make sure they are alright." Grams smiled faintly, the boy nodding as he made his way over to the two girls.

"How do you feel?" Hunter questioned, looking into Bonnie's worried eyes, it seemed like she felt something bad would happen, and that worried him.

"I'm fine." The Bennett girl replied, a faint smile making him let out a deep breath before he turned to Sky.

"How we holding up, kid?" The Saltzman boy questioned, laughing slightly as the girl looked at him.

"I'm so... tired." The Laveau girl replied, her eyes slowly closing shut before she fell over, her cousin catching her in his arms.

"This isn't good." Hunter mumbled, everyone putting their full attention on the blonde as a vampire tried to sneak past them.

"You aren't going in there." Bonnie warned, the girl stopping to look at her.

"You think you can stop me?" She asked menacingly, the Bennett witch stepping forward, she wasn't scared, and that's something that the Saltzman boy admired about her.

"Bonnie." Sheila shook her head, taking the girls arm before pulling her backwards to let the vampire in.

She wasn't going to let her granddaughter get hurt.

"Come on, Sky. Wake up." Hunter said to the younger girl, shaking her. He was relieved she was still breathing but, the state she was in was worrying him beyond belief.

"Why did you let her in?" Bonnie asked her grandmother angrily, the Saltzman boy wanting to hear the answer as he looked up to the older witch.

"Because she isn't coming out, none of them are." She explained.

"You are the coolest grandma i've ever met." Hunter replied, breathing out in disbelief.

Something about her was inspiring, and he really wanted to learn more from her.

  OF COURSE, AFTER HEARING ELENA SCREAM, Stefan decided to enter the tomb, even after realizing that he would never be able to come out. Hunter wondered if he would ever be able to love someone in that way, to risk his life for them. In some ways it was cute, and in others, it was just downright stupid.

"Help me, or i'll do it alone!" Bonnie insisted, holding the Grimoire in her hands tightly.

"Bon, you can't do this, you don't understand. It took three of you to do that spell and look what it did to Sky, how are you going to do an even stronger one with two of you?" Hunter tried to reason, the girl not listening to him one bit.

"I'll help her." Grams spoke up, a serious look in her eyes. "I know by now there's no changing her mind."


"It's fine, Hunter. It'll be fine." The elder Bennett woman said to him, smiling faintly to reassure him. "I know if you could, you would. From what you told me though, shouldn't be playing with those witches your family got involved with."

He had told the other woman a bit earlier the reasoning for him not being able to do magic. Being a teacher of all things witchy, Grams knew all about the witch faction that had always threatened his family. It was a relief to finally have someone understand it all.

... however, them doing this spell was giving him the opposite feeling.

"Elena...." Bonnie said as the girl ran out of the tomb. "Stefan—"

"He's right behind me." The Gilbert girl interrupted, the girl confused upon seeing him lurk at the edge of the exit. "Stefan, what are you doing?"

"It's going to be okay, we'll fix it." Bonnie spoke carefully, trying not to anger the girl.

"What is it?" Elena questioned, the look on her face a mix between hurt and angry all at once.

"She didn't know, Elena!" Hunter spoke up, he wasn't going to stand for the brunette being mad at her best friend, it wasn't her fault, not at all.

"I can't." Stefan said, defeat evident in his voice.

"Can't? Can't what?" The Gilbert girl asked, slowly backing away from the tomb.

Hunter figured the answer was pretty obvious since the vampire hadn't exited the tomb but, he decided to stay quiet about it.

"The spell's still up. We can't get them out. Yet." Bonnie informed her with a sigh.

"You went in there not knowing if you could come back out." Elena asked, her voice shaking as she did. "Oh my god."

"I heard you scream." Stefan said simply, Hunter not being able to take the lovey dovey conversation anymore as he turned to Sky to try and wake her up, yet again.

The girl wouldn't respond to his shaking, and he knew it was because she had overused her powers. She had fought her way out of her old family home after being attacked, done a locator spell, and helped the Bennett's with the tomb in less than two days. It was all too much, and she needed her rest.

"I think it's working!" Elena screamed over the chants of the witches as the vampire from earlier came out with what looked to be her mother.

Hunter looked to the side and noticed Bonnie and Grams becoming weaker and weaker, the feeling of uselessness once again setting in.

If only he could help them.

"Elena, your boyfriend better get the hell out of there because they aren't going to be able to do this much longer." The Saltzman boy yelled firmly, the Gilbert girl nodding as she ran over to the tomb to call out to him.

"I can't!" Bonnie yelled, almost stumbling to the ground as her grandmother caught her.

"Yes you can!" Grams yelled back, the chanting continuing as the younger Bennett, insecure in her magic abilities began to falter.

"You can do it, Bon. Focus on something, anything, and channel it! I believe in you." Hunter yelled, his words sincere as the girl nodded toward him, continuing the spell.

Finally, Stefan, Damon, and Elena exited, the night seemingly over.

    HUNTER HAD TAKEN THE BENNETT'S TO SHEILAS, and thankfully, they let Sky crash on their couch. She hadn't woken up yet but, the girls snores were enough to show them that she would be okay. So, he smiled as he seen the girl sleep, because she looked more relaxed in that moment than she ever had.

"Sweet dreams, kid." He mumbled, scrambling up to his feet.

"Is she okay?" Elena asked carefully, tilting her head to the side as she watched the blonde.

"She'll be fine, she's just recharging, I guess." Hunter shrugged lightly, smiling once again. His cousin was okay, and she was one of the only people he cared about. Meaning, he was happy in that moment.

"Hunter! Elena!" Bonnie shrieked, both of them exchanging worried glances as they ran toward the yell, the source coming from Sheila's room. "Grams! Wake up! Wake up! She's not breathing, she's just not breathing! Please, wake up!"

"Elena, call an ambulance!" The Saltzman boy instructed, the Gilbert boy standing there in shock. "Go!"

The girl ran out of the room, hoping that she could make the phone call in time. She was going to feel guilty if she didn't, they all were. Grams helped them a lot, and if it weren't for her, things could have gotten much worse that night.

"I'm going to fix this, I have to fix this! Hunter, help me." Bonnie begged, the girl sobbing as tears poured down her face.

"Bon." Hunter said quietly, wrapping his arms around the girl. At first, she fought his embrace until the reality that Grams had just died sunk in, the girl sobbing into his chest.

Turns out, the spell was too strong.

Can I just say that the first time I seen this episode I SOBBED like it wasn't even funny, I was crying like a baby.

Do you think this will bring Hunter and Bonnie closer or being them apart?

Hope you enjoyed!

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