chapter four

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Season one, episode fourteen

HUNTER GROANED UPON HEARING A KNOCK at the front door, one that just wouldn't stop. He had been up all night with Sky, and while he loved the girl with literally all his heart, he was super annoyed and tired by the next morning. That, added by the incessant ringing and buzzing of his phone was pissing him off.

"Who is it—" the Saltzman boy stopped upon seeing a familiar face at the door, smiling as he shook his head. "Oh look, the vampire."

"I need your help, it's Elena." Stefan didn't bother with introductions, through their few interactions, he knew that Hunter wouldn't care for them anyways.

"That girl really knows how to get herself into trouble." The teen clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Maybe you should lock her up in a tower or something."

"Funny." The Salvatore retorted, shaking his head. "Can you help, please?"

"How do you want me to help? Maybe you should all go to the police like regular people, it would make your lives a lot easier, I promise." Hunter responded, the boy leaning up against the door frame.

"You are a witch, aren't you?" Stefan questioned, furrowing his brows.

"I prefer magic connoisseur, witch is really Salem, but sure." The Saltzman boy shrugged. "Is there a point you are approaching?"

"I just need a locator spell." The Salvatore's eyes seemed desperate, like this was a life and death situation.

.. and maybe it was.

"Listen, Elena seems like a nice girl and all but, I can't do magic, literally." Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "Unless you prefer a natural disaster, random mass murder, or something else of epic proportions to plague Mystic Falls."

"I'm begging." Stefan responded. "Please?"

"I can'—"

"I can do magic." Sky spoke up, her blanket wrapped neatly around her. "If you really need it."

"I don't want you getting involved in this stuff, Sky. It's bad news, he's bad news, Bonnie told me all about him." Hunter explained, the blonde shaking her head at his words.

"We can't just let someone get hurt." The Laveau girl let out a slight sigh. "Besides, i've been in my fair share of trouble lately."

"Exactly why you shouldn't—"

"I'm doing the damn spell." Sky interrupted, sighing as she threw her blanket on the couch, walking towards the door. "Are you coning or not?"

At that point, he didn't really have much of a choice.

  HUNTER AND STEFAN HEADED TOWARDS A MOTEL room that Sky had tracked Elena to. She stayed downstairs, ready to keep watch and use her magic on anyone who came to seemed sketchy. Hunter couldn't do magic, of course but, the boy was no stranger to fighting so he figured he'd be fine.

"Do we have any kind of plan?" The Saltzman boy questioned, raising a slight brow.

"Get Elena, that's all that matters." The Salvatore responded calmly.

"Eh, good enough." Hunter shrugged as Stefan bursted through the motel room door, the witch running over to the curtain to open it up. "Bonnie—"

He was shocked to see the girl running toward him, throwing herself into his arms as Elena ran passed them. He held her, slowly backing out of the room as Stefan approached the boy that the Bennett teen had been on a date with. That angered him slightly, knowing he should have realized she was missing sooner.

"Are you okay?" The Saltzman boy asked, placing his hands on the girls face.

"Yeah." Bonnie responded, nodding her head slowly. She seemed out of it, her eyes almost void of any emotion. "How did you find me?"

"My cousin did a spell." Hunter explained, helping her towards the stairs where Elena had already run all the way down. "She came from back home. It looks like a lot of bad things have been happening without me noticing."

The Bennett girl furrowed her brows at the comment, tilting her head slightly.

"What else happened?" Her attention seemed to shift completely towards the boy instead of the fact that she had just been kidnapped as she stopped him from walking.

"My uh..." Hunter paused as he rubbed the back of his neck. "My whole family was killed, Sky was the only survivor. She'll be fine—... I think? I mean, she's always been strong. I just don't know what I can do for her. Alaric already said we have no room for her and—"

"What about you? Are you okay?" Bonnie asked thoughtfully, her being the first person in awhile to actually care to ask.

"I uh... I guess, I don't really know." The Saltzman boy shrugged lightly. "My family wasn't really a fan of me but uhm, I guess it's just a weird feeling, you know?"

Instead of speaking, the Bennett girl struck her friend by surprise when she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"At least we're both okay." She spoke in his ear.

Making him feel a wave of relaxation he hadn't in a very long time.

MEETING GRAMS HAD BEEN A NERVE WRECKING, yet humbling experience for Hunter. She was so wise in the ways of life and magic, and as someone who had to learn everything he knew on his own, the boy appreciated that. None of his family ever wanted to teach him, for good reason.

"What do we do now?" Elena asked as they all entered the living room, the group having left Bonnie alone to talk to her grandma a few minutes before.

"For now, you all need to stay here." Stefan responded confidently, nobody wanting to hear that answer.

"A prisoner in my own home? I don't think so." Grams shook her head lightly in protest.

"We are sitting ducks in here or out there." Hunter added, defending the Bennett womans comment.

"I can't protect any of you if you leave the house." Stefan tried to reason, again, nobody wanting to hear that.

"We'll protect ourselves." Grams retorted.

"None of us can be scared of this guy, he's just a vampire." Hunter added, folding his arms over his chest.

"We need to let him have Katherine back. He's not going to stop until he gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it." Elena tried reasoning.

"No! He doesn't deserve to get what he wants." Bonnie protested, shaking her head.

"Me and Hunter aren't exactly caught up on the Katherine drama but, from what you've told us, she's a psycho, raging, vampire bitch so, why would we let her out, again?" Sky questioned carefully, not looking up from her feet.

"What other choice do we have?" Elena asked, letting out a sigh.

"Witches being pulled down by vampire problems. As much as we tried to do to stay out of it. I'll open the tomb. You get your brother's girl, and destroy the rest with fire. Then this will be over." Grams instructed, her demeanor calm, cool, and collected.

"We still have to get Damon to agree." Stefan said, the vampire skeptical of the plan.

"He already agreed once." Elena spoke, everybody still not convinced.

"How hard can it be to get him to agree again?" Hunter questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"We double crossed him, now he's angry." Stefan explained simply.

"He's hurt, there's a difference. I think I know what I have to do." Elena said aloud, everyone turning their attention toward her.

All knowing that her plan had to work.

Here is a new chapter, Hunter and Sky will be keeping what happened a secret for a little longer so don't be aggravated that we don't talk about it right away!

3 words to describe Hunter?

Hope you enjoyed!

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